The Amazing List of Ideas [Updated 03/07/2014]

IGN Valeeras
IGN Valeeras
Vakirauta wrote:
Neosoph wrote:
POE is the best game I have ever played.

It indeed is, but your amazing mercenary idea would make it the worst game you have ever played. Hell no -1.

No it wouldn't. Quit being such a drama queen.

Having a mercenary you could equip (like diablo 2) would be fun. It would add to the itemization of the game. You could even add special mercenary effects or dialogue that could add to the storyline.
IGN Valeeras
My Future Is Not Where My Dream Is.
IGN Valeeras
IGN Valeeras
IGN Valeeras
IGN Valeeras
IGN Valeeras
POE is the best game I have ever played. [2]

Here is my feedback about your suggestions:

Game Ideas & Improvements:

  • Option to always show item level without having to pick it up and type /itemlevel. Maybe, but I'm indifferent. +0
  • Always show item level while in the sell screen for merchants (/itemlevel doesn't work in that screen). I don't care, again. +0
  • Show item level while in the player trading screen (since you can't pick another person's
    item up and type /itemlevel) Good. +1
  • Confirmation button for breaking a 6 Link (Credits to oreo1981) Can be a bit strange to add such option just for 6Ls. -1
  • Ability to limit # of players that join your party. I would like this. +1
  • Ability to filter who can join party by lvl. And this. +1
  • Ability to set loot to a permanent default state other than SA (FFA, SA, PA - so you don’t accidentally enter a map with the wrong loot setting). I'm happy the way it is now. +0
  • Permanent ping on your navigation map when uniques and maps drop. Would be an excess. -1
  • Four-linked items able to be vendored for 1 fusing. Would affect the rarity of fusings. I don't want it. -1
  • Prevent people from advertising their trades via party names; it makes it more difficult to find groups and detracts from gameplay. It just shows there are people who are not satisfied with the current selling and buying systems (like me)(no, i'm not doing this lol). I think an auction house would resolve the problem better (yes, I know GGG don't want one). -1
  • Increase drop rate of higher level maps for higher level players. Would make rarer maps more commom. We don't have many maps. I'm waiting for new acts to come and changes to Eternal Labboratory. -1
  • DPS & damage taken meters. I don't care. I would like a bestiary instead of this. -1
  • Gauge that shows the % of map that has been explored. Yes, prefereably inside the map screen. And I am waiting for GGG's new model of maps also. +1
  • Ability to see player names on navigation maps (this is a big one). I don't care, but I would like to see their signaling coming in colors. Red for marauders, purple for templars, blue for witches, etc. +0
  • Typing slash (/itemlevel) commands won't remove you from party chat, trade chat, etc. Huh?
  • Shrines. (Credits to Awanya) Yes. +1
  • When you click your attack on an allied player your attack hits that players target. A bit confusing to add. -1
  • Ability to link what others link in chat. Not necessary. -1
  • When shards stack into an orb, make that orb stack into other orbs rather than creating a new single orb (space saver). YES. +1
  • Machine that rapidly uses the orbs you put into it to get a desired result. E.g. Six-linking an item with hundreds of fusing orbs. NO. -1
  • Mercenary followers. It needs a separted topic just to discuss this. Makes sense btw. I am always wondering how a bunch of unorganized exiles all alone are making so much changes to a place so big as Wraeclast. I still preffer a guild system, it's way easier. -1
  • Display that clearly shows which auras are active. Maybe add the little circular rotating graphic that shows which auras are ON/OFF to the skill selection menu that comes up when you click one of your skill slots. Wait, we already have this, don't we?
  • The Self Found League - Can only use the items you yourself found, no trading. (Credits to polymortis) No. To say the truth, I'm waiting for leagues Descent alike. I'm tired of notallowingthisorthatleagues. -1
  • Way to message all of your friends at once (/f all). Maybe, maybe on guild systems too. But I don't care at all. +0
  • Option to temporarily kick a party member to where they can't simply rejoin immediately after (ban option). I am indifferent to this. +0
  • 15% exp penalty is a bit high, 10% would be more reasonable considering the bugs and desync issues in this beta. I'm all for a challenging game, but the desync kinda ruins the challenge. I don't think so. I like penalties, sounds like real life. Desync and bugs are different problems and demand different solutions. -1
  • Show status ailments under name bar for monsters (see how many shocks you’ve applied, etc.). YES, now. +1
  • Show how long ago friends were online. I don't care. +0
  • Ability to type text above your head. No. Im totally against adding more letters and numbers to the main screem. It's ugly. -1
  • Ability to see passive refund effects on your character before spending the refund point. We already have this.
  • Ability to select a certain amount from a stack in the trade window. Good. +1
  • Ability to make a note for each friend you add. e.g. “I met this person on Monday” or “This is the guy I am waiting to get online so I can do X trade.” Not a priority for me, but can be useful. +1
  • Show which maps are up on which instance in the instance manager. Ok. +1
  • As far as I know, there is no sound effect for picking up or dropping a flask. I think it's useless. -1
  • Say who the player was killed by and have the monster insult you: "Crustacean Sniper has killed Neosoph." "Crustacean Sniper: Noob." (Credits to SimonKing) NO, stop bringing League of Legends to this game, they don't have the same premise! -1
  • Map Mod Idea: "Players are drunk" - Players randomly experience blurriness, screen shaking, or random colors. This game aims to have a dark atmosphere. I think this would totally break the mood. -1

Microtransaction Ideas & Improvements:

  • Helm item effects should replace the helm you put them on. For example, putting ice crown on Alpha's Howl looks terrible. An option to not show helms in-game might alleviate this problem. I think a good solution would be when activating a microtransaction gear effect replacing the original picture showed on the inventary with the corresponding visual you see in game and, of couse, an option not to show headgear also. +0
  • Discounted microtransactions for regal, divine, exalted members, etc. This might be better incentive for people to donate as this would be a permanent discounted sale rather than a finite amount of points (economics 101). No, no and no. And i'm not saying this for me, but for GGG. The purpose of the discounts is to incentivate people who can't or don't want to pay much money to participate in helping the game's improovement, it's good for everybody. When you add currency to the system, you're depreciating the value of point packs. -1

Forum Ideas & Improvements:

  • Ability to look by last topic in forum profile, not just posts. I don't care. +0
  • Better BBCode. I'm curious why it is so limited? I don't care. +0
  • Ability to post your entire character (gear, passive tree, stats, etc.) in one click the way you can with items. Or even be able to select what you would like to publish specifically. Can be useful. Not that I really care for this. +1
  • Character counter on signature edit page. +0

Miscellaneous Ideas & Improvements:

  • This one is more geared for the community: A spreadsheet that shows what map lvl is most efficient for experience farming at which level (e.g. player lvl 75 would be lvl 70 map, player lvl 80 would be lvl 73 map, etc.) The spreadsheet would show which completed maps will yield the highest % experience at your character level. On the spreadsheet you could also show how experience works in and out of parties. Only player lvl 70-99 would need to be mapped. +0

That was my thoughts about these things, do not take it personally.
Last edited by KieranGravebane#7509 on Jul 14, 2013, 8:18:07 PM

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