The Amazing List of Ideas [Updated 03/07/2014]

IGN Valeeras
Hey! , I would like you to check my "HUNTING GAME!!" post and leave your opinion if you would :). Thanks.
I suggest that passive skilltree should grow bigger into about 4000 nodes, plus a free full respec for all players.
Show overcapped resists: Maybe have something like 75/143 lightning resist (Credits to Schnupfndrache7)?

This is done ?! (free bump)
Made a thread about this idea earlier but I suppose it was at the wrong time and didn't get much attention. Here's what I thought might open up a few potentially awesome builds. Two gems:

1) % chance to cast on block

2) % chance to cast on dodge

Obviously the chances themselves would have to be balanced but I think they could make for some interesting builds!

Mivvi wrote:
Made a thread about this idea earlier but I suppose it was at the wrong time and didn't get much attention. Here's what I thought might open up a few potentially awesome builds. Two gems:

1) % chance to cast on block

2) % chance to cast on dodge

Obviously the chances themselves would have to be balanced but I think they could make for some interesting builds!


More trigger gems like them would be awesome.

I suggest % chance to cast on minion summon and % chance to cast on minion death.
Last edited by PHRandom#0174 on Dec 30, 2013, 11:18:31 AM
destrock wrote:
Ok, I wanted to start reading this 2 weeks ago. If I don't do it little by little I will never do it so I will read it 1 section per day. I see now how discouraging a "wall of blood" can be hahaha.

By the way are those ideas from you only or from other people on the forum or both ? Because I recognize a couple of my ideas in your list :P I will + 2 the ideas I gave a couple months ago (maybe it will make more pounds to convince GGG to do it (yeah yeah I'm that famous, everybody know me and everybody want to copy me LOL)), + 1 to the good ideas I see that I did not think about and for the bad ideas I will explain you why they are bad (I guess in that big list there is at least 1 bad idea ?)

General :

- DPS & damage taken meters to see how you are doing and/or what killed you.

+ 2 (a dmg recap like in league of legends would do the job)

- The ability to create private chat groups: "/join SuperCoolPeopleOnly" (Credits to Cremice).

+ 2 and euh credits to Destrock too ty :D I suggested that even before GGG staff start thinking of adding twitch.

- Inventory auto-sort (Credits to loCurnus).

+ 1

- An ability to create a build on the online passive tree calculator, then import it in-game. Applying an online build in-game can get rather meticulous (Credits to Kurtlolz).

+ 1 (We can see our chest/inventory from the website, the opposite is probably easy to do (except maybe because of some hacking protection...)

- Mercenary followers. You could further increase POE's itemization and storyline complexity by having little followers that talk to you and fight. They don't have to be human followers. In fact, you could add an entire "mercenary appearance" section in microtransactions.

euh ??? You mean like a diablo 2 mercenary ??? a npc for some quests ? I don't think they would waste their time doing a AI better than our skeletons/zombies/spectres just for 1-3 quests. The npc would always die.

- A notes tab for each character. (Credits to muzzol)

+ 1

- The Self Found League - Can only use the items you yourself found, no trading & items are destroyed when you throw them on the ground (if other players are near). (Credits to polymortis)

+ 1

- Ability to move the chatbox around the screen, change it's colors, it's shape, etc. I still think it is very basic and unpolished.

+ 2

Maps :

- Map Mod Idea: "Players are drunk" - Players randomly experience blurriness, screen shaking, or random colors.

Well it can be original but that idea will never pass the restrictions. Children play that game... Search another word instead of drunk, something possible in a magical world...

- Adapted from Faerindel's post: A map (rare drop, maybe unique "Limbo Map") in softcore that you would use to get your 10% experience back after you die. The map has zero IIQ, so no items would drop. It would be a double or nothing type of map where you could earn your experience back, but if you died in there you would lose another 10% on top of what you already lost. The level of the map could be your ilvl (maxed at 77). This item could act as a "get out of jail free" card for dying in softcore and it present itself as another form of currency in POE.

+ 0/1 ... I don't think they could do that because of the way they made the xp mechanic in their game. Another possible way to get our xp back would be to use the MMOs method, some kind of blue bar xp based on the time you been offline, some kind of daily "free" xp but everybody would have that, it would not add a new kind of currency in the game. (or give a little bar portion every time we kill an exile bot because they are often hard to kill, instead of basing the xp bar on the offline time ?).

- Give maps a time trial incentive: If you complete a map before the timer runs out you are rewarded with a chest or maybe a "Cartographer" NPC that rewards you with maps if you save him/her from the boss in time (Credits to Tuftronic).

MMhh not clear. When we kill the unique boss only or when we kill every single mobs ??? If the unique boss only I say no beter it would be too easy to stack attack speed / casting speed with a movement skill. If we would have to kill every mobs, yeah ok. It would give no time ti pick the yellow stuff but if the reward would be decent it could be a different way to "farm", it would be original. Maps get boring fast enough...

Microtransactions :

- Helm item effects should replace the helm you put them on. For example, putting ice crown on Alpha's Howl looks terrible. An option to not show helms in-game might alleviate this problem.

+ 1 , even without a microtransaction, i would remove my helmet on my duellist, that crusader helmet look like a garbage on my head because of my armor lol.

- Discounted microtransactions for regal, divine, exalted members, etc. This might be a better incentive for people to donate as this would be a permanent discounted sale rather than a finite amount of points (virtual economics 101).

mmhhh yes and no. Cosmetic is cosmetic so we don't care, I mean if they are rich enough go for it, it will not change my gameplay but I have 2 problems with that. 1. There is some special events time to time, like the one we had (2 months ago i think ?) with a in game screenshot of our char... it would be even easier for them to win those events. 2. Why giving that reduction to rich people only ??? There is a couple ways to be fair for everybody, by example you could base the reduction on the TOTAL spent (Y myself bought the normal bronze pack and the normal survivor pack, it's 100$... In 2013 there is many humble bundle at 5$ for 5 good games lol... 100$ is a lot for a single game. I don't play world of warcraft for a reason :P Another way would be to give a reduction based on the number of achievements we did in game with our account. The more you play the more you will be rewarded. Usually the more cash you spend in a game the more you play it because you feel stupid paying for a game you don't play, so the more they would keep their players base, the more cash they would easily make.

Forums :

- Ability to look by last topic in forum profile, not just posts.

+ 1

- More BBCode options. I'm curious why it is so limited? Where are the colors, sizes, strikethroughs, etc?

+ 1 but the forum is still clear that way and it's probably reducing the number of trolls lol. I feel lucky to have a forum for my favourite game. Hi-Rez Studios had a good forum too and they removed everything to go on reddit. What a bad move wow.

- Show itemlevel on forums (Credits to xyz).

Oh shit + 1 We can see the sockets (hold alt) why not the item level

- Ability to post your entire character (gear, passive tree, stats, etc.) in one click the way you can with items.

No way. I'm fucking piss to see people showing their gear and writing "not for sale". Fucking waste of time go away with that idea.

- Character counter on signature edit page. It's hard to tell.

I don't understand that one. A counter ????? Showing if online/offline ok but a counter ??

- Ability to quote more than one post at a time when you are responding.

? The best way will always be to have 2 windows open, the original text, and your own text, and do the quote manually. I see no use for this.

I got some time to read through this. You seem to agree with the vast majority of the ideas listed. But for the ones you don't agree with, I will need a more succinct explanation of why you think they would not work. Some of what you wrote is a bit difficult to interpret. o.O
IGN Valeeras
Last edited by Neosoph#4798 on Jan 4, 2014, 12:01:29 AM
IGN Valeeras
Adding red+green+blue linked items to the "Name is shown for a few seconds" flash. They have value when sold.
Chiliconkarma wrote:
Adding red+green+blue linked items to the "Name is shown for a few seconds" flash. They have value when sold.

I'm not sure what you are talking about.
IGN Valeeras

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