"Map to Maker" changes in Patch 0.11.2

DalaiLama wrote:
2)Uniques aren't necessarily too powerful (Though I respect your opinion that they are). What uniques are and always shall be is consistent in what they deliver. A unique that is consistently good will always seem much better than most random rares. The random rare has much more potential. For perspective, look at it this way, if you had a Mirror and could copy any item on POE for your character would it be a unique item or a rare? How about if you had a dozen mirrors? How many would be uniques and how many would be rares?

Mirror of Kalandra
Creates a mirrored copy of an item. Right click this item then left click an equipable non-unique item to apply it. Mirrored copies cannot be modified.

For the "powerful uniques", keep in mind not all unique items are powerful, and some are only there to enable specific builds to be possible. It's understandable that an item level 70+ required unique item should be good enough to consider it for end-game use, but no unique item is ever "required" for end-game.
DalaiLama wrote:

1)GGG added some skill gems as a temporary partial solution to melee, and stated they weren't finished fixing melee. So that isn't an ignore.

2)Uniques aren't necessarily too powerful (Though I respect your opinion that they are). What uniques are and always shall be is consistent in what they deliver. A unique that is consistently good will always seem much better than most random rares. The random rare has much more potential. For perspective, look at it this way, if you had a Mirror and could copy any item on POE for your character would it be a unique item or a rare? How about if you had a dozen mirrors? How many would be uniques and how many would be rares?

3)CI has been nerfed, maybe not to everyone's satisfactionwho isn't CI, but obviously this isn't an ignore.

4)Ignoring crafting since day one? Were you here at day one playing a melee only ranger? I think not. First - fusing, scouring, chance and alchemy orbs were added to the vendors (they weren't always there) to help make crafting easier. Second, the chance to get more links with quality is a nod to improving crafting. Third - the eternal orb. I'm not saying these are ideal or final solutions, but they are at least a step in the right direction.

5)Ignoring Chat system is flat out wrong - GGG has improved it and tried out different things. Does it still need some work? Of course. Is it a priority above things like desync or character/monster/life etc balances? I hardly think so. In any case, this isn't an ignore either.


ad1) really? for how many more years this 'in progress' thing has to continue? esp given that this has been the case in closed beta too? multistrike (berdering being mandatory) and melee splash are nice addons but these are still gimmicks compared to retarded stuff like sporkers

ad2) uniques like Kaoms, Lineyes Glare and this new CI OP belt Auxiwhatever ARE BIS by enormous margin. I'd always take Shavrones Wrapping over any other ES armor. I'd always take Lioneyes bow over any other bow (in theory there can be better rares but given that requires perfect 6 rolls there are maybe 5 such bows in existence) because it is BIS dmgwise AND it cant miss.. Kaom's is mandatory for life builds but this is irrelevant as CI is miles better than life already. And that newest belt is simply stupid.. thought of you better GGG when I decided to support you. Seeing that belt (and that stupid crap about letting noobs be killed by griefers during bandid quest) made me realize that I have better uses for my money - strawberries this year are delicious. Because people are bitching when something gets nerfed - power creep is imminent. Who doesnt like 1.2mln dps heroes in D3? Leaving items way better than any other realisticaly obtainable alternative a) encourages RMT b) makes this a game of 'you HAVE to get this item' type c) is sign of lack of control over the game. Answering your question: helm, chest, ammy, all rings, belt, staff, boots - all uniques. this leaves me with rare gloves.

ad3) CI hasnt been nerfed at all. Source of enormous ES values is more the INT base bonus than % increases. Also these increases - the big ones - are the same as previously. Add into that items that remove only downside of CI (freeze/stun immunity) - there is absolutely no reason to play life based character now.

ad4) crafting.. ethernal orb you say? and something for the non-RMT, non-no-lifers? if GGG wants to build this game for no-lifers and top-hardcore-extreme players its ok, but dont expect that these 40 players will support this game and make you a living. also - without noobs whom would these hardcore game masters scam to gain wealth?
finaly, i love you GGG
top kek
SkyCore wrote:

Are you sure you are playing the same game as i am? Path of exile, right? How many public partys have you ever seen inside maps higher than level 69?
For myself i have seen 0. And i play a LOT.

Played a couple public Coves, a Bog, a Pier and a Graveyard (game crashed on me on entering that map)in the last week.

Have also played some public Strands, a couple public Temples (died promptly in those maps), and several public Dry Peninsula maps (one of the few higher level maps I do OK in as long as my FPS stays in double digits). I even played one public Shrine map - died so quickly I couldn't pick up a single crafting item for later :-(

However, your main assertion runs true - in public games 66 to 68 maps are by far the norm with 69 or higher rare enough enough that I remember most of them.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
Great work GGG, as always!
Qarl wrote:
Zoen wrote:
How is this passive tree change going to affect the Passive Allocation challenge? Will passives that are removed be removed from the list and the new passives added?

No notables will be removed, although some have changed names and stats.

If you already have got the passives, you will still have achieved them.

For new notables that have been added, these will not be required for the challenge.

So help me if you guys make me redo any of those passives for the challenge I'd be.... not that upset, its a pretty easy challenge. Will we get to see those nice check marks next to the new ones after we allocate them if they are not needed for the challenge?
sidtherat wrote:

ad1) really? for how many more years this 'in progress' thing has to continue? esp given that this has been the case in closed beta too? multistrike (berdering being mandatory) and melee splash are nice addons but these are still gimmicks compared to retarded stuff like sporkers

Thanks for the response and clarifications.

I'd agree that melee survivability still needs some serious love to balance out other playing styles. Considering the game was in the works for many years before closed beta even started, I would hope GGG would have the "in progress" worked out within 3-6 months of the expected release date, if not before.

sidtherat wrote:

ad2) uniques like Kaoms, Lineyes Glare and this new CI OP belt Auxiwhatever ARE BIS by enormous margin. I'd always take Shavrones Wrapping over any other ES armor. I'd always take Lioneyes bow over any other bow (in theory there can be better rares but given that requires perfect 6 rolls there are maybe 5 such bows in existence) because it is BIS dmgwise AND it cant miss.. Kaom's is mandatory for life builds but this is irrelevant as CI is miles better than life already. And that newest belt is simply stupid.. thought of you better GGG when I decided to support you. Seeing that belt (and that stupid crap about letting noobs be killed by griefers during bandid quest) made me realize that I have better uses for my money - strawberries this year are delicious. Because people are bitching when something gets nerfed - power creep is imminent. Who doesnt like 1.2mln dps heroes in D3? Leaving items way better than any other realisticaly obtainable alternative a) encourages RMT b) makes this a game of 'you HAVE to get this item' type c) is sign of lack of control over the game. Answering your question: helm, chest, ammy, all rings, belt, staff, boots - all uniques. this leaves me with rare gloves.

Good answers. GGG could make the warning/reminder about opposing players on bandit quest more obvious the first few times a player encounters them.

Chris already mentioned that he thinks the lack of a downside on Lioneye's was a mistake, and Kaom's is a beastly relic that I don't think they should nerf. I think, the OP "creep" on some of the other items is partially due to creative thinking by players designing items. It is much easier to unintentionally 'break' a game's balance than it is to establish it. The larger problem (and one I find logically detestable) is that of randomingly throwing in lame useless low level mods on high level items as a 'control' method.

I think of it this way -

would a level 2,899 monster with 18 googleplex life be carrying around a ring with +20 life as one its mods? Would a merciless level Piety bother carrying a 4 socket 2 link hat with +10% cold resists and +8% increased rarity?

I think a much better way to do it would be to figure out what level mods/items a monster would likely hang onto and drop those as the main part of a much tighter bell curve. The much higher level mods would still be very rare, but so would the junky low level mods that ruin an otherwise useful rare item.

GGG could also allow a crafting orb to target one specific mod.

sidtherat wrote:

ad3) CI hasnt been nerfed at all. Source of enormous ES values is more the INT base bonus than % increases. Also these increases - the big ones - are the same as previously. Add into that items that remove only downside of CI (freeze/stun immunity) - there is absolutely no reason to play life based character now.

ad4) crafting.. ethernal orb you say? and something for the non-RMT, non-no-lifers? if GGG wants to build this game for no-lifers and top-hardcore-extreme players its ok, but dont expect that these 40 players will support this game and make you a living. also - without noobs whom would these hardcore game masters scam to gain wealth?

As a non CI user, my understanding was that CI took a hit, if not a substantial one, than a partial one with more nodes required. I'll accept your perspective of this until I can really look at it. I do recall lots of CI users complaining about having no choice but Chayula's if they wanted to avoid being heavily stunned. Whether the 65% chance on the Auxium belt is way too much out of balance, I don't really know.

One change I would make is make Exalted and Eternal orbs bind on account. That would suck the living soul out of the RMT groups as well as allow GGG to increase the drop rates without destroying the game balance.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
Endrju82 wrote:
So Primal Sprint is a bit like Versatility for Marauder. Seems a bit OP. Mana regen is a very usefull stat, while +5% accuracy is useless for everyone that uses RT.

Wait until you see the tree before making a judgment. Ranger has needed some changes for a long time.
For Ranger build tips, tactics, and critiques, visit this thread:
i just want to say that the m2m change was really perfect. i enjoy a lot playing maps in public partys
Bobo337 wrote:
We initially only allocated normal rarity Maps because we wanted other players to be able to establish their own Map base by playing in public parties. Occasionally finding a magic/rare/unique Map would enable them to do this.

So you wanted players to be able to build their own map base by going into public groups and stealing other peoples maps?

Amazing. Maps aren't RNG enough without randoms in your party being able to steal them.

Nobody can steal your drops, they are either allocated to them or they are not. If they are allocated to nobody, then the loot is up for anyone to grab, and since anyone has the right to it, it was never yours and since it was never yours, it can't be stolen from you. Also, if you believe joining other people in a cooperative effort doesn't entitle them to some of the items found, I'd suggest you never join a team.
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