[1.0.6] CI Crit Dagger Shadow (30k DPS Flicker Ninja) [OB video up!]

Anyone try Thunderfist Murder Mitts with this build instead of Maligaro's?
I've noticed that since most of LS's damage is Lightning, I get little to no Leech from it... I tried out LS (Normally rockin' 5L Flicker) to see if it could be useful, died on Docks cuz I couldn't Leech at all >_<

Did I do something wrong?

PS. I can't wait for the aggressive resync next patch. The only times I die as Flicker, is when I desync and DON'T rubberband [fast enough.] Because even though Flicker doesn't need a target (auto-targets random nearby), when you desync Flicker stops attacking sometimes, thus you stand still and get wailed on and also cease to Leech... Hopefully the more aggressive rubberbanding, will let me run Flicker in higher level maps with less fear...
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Last edited by Sheriff_K#3938 on May 14, 2013, 12:42:03 PM

I've noticed that since most of LS's damage is Lightning, I get little to no Leech from it... I tried out LS (Normally rockin' 5L Flicker) to see if it could be useful, died on Docks cuz I couldn't Leech at all >_<

Did I do something wrong?

PS. I can't wait for the aggressive resync next patch. The only times I die as Flicker, is when I desync and DON'T rubberband [fast enough.] Because even though Flicker doesn't need a target (auto-targets random nearby), when you desync Flicker stops attacking sometimes, thus you stand still and get wailed on and also cease to Leech... Hopefully the more aggressive rubberbanding, will let me run Flicker in higher level maps with less fear...

It's the same as the rest of your skills but to a greater degree since it's only half physical; you will probably get close-to-negligible leech on hits that don't crit. I notice this especially with Lightning Strike, which is why I dual-wield Plat/Golden Kris' for double implicit 80% Global Crit Chance:

For this same reason I linked PCOC to my Lightning Strike, there's a bit of a windup but once fully stacked they maintain themselves easily.
@__Alyptic ► [Lvl77 Low-Life Triple Spork Totem Witch] (Anarchy)
@Stringendo ► [Lvl85 CI Crit Dagger Shadow] (Standard)
Standard Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/386020
Anarchy Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/483003
Invalesco wrote:


Flicker Strike

800+ Crit Multiplier?? how?
your gear have +140% crit damage, and you dont get any passive crit multiplier packs... (ok, you get near mb 50% +66 crit damage... pretty low for having 836=) )
base 150% + gear 140 , ok for example 300 + passives near 110 = 410... anyway if you get 2-3 passive packs of crit damage you will have + near 200, its 610, and mb if you link crit damage gem, dont know how much it gives at 20 lvl+Q, but for example 200 too, its 810, but you dont have crit damage gem, and any crit damage passive, how you get 800+ crit damage?
and in one of videos without crit damage passives and so one you have 965% crit damage))
Last edited by TakeshiCastle#2399 on May 17, 2013, 8:16:57 PM
what is considered an awesome dagger?? can everyone pls link ur best daggers so i can get a fair idea
I'm pretty proud of my daggers:

Not the best by far, but they work well for me so far.

By the way, wondering what auras everyone is using. Discipline and Hatred are the obvious two, and I currently only have room in my gear for one more aura.

Would it be more beneficial to run Haste or Wrath you guys think?
@__Alyptic ► [Lvl77 Low-Life Triple Spork Totem Witch] (Anarchy)
@Stringendo ► [Lvl85 CI Crit Dagger Shadow] (Standard)
Standard Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/386020
Anarchy Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/483003

i luv mine too crit chance is lower but dmg is high and added accuracy/mana is great :)
Rarity: Rare
Carrion Etcher
Demon Dagger
Quality: +20% (augmented)
Physical Damage: 137-376 (augmented)
Critical Strike Chance: 7.28%
Attacks per Second: 1.42 (augmented)
Level: 68
Dex: 76
Int: 149
Sockets: G-R-G
Itemlevel: 68
60% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
199% increased Physical Damage
Adds 22-35 Physical Damage
18% increased Attack Speed
22% increased Global Critical Strike Multiplier
+81 to Accuracy Rating
Also between Haste or Wrath would the shock stacks from Wrath outweigh the extra physical DPS and leech from Haste?
@__Alyptic ► [Lvl77 Low-Life Triple Spork Totem Witch] (Anarchy)
@Stringendo ► [Lvl85 CI Crit Dagger Shadow] (Standard)
Standard Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/386020
Anarchy Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/483003
Last edited by Kirarik#3257 on May 18, 2013, 1:15:21 AM
Itchmay wrote:
Rarity: Rare
Carrion Etcher
Demon Dagger
Quality: +20% (augmented)
Physical Damage: 137-376 (augmented)
Critical Strike Chance: 7.28%
Attacks per Second: 1.42 (augmented)
Level: 68
Dex: 76
Int: 149
Sockets: G-R-G
Itemlevel: 68
60% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
199% increased Physical Damage
Adds 22-35 Physical Damage
18% increased Attack Speed
22% increased Global Critical Strike Multiplier
+81 to Accuracy Rating

wow that sounds like an amazing dagger!

I am presently running discipline, hatred and wrath

I was thinking of running 1 more, should i pick grace or some offensive aura? Grace seems pretty useless without iron reflex..

About haste, how much dps does it actually add? Because its only 13% as and 6% movement at highest lvl..

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