[1.0.6] CI Crit Dagger Shadow (30k DPS Flicker Ninja) [OB video up!]
" thats the mirrored one i saw on poexplorer, right? does more dmg than a lot two handers :) awesome dagger but really really expensive hear is mine " Can someone answer that? Last edited by Scr4tch#1484 on May 19, 2013, 7:47:08 AM
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" " Well I've been doing a bit of testing past couple days, and in practice Wrath seems to have a slight DPS edge over Haste. It is very, very small though, at least from what I could tell, and Haste did give me a bit more leech than Wrath for obvious reasons. I honestly can't tell if Wrath is even applying Shock stacks; it's not super noticeable, compared to Lightning Strike where you can tell pretty easily that things are shocked by how much your damage increases after crits. So right now I really can't tell which is better, would like to know other people's opinions on these two auras. And also the 13% IAS from Haste actually gives me more character sheet DPS on my Dual Strike than Wrath, although it's probably because of the two Melee Phys support gems and my Magnate Belt. It was an absolute nightmare trying to roll GGRB on so I am hesitant to swap it back to GRBB until I am completely sure that Wrath > Haste, lmao. @__Alyptic ► [Lvl77 Low-Life Triple Spork Totem Witch] (Anarchy) @Stringendo ► [Lvl85 CI Crit Dagger Shadow] (Standard) Standard Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/386020 Anarchy Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/483003 Last edited by Kirarik#3257 on May 19, 2013, 8:11:24 AM
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wud you guy say that pure ES helm/gloves is best??
Currently using |
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" i actually did have a 20% incr. crit damage support gem linked to it Build of the Week 14
The first Righteous Fire/Non-Shavronne's/Shavronne's HC Shameless self-proclaimed theory-crafting extraordinaire and forum crusader |
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On your charscreen you have 10k armor without using armor gear or armor passives
Is that with active granite? edit: nvm, it says above the screen, i'm a retard edit2: Aren't rainbowstrides infinitely better than sin trek? massive es boost and good resistances Edit3: I also wonder if its really worth it to haver Powercharge on Crit on multiple attacks, isn't it enough to have it on one pell to bring up the charges and get dmg supports on the others? Last edited by NoTImeToCry#0478 on May 19, 2013, 9:21:23 PM
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" Your Crit Multiplier: 1) Build on 91 lvl (but on screen you near 71 as i understand, but anyway.. lets check with 91) 100% increased Critical Strike Multiplier 86% increased Critical Strike Multiplier with Daggers = +186% 2) Gear 66% + 70% GLOBAL crit multiplier 3) Gems i dont see Incr Crit Dmg linked on flicker, but for example ok, think 20% 20 lvl gem gives near 150%, but for example it gives 200% (or how much crit dmg it gives?) Total base 150 + 186 + 200 = 536% Crit dmg and + 136% Global Crit Multiplier (dont know the mechanics of global crit.. but there is some varies) 1) 536 x 136% = 536 x 1.36 = 729 (near true) 2) if global applies only for base crit 150 x 136% + 386 = 204 + 386 = 590 (think is not that way) 3) if global applies only for base and it stacks 150 x 136% + 386 + 150based = 204 + 536 = 740 (near true) 4) if global applies for all crit and stacks 536 + 536 x 136% = 536 + 729 = 1265 (thats will be great.. but...=) ) 5) if global works with passive and base w\o gem (150 + 186)x 136% + 200 = 336 x 1.36 + 200 = 457 + 200 = 657 6) if global works with passive and base and stacks, w\o gem 336 + 457 + 200 = 993 but you have 836%, and 150base + 186 Build (91.. even if you not 91 on screen) gives 336 this 36 is way to true) but how it calculates... so you just have this +500% crit dmg only from (136% Global Crit Dmg on gear and 20%Q Crit Dmg Gem) yes? to have 336 + (mystic 500) to have 836 =) or if this build not 91 lvl, where you have -80% crit dmg, so need more then 500. p.s. and if global applies to all crit, if i get not 186% from build, for example i get 180% increased Critical Strike Multiplier 86% increased Critical Strike Multiplier with Daggers its 266% with my build, think i will have crit dmg over 1000% mb ) (for solo game its same cos anyway its 1 shot all simple mobs) Last edited by TakeshiCastle#2399 on May 19, 2013, 6:37:45 PM
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I much prefer wrath over haste, especially considering that haste costs more to use and gives me less overall DPS.
Here's the dagger I use: IGN: DrunkBarbarian / SupernalScion
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" (TOTAL CRIT MULTIPLIER+100)*150 150 is your base crit damage multiplier. 100% increased crit multiplier is 300%. Last edited by nastharl#2160 on May 19, 2013, 9:42:47 PM
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Hi guys, i use differenf passive tree but i'm ci/crit. if u say to us ur chareter's specifitions, we'll compare with ours..
i have ; (without frenz and power charge) DOUBLE STRIKE DPS: 26K with 6L (double+accu+multi+melee psical+melee p. on life+crit strk change) lIGHTNING STRIKE DPS: 10K with 6L (Ligt strk+lesser+multi+life leech+melee psical+crit strike) My Gear: Last edited by Meituzuki_Otaru#5394 on May 20, 2013, 7:58:32 PM
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After trying out Wrath vs. Haste in 70+ maps (where before it was only on 66-68 maps,) I actually now am almost completely sold on Haste being better.
Haste gives more physical DPS, as well as the intangible benefit of MS/IAS/ICS, which adds up to leeching more ES. Also, the only previous advantage I saw in Wrath was that I got shock stacks when I crit Dual Strike; testing on 70+ maps though showed the mobs either not being shocked at all or being shocked for so little time it wasn't able to stack. I'm guessing it's because Wrath is flat lightning damage, and since the only elemental increase we have is Arcing Blows, that flat lightning damage is almost never enough to shock consistently. Now the exception of course: If you have crazy Crit Multiplier like Invalesco, around 700%+, then it may multiply the Lightning damage enough to be able to shock stack with Flicker and Double/Dual Strike. However, my Crit Multiplier is only 567% with a Crit Damage gem, and this isn't enough to stack shocks on the high-HP mobs is 70+ maps; for me at least. For anyone wondering, the testing was done with Wrath and Haste both level 19, the Inner Force node, and the Arcing Blows node. Testing was also done without Hatred so the the freeze effect would not overlap with the shock effect. Would like to hear other people chime in also if they have done any testing on higher level maps. @__Alyptic ► [Lvl77 Low-Life Triple Spork Totem Witch] (Anarchy) @Stringendo ► [Lvl85 CI Crit Dagger Shadow] (Standard) Standard Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/386020 Anarchy Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/483003 Last edited by Kirarik#3257 on May 21, 2013, 1:25:31 AM
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