maps drop rate

Two giant paragraphs of rambling and you still don't get it. Your experience, is exactly that, YOUR experience. That is NOT the experience of everyone playing the game. And when you make up stupid baseless numbers like "90%" it just makes you look like an idiot.

Start counting... the "personal opinions" of every member who share it in here, and let us know the result... Lets see what % you will get.

It's just that every person that has a string of bad luck in game immediately comes to the forums to complain about it.

What you were saying ? .... "And when you make up stupid baseless numbers like "90%" it just makes you look like an idiot."

And, as has been said MANY times, if you aren't happy with the drop rate there ARE ways to increase the chances of you getting a map (increase your IIQ)
or outright buy them, you just choose to ignore them. Instead you choose to waste your energy here when you could buy a map for 1 chaos in-game, get a little IIQ, roll some decent mods and practically NEVER have to worry about farming Pyramids again.

I told you already... I made my choice and sacrifice some of my stats in equip to get IIQ. I don't have problem finding maps right now in a post ago, yet I am defending the the idea of increased drop, because, yes, i think it is wrong to force people grind an area that have already refinished multiple times, while leveling multiple toons, rather than playing constantly in new randomized, challenging, FUN content....

And you still didn't answer my question how the increase drop rate of maps will affect you, or you are here in the forum to "punish" the "whiners" ?
Last edited by twiztedmind#6924 on Aug 9, 2012, 12:40:53 AM
1. When you just reached the boss of act 2 Merciless (high lvl 50 for most) it is quite hard to get reasonable IIQ/IIR and enough damage/survivability to actually do the content (pyramid/lvl 60 maps with avg mods). Yes, certain classes excluded, I know. probably even harder in hardcore mode.

2. When you are level 68+ and have more then enough IIQ/IIR you get maps dropping left and right from inside maps. You will never run out and will feel spoiled.

I still believe this system is A) not newbie friendly, and B) volatile enough to ruin any form of bartering after a couple months.

Sure once the market is ruined even new merciless players can acquire maps rather easily through trading, but is that really what we want? Basic content balanced around the fact that there is a market? Like said before, this stinks of D3 AH.

Doing maps should not be a matter of stacking IIQ/IIR and/or trading. Doing high level awesome modded maps should. I don't care if maps drop only in a pyramid like zone deep inside act 3, or in whole act 2 and 3. Once I'm high enough I do not wish to run the same acts I have already done so many times when I know there is so much more entertaining content just waiting around the corner. And I want to be able to run it by my own doing, not because others farmed it for me and take my shiny orbs.

Oh and I do disagree with the comment about 5 minute maps... Last night I did a 65% increased Catacombs (I believe, at least it was lvl 63 map and dark and claustrophobic). Bloody thing took me almost 2hrs and it crashed when I was about to engage the boss while I was on my last portal...
Oh and I do disagree with the comment about 5 minute maps... Last night I did a 65% increased Catacombs (I believe, at least it was lvl 63 map and dark and claustrophobic). Bloody thing took me almost 2hrs and it crashed when I was about to engage the boss while I was on my last portal...

I totally agree with your whole post. I also agree with the things said above in the quote. There are some pretty tough and challenging maps...

About the 5 min run... It actually took me really about 5 min. Because it was a 60 dune map, not rare, but a blue one with some Chaos over time damage (which doesnt slowed me down cause of my HP regen) Actually, I do it because of the fine IIQ of the map, with the hope that I will get another map IN the map... and because I was already lvl 70 (which I leveled farming the Pyramid) it was still a walk in the park... even being in a map Area. This kind of difference of 10 levels (or more), really matters.

And thats what I was trying to make point of. That without IIQ... I Actually leveled my toon in pyramid while trying to get some maps. At the time I found 2 dunes (and 1 groto at the second dune - also 60) i had become lvl 70, so these 3 60 lvl maps were not even Challenging, nor even EXP usefull (that much) if I had them found on the early 55-60.
jackals1234 wrote:
Yes, you are confusing it (I will explain later). Of course I can find maps. AND YES it is nearly imposible to find with 0% IIQ.. I think 12 levels for two maps IS what I call pretty MUCH Impossible. This is FKing 6 lvls LITERALLY (cause you like the word) "BOTTING" the Pyramid... for A 5min MAP RUN. Are you retarded ? And the topic is about opinions. I am just sharing my personal experience with 0% IIQ. Hell yeah, it is my Choice... Lets put a constant Chaos DOT on every Character and some "reduce it" mods on items... We we all have the choice, again, to equip such items TO AVOID DYING, And it will be again "Personal Choice". Is this OK ? Of course it is ! ... Thats the game... DEAL With it... your choice. But do we need this ? I can't even see why people like you and the several others are following this topic... Cause you making pretty good profit right now from sellin' maps ? ... and your personal convenience will be affected by increasing their drop rate ? I don't see ANY other reason, seriously, You are talking about trade, and how people will level too fast to level.. what .. 80s ? if the map drop is increased... and why not ? That's what we are all here for... LEVELING... THIS "MY FRIEND" IS CALLED ADVANCING... AND then I can boost IF I can/want/etc. MY IIR/IIQ to FARM and IMPROVE my equipment with better one.

Tell me how will this affect you if they increase the map drop rate ? Sell less maps ? Ruin your business plan ? ... Cause you know How is this affecting me and the rest 90% of the people in here "whining" about the drop rate ? ... I will tell you how it is affecting us... We spent Whole weekend repeatedly Farmig Pyramid ? ... Thats why we are whining. Don't talk to me for my "personal opinion", considering the fact that 90% of the people here are getting bored and some friends leaving their characters cause they don't want to spend another weekend in the FKin Pyramid... and do more leveling in a Well known Zone rather than entering the new content. And please join the HC League and focus on "balancing" around your IIQ/IIR, please do that. Also you can check the market... Let me know if ANYONE is selling maps... Even guys like Xendran who are over 75... and can afford of taking 100+% are stashing them... cause ... you know... you never know... when you will be stuck again, forced to grind your way back to maps. And don't give me that crap that people will level faster and leave the game cause they will be bored if the drop rate of maps is increased... Thats pure bullshit that you are trying to use as an argument, and you know it... More and more ppl were joining and playing every next day despite the fact that MoC was available for everyone and MUCH more boring than Maps (considering that they are randomized). So you can stop twisting the facts just to keep your currency inflow stable.

Two giant paragraphs of rambling and you still don't get it. Your experience, is exactly that, YOUR experience. That is NOT the experience of everyone playing the game. And when you make up stupid baseless numbers like "90%" it just makes you look like an idiot. In this thread alone you can see that there are as many people saying the drop rate is fine as those complaining about it. It's just that every person that has a string of bad luck in game immediately comes to the forums to complain about it. And, as has been said MANY times, if you aren't happy with the drop rate there ARE ways to increase the chances of you getting a map (increase your IIQ) or outright buy them, you just choose to ignore them. Instead you choose to waste your energy here when you could buy a map for 1 chaos in-game, get a little IIQ, roll some decent mods and practically NEVER have to worry about farming Pyramids again.

Well it is not just "THEIR" experience, it is my experience as well. Maybe if enough of us post our experiences, the devs will reply/understand that their idea of the endgame is not the reality we are seeing.
Why not just have the quest reward for defeating the boss in the final difficulty be 3 maps - talk to the guy, he says about the new portal - brings up a screen with a few maps to select from.

If you got lucky and finding a map while leveling, yay - an extra map. If you got unlucky (like many people seem to be), yay - you get a chance to at least check out the end game.

Finding maps after that still leaves you at the whims of RNG - but if each map on average drops at least 1 more map, should continue a sustainable cycle of maps for people.
We've worked our characters and molded them into survivable killing avatars of doom by the end of Merciless difficulty. Our gear has been crafted or traded to bring out the best of our builds' abilities. Sure, maybe our equipment had a bit of IIQ or IIR. Enough to get some orb drops and rare item drops.

And then we have to work for the endgame content, i.e. maps, where the average user's IIQ/IIR just doesn't cut it.

The current incarnation of the map system is leaving a lot of players frustrated. The concept behind it is brilliant, but the matter of sustainability and sacrifice to achieve the endgame is something that boggles me to no end.
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twiztedmind wrote:
i think it is wrong to force people grind an area that have already refinished multiple times, while leveling multiple toons, rather than playing constantly in new randomized, challenging, FUN content....

even for giving us some variety with the different maps, THIS is an APRG with an limited amount of content. Even that this content may be extended futurely, it still stays predefined, limited by the fact, that you somewhen will (or may) have seen/defeated all of it (for the given amount: done at least one of all maps). On this point, you have nothing "new" left to go for; and if we imagine a char that reached the maximum level (100) he will also have nothing left to do for itself, at all.

You will end with a char that has to rerun areas - no matter if this is called pyramids with a level 70 or the highest map with a level 90 - and on one point, every more run would be just for fun, not for own rewards in XP, gear or anything else.

Whats the difference, between a char that (followed the suggestions) earn some maps from the Oversoul (maybe defeated with luck and level 58) he maybe isnt able to do, and another one that has some levels more and run out of maps? The lower one gets some more XP from rerunning the act (but the stronger one should be have less risk and more killspeed), and beside that (and the reason they are rerunning the areas) they are equal.
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: &
Mr_Cee wrote:
even for giving us some variety with the different maps, THIS is an APRG with an limited amount of content. Even that this content may be extended futurely, it still stays predefined, limited by the fact, that you somewhen will (or may) have seen/defeated all of it (for the given amount: done at least one of all maps).

I don't agree with this. What you write here is exactly the problem with many ARPG's that GGG is trying to tackle! In all those games doing the same bosses, the same areas, over and over and over again is boring sooner then later.

GGG is offering us a system where we as players shape and control what type of endgame content we will run (modding the maps). You never know how a certain affix will work out due to different mobs, circumstances and/or placement of rooms. Yet a zone like pyramid always has the same npc's in it with roughly the exact same layout. Killing bolting/freezing skeletons over and over again gets old very fast.

Right now we as players feel forced to 1. Gear for IIQ/IIR and 2. Reroll maps for massive/horde to even consider it interesting and fun. We should be doing these kind of things, if we choose to do so, to get the absolute best out of said maps, not to do them to begin with!
There's a lot of unfortunate circumstances to the introduction that makes gauging map drop frequency difficult.
When a "normal" player would tackle Act 2, he'll probably find 2-3 maps at worst in that time. That would make for a more reasonable and less frustrating start than the grinding of Pyramids we're doing.

Most of wanting to run maps have far outlevelled the Pyramid when Maps were introduced, so we're essentially back to grinding "low level"/unsatisfactory levels for maps that are equally unsatisfactory (at first).

Not everyone has concentrated on IIQ items. If we had known IIQ would become crucial for collecting maps, how many would have used different equipment earlier? I know I would have.

And of course RNG can be a feisty bitch. I haven't had a map drop in three days (~2 pyramid runs a day), at 60 IIQ, although I've also had instance where two dropped within the first three screens of the level.

Ah, the crux of being a beta tester.... ;)

The more relevant question should be what quantity of maps we (and GGG) want. My impression from GGG was that they do not want maps to be self-sufficient in terms of never having to go back to the normal areas of the game to gain some new. Now on here people are asking for exactly that, maps being prevalent enough they can keep up running them after starting it.

To be honest I prefer the latter two and I have run only three maps so far to check some out, saving the rest for whatever weekend I have some time on to get a "proper" run of maps without fear of running out of them.
If it's endgame, shouldn't it be an available endgame? Especially when considering that a player could collect a number of maps, run them for a day or two and then fall back into pyramidic boredom, I can see how that would cause (unnecessary) discontent.

Got my first map maybe 3-4 days ago. Running with maybe 45% IIQ + 25% from IIQ gem.

Haven't been to Pyramids since then. I also have maybe 8-10 maps stashed currently.


Just increase your IIQ stats. Roll for maps with increase in rares, mazes, unique bosses, etc. Try to aim for a +quantity mod on the map of 18%+

That is all.

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