maps drop rate

Complaining that you didn't find any maps when you don't have IIQ is as silly as complaining that you don't find any rares when you don't have IIR. If you were able to find maps on a regular basis with 0% IIQ, maps would become worthless and people would be farming lvl 69-70 maps in a couple of weeks, which would kill the longevity of the game

Seriously ? I think you are confusing the word IMPROVING your character with the word ADVANCING in the game content.
I can sacrifise whatever I want to find more OR better equipment to make myself stronger. But sacrifices done for the chance to experience new game content ?

Are you being serious? I would love to run around doing 15k dps but guess what? I can't do that because i'd have 500 life and die every 5 min and never level. So i have to balance my gear with defense to be able to play end game. This is no different than adjusting your gear to include IIQ to increase your chances of getting maps. Moreover, you don't HAVE to do this to play end game, you will just find maps at a slower rate or you can buy maps from other people. If the devs balanced map drops around people who are unwilling to change their gear and unwilling to buy maps from other people based on some misguided principle, the market would literally be flooded with hundreds of maps and end game would last about a month before people became bored and stopped playing.

Again, Seriously ? ... forget it... just... no point to waste effort in here...
Last edited by twiztedmind#6924 on Aug 8, 2012, 2:58:10 PM
I don't get these people whose arguements seem to be based around what the 'market' should dictate.

This is a videogame. I have no interest in bartering, buying, or trading. I want to play the game and enjoy the challenge of the content. Balancing map drops based on establishing them as a form of currency is far lamer than basing them on allowing people to consistently play in the maps with the occasional lucky upgrade of map level.

And of course to those who would disagree, I refer you to the Diablo 3 Auction House Simulation game. Where the terrible drops drove players to spend their gaming time refreshing the trade screen.

F the capitalist market, viva la videogame!!
twiztedmind wrote:

Seriously ? I think you are confusing the word IMPROVING your character with the word ADVANCING in the game content.
I can sacrifise whatever I want to find more OR better equipment to make myself stronger. But sacrifices done for the chance to experience new game content ?

I'm not confusing anything, you are simply trying to state your opinion as fact. If finding maps was literally impossible with 0% quantity maybe you would have a point. However, you CAN find maps with 0% quantity just at a much lower rate. This is a decision YOU make. Either balance your gear better, buy maps from other people or be prepared to farm longer. You are not entitled to see end game content at the same rate as everyone else who puts either the time, effort, or money into making it happen faster, just because you signed up to play the game.

Again, Seriously ? ... forget it... just... no point to waste effort in here...

What a compelling, well thought out and articulate argument you made. Is the the part where i attach the super cool "Sarcasm" pic?
I'm not confusing anything, you are simply trying to state your opinion as fact. If finding maps was literally impossible with 0% quantity maybe you would have a point. However, you CAN find maps with 0% quantity just at a much lower rate. This is a decision YOU make. Either balance your gear better, buy maps from other people or be prepared to farm longer. You are not entitled to see end game content at the same rate as everyone else who puts either the time, effort, or money into making it happen faster, just because you signed up to play the game.

Yes, you are confusing it (I will explain later). Of course I can find maps. AND YES it is nearly imposible to find with 0% IIQ.. I think 12 levels for two maps IS what I call pretty MUCH Impossible. This is FKing 6 lvls LITERALLY (cause you like the word) "BOTTING" the Pyramid... for A 5min MAP RUN. Are you retarded ? And the topic is about opinions. I am just sharing my personal experience with 0% IIQ. Hell yeah, it is my Choice... Lets put a constant Chaos DOT on every Character and some "reduce it" mods on items... We we all have the choice, again, to equip such items TO AVOID DYING, And it will be again "Personal Choice". Is this OK ? Of course it is ! ... Thats the game... DEAL With it... your choice. But do we need this ? I can't even see why people like you and the several others are following this topic... Cause you making pretty good profit right now from sellin' maps ? ... and your personal convenience will be affected by increasing their drop rate ? I don't see ANY other reason, seriously, You are talking about trade, and how people will level too fast to level.. what .. 80s ? if the map drop is increased... and why not ? That's what we are all here for... LEVELING... THIS "MY FRIEND" IS CALLED ADVANCING... AND then I can boost IF I can/want/etc. MY IIR/IIQ to FARM and IMPROVE my equipment with better one.

Tell me how will this affect you if they increase the map drop rate ? Sell less maps ? Ruin your business plan ? ... Cause you know How is this affecting me and the rest 90% of the people in here "whining" about the drop rate ? ... I will tell you how it is affecting us... We spent Whole weekend repeatedly Farmig Pyramid ? ... Thats why we are whining. Don't talk to me for my "personal opinion", considering the fact that 90% of the people here are getting bored and some friends leaving their characters cause they don't want to spend another weekend in the FKin Pyramid... and do more leveling in a Well known Zone rather than entering the new content. And please join the HC League and focus on "balancing" around your IIQ/IIR, please do that. Also you can check the market... Let me know if ANYONE is selling maps... Even guys like Xendran who are over 75... and can afford of taking 100+% are stashing them... cause ... you know... you never know... when you will be stuck again, forced to grind your way back to maps. And don't give me that crap that people will level faster and leave the game cause they will be bored if the drop rate of maps is increased... Thats pure bullshit that you are trying to use as an argument, and you know it... More and more ppl were joining and playing every next day despite the fact that MoC was available for everyone and MUCH more boring than Maps (considering that they are randomized). So you can stop twisting the facts just to keep your currency inflow stable.
Last edited by twiztedmind#6924 on Aug 8, 2012, 5:26:53 PM
Yes, you are confusing it (I will explain later). Of course I can find maps. AND YES it is nearly imposible to find with 0% IIQ.. I think 12 levels for two maps IS what I call pretty MUCH Impossible. This is FKing 6 lvls LITERALLY (cause you like the word) "BOTTING" the Pyramid... for A 5min MAP RUN. Are you retarded ? And the topic is about opinions. I am just sharing my personal experience with 0% IIQ. Hell yeah, it is my Choice... Lets put a constant Chaos DOT on every Character and some "reduce it" mods on items... We we all have the choice, again, to equip such items TO AVOID DYING, And it will be again "Personal Choice". Is this OK ? Of course it is ! ... Thats the game... DEAL With it... your choice. But do we need this ? I can't even see why people like you and the several others are following this topic... Cause you making pretty good profit right now from sellin' maps ? ... and your personal convenience will be affected by increasing their drop rate ? I don't see ANY other reason, seriously, You are talking about trade, and how people will level too fast to level.. what .. 80s ? if the map drop is increased... and why not ? That's what we are all here for... LEVELING... THIS "MY FRIEND" IS CALLED ADVANCING... AND then I can boost IF I can/want/etc. MY IIR/IIQ to FARM and IMPROVE my equipment with better one.

Tell me how will this affect you if they increase the map drop rate ? Sell less maps ? Ruin your business plan ? ... Cause you know How is this affecting me and the rest 90% of the people in here "whining" about the drop rate ? ... I will tell you how it is affecting us... We spent Whole weekend repeatedly Farmig Pyramid ? ... Thats why we are whining. Don't talk to me for my "personal opinion", considering the fact that 90% of the people here are getting bored and some friends leaving their characters cause they don't want to spend another weekend in the FKin Pyramid... and do more leveling in a Well known Zone rather than entering the new content. And please join the HC League and focus on "balancing" around your IIQ/IIR, please do that. Also you can check the market... Let me know if ANYONE is selling maps... Even guys like Xendran who are over 75... and can afford of taking 100+% are stashing them... cause ... you know... you never know... when you will be stuck again, forced to grind your way back to maps. And don't give me that crap that people will level faster and leave the game cause they will be bored if the drop rate of maps is increased... Thats pure bullshit that you are trying to use as an argument, and you know it... More and more ppl were joining and playing every next day despite the fact that MoC was available for everyone and MUCH more boring than Maps (considering that they are randomized). So you can stop twisting the facts just to keep your currency inflow stable.

Two giant paragraphs of rambling and you still don't get it. Your experience, is exactly that, YOUR experience. That is NOT the experience of everyone playing the game. And when you make up stupid baseless numbers like "90%" it just makes you look like an idiot. In this thread alone you can see that there are as many people saying the drop rate is fine as those complaining about it. It's just that every person that has a string of bad luck in game immediately comes to the forums to complain about it. And, as has been said MANY times, if you aren't happy with the drop rate there ARE ways to increase the chances of you getting a map (increase your IIQ) or outright buy them, you just choose to ignore them. Instead you choose to waste your energy here when you could buy a map for 1 chaos in-game, get a little IIQ, roll some decent mods and practically NEVER have to worry about farming Pyramids again.
Last edited by jackals1234#2478 on Aug 8, 2012, 7:00:59 PM
ive been doing maps from 58-68 now

found 1 map during early act2 merciless, 2 more in ~30 pyramid runs and traded for 5 more

i have 110% iiq, rerolling maps for greater area/maze/extra monster etc and have avg 2 maps in my stash

in the 30ish maps ive done/found 2 were lv61 and only 1 lv62

what i want to say, from my point of view, maps need higher drop quantity and level
dunno how long it is supposed to see some higher maps, where it actually might get difficult since with lvl 68 im outleveling and outgearing these lowlevelmaps (~62%armor vs lv60 75% all resi with 2h weapon)
Melmak wrote:
Seriously, im roflstomping the pyramid for 6 hours+ and i have got 2 maps so far. Please increase maps drop rate or put other high lvl content coz this is boring as hell k? Thnx.

Hmm A friend of mine and myself killed the bandit to the far east twice today and BOTH times a map was dropped.

One white non-quality and one magic +16% quality

would take more runs but so far we are 2 for 2 on that eastern bandit leader. Maybe his drop rate is higher for some reason?

Or we got lucky who knows :)
"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." - William James
"People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be." - Abraham Lincoln
Shriekingwillow wrote:
I have no interest in bartering, buying, or trading. I want to play the game and enjoy the challenge of the content.

Same here...
✠ ✠
I gave up trying to find my own map and traded another player for it. Ended up with 4 more maps after leaving it - IMO, seems like the map drop rate outside of maps is out of whack.

Not expecting them to fall out of the sky and be super common, but when I can go from lvl 50-61 without seeing a map drop for myself and bored to tears of the content that is currently available to me - seems a tad off.

The challenge of the end game should be in hunting/playing in it - not lucking out on a drop to let you start the process.
Last edited by kaniz#1175 on Aug 8, 2012, 10:06:57 PM
chryso wrote:

in the 30ish maps ive done/found 2 were lv61 and only 1 lv62

what i want to say, from my point of view, maps need higher drop quantity and level
dunno how long it is supposed to see some higher maps, where it actually might get difficult since with lvl 68 im outleveling and outgearing these lowlevelmaps (~62%armor vs lv60 75% all resi with 2h weapon)

same experience here. done heaps of maps, only ever getting lev 60-62 ones, mostly just 60/61s. IIQ ~100% and IIR~150%.

seems to me like the chances of getting higher level maps is broken. will do a bunch more now it's not so painful to see them amongst all the junk on the ground :p
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