maps drop rate
I want to mention that the pyramids is de facto place to farm for maps outside of maps.
The droprate there has the BEST chance of dropping maps, including killing the Vaal OPlord. This has been stated by the devs themselves. So why should people farm elsewhere when the Pyramids have the best map droprate aside from Fellshire, which has even lower-leveled monsters? Another nugget of experience to throw out there: I still haven't been able to buy a map because as far as I know, no one is willing to sell them. For Ranger build tips, tactics, and critiques, visit this thread: |
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As i am the OP i would like to suggest a solution to all those problems in the topic. You can find it in suggestions subforums, Crude Chisel is the topic, hf.
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" The amount of misinformation you throw out here on a daily basis is staggering. In the last 24 hours i've sold 15 maps. Ten lvl 60 and five lvl 61. In the last week i've sold upwards of 35 maps. In the last hour being online i've seen two OTHER people advertising they are selling maps. You not being able to afford or not willing to pay what maps are going for right now (about 1-2 chaos per) does not in ANY way equate to "people aren't selling maps." It means you aren't willing to pay the going rate. And please save your breath about "crazy prices", since the price is determined by what the community, on average, is willing to pay. |
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@jackals1234: note, I'm making a claim to MY experience and not ANYBODY elses. When I log into PoE, I don't see people selling maps, and the only time I was able to get an offer, I never got a response back (my guess was that he brushed me off with an offer of an orb of alch for a simple lvl 60 white map).
And ask yourself this: why do maps cost an orb of chaos? Occam's Razor dictates that maps are just as rare and valuable as orbs of chaos. Had maps been more commonplace and less valuable, a map wouldn't cost an orb of chaos and perhaps an orb of alch or 20 orbs of alteration to that effect. For Ranger build tips, tactics, and critiques, visit this thread: Last edited by Islidox#7754 on Aug 8, 2012, 2:24:07 PM
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" Agree ! Everyone MUST PAY THE PRICE. 2 Chaos per normal 60 map or get lost :D ... FK equipment... PUT IIQ based armor/weps/rings/amys... farm Pyramid... SELL all ur Alchemy/chaos/regals/regrets... empty ur stash... You wont need them anyway... You can just play with some blue equip with 20% IIQ each ;) ... This sounds like Hell of strategy and really enjoyable endgame content after you have gone through the 4 difficulties and leveld ur toon to 60+ ;) And by the way, keep in mind that the Default Legaue map trading has nuthin' to do with HC one. ![]() Last edited by twiztedmind#6924 on Aug 8, 2012, 2:38:31 PM
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" You are trying to pass off your experience as fact without even mentioning the important little tidbit that you are trying to buy maps at half their current market's worth. The devs themselves have said they wanted maps to be rare (go look at the dev diary yourself) and 1-2 chaos is precisely what any decent rare item would cost on average. You thinking 1-2 chaos is too expensive is purely your opinion and does not make it so. Clearly, many people don't have a problem with it otherwise the price would have come down to whatever people WERE willing to pay. |
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" More nonsense. I have 93% qunatity and still have 2200 life and 5k aoe dps. MORE than enough to clear maps and more than enough quantity that i find 1-3 maps on average per map. And many people have much better stats than that. The notion that you have to completely sacrifice survivability and dps for IIQ/IIR is another ridiculous myth perpetuated by people who aren't willing to take the time and effort to balance their gear. |
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" 1st. Use the Edit Button. No need to double post. 2nd. Define "Rare"(because you talking about "Dev told us they will be rare"). Because... Me, personally, have found 2 maps from lvl 58 to lvl 71. This Rare Enough ? YES I Didn't had any IIQ. 3rd. We are talking exactly about the sacrifice. Why should anyone sacrifice anything to experience the new endgame content ? Tell me ? Map mobs give more EXP ? - NO, normal exp for the level of the mobs. Map mobs drop BETTER equip ? - NO (equipment equal to their level) 4th I have leveled about 6-7 chars most of them over 50 on HC, trust me, i spend pretty much time and effort to balance my gear. You know what I did ? I put some rings with IIQ, refund several skill points to get some DEX nodes so i can use 2 more items for IIQ cause I didnt met the reqs, lost about 500 HP (which is nuthing compared to my overall HP). Spent about 20-30 jev orbs and chromatics to put another armor (so i can use my skills) for another 15%... and the final result is about 70% IIQ. Now I find about 1 map per 1-2 rund of the Pyramid. And its still a walk in the park considering the fact that I am 71. So, I will be fine. Even if you put me in the toilet and lock it from the outside I will open a store and be on profit. But thats not the point. You really think is well based/balanced/fun/enjoyable endgame content ? I don't think so. And yes there will be always Golddiggers... I wont be surprised If PPl start doing Toons with TONS of IIQ... just to farm and sell maps. Thank god there is no Bots in here. Never mind, I make my point in several posts in here. Sorry if I have hurt anyones feelings, or ruin his/her business with maps :) I wont write anymore in here cause there is nuthin' more to say. Have fun with the Map farming. Last edited by twiztedmind#6924 on Aug 8, 2012, 3:11:31 PM
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sry misclick ;)
Last edited by twiztedmind#6924 on Aug 8, 2012, 3:13:51 PM
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" Those were two separate replies not a double post but thanks for your concenr. " Complaining that you didn't find any maps when you don't have IIQ is as silly as complaining that you don't find any rares when you don't have IIR. If you were able to find maps on a regular basis with 0% IIQ, maps would become worthless and people would be farming lvl 69-70 maps in a couple of weeks, which would kill the longevity of the game. " Are you being serious? I would love to run around doing 15k dps but guess what? I can't do that because i'd have 500 life and die every 5 min and never level. So i have to balance my gear with defense to be able to play end game. This is no different than adjusting your gear to include IIQ to increase your chances of getting maps. Moreover, you don't HAVE to do this to play end game, you will just find maps at a slower rate or you can buy maps from other people. If the devs balanced map drops around people who are unwilling to change their gear and unwilling to buy maps from other people based on some misguided principle, the market would literally be flooded with hundreds of maps and end game would last about a month before people became bored and stopped playing. |
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