Looting -- The official thread for discussing the loot system. Updated 18th March, 2013.
"You are far less hypocritical than the average player. I'll be honest though, I don't know if ninjas will be as common as you think they'll be; maybe they will. However, judging purely from the current practice of permanent allocation everywhere, I predict much less ninjas than you do (although undoubtedly there will still be some). When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jun 16, 2013, 3:55:42 AM
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oh come one, your rating system is pointless. It would be so easy to abuse so your rating wouldn't acutally mean anything. And why would it stop your from taking that exalt or uber unique? It's not like can't easily make up for the few down votes you would get.
You are ignoring every single argument against it. You are just preaching by now. |
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I can't believe this thread is still going on!
If you don't like to play perm allocation it's really fucking simple as to what you have to do.... MAKE YOUR OWN FUCKING PARTY! Please let this thread die. |
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" And it didn't matter did it? Still the greatest most played ARPG of all time, right? You did call me out on that and I proved you wrong with that simple statement. NO ONE cared about a few babies that where not satisfied over loot. Nothing, notta, not a single poop on a stick was ever given. It was a simple love it or leave it. And that's how you make a great game. Again, best ARPG ever proves my point. Sadly, people like you talk to much and brain washed GGG into 'loot' options instead of what 'they' wanted. GGG can still remove loot options, you know this right? Koff Koff beta. |
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Lol wtf is this thread still alive for?
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" Vooodu, lets use your flawed logic on other games shall we? COD MW2, the fastest selling piece of entertainment of all time at release. Shits on the sales of all music, movies & games in one foul swoop. But oh no, One Man Army Noob Tunes are ridic OP & ruin the game for everyone who doesn't use them. But the game had them & didn't patch them out, so surely (by your logic) because MW2 was the most played game then surely everything in it was right...right? If it was the most played then surely nothing could be wrong with it? The people that played it must have liked all the aspects of the game? If MW2 was the best seller then surely ppl liked Noob Tubes? No, your logic is bad & you should feel bad. |
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" I should feel bad? Is COD or MW2 an ARPG? Answer: NooOOoO. My logic is sound. Yours however, is drunk and needs to go to sleep. |
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So your logic of "this game was played by a lot of people so therefore everything in it must have been right" ONLY apples to ARPGs does it?
"Again, best ARPG ever proves my point." - lol |
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" I could dismantle your lame attempt at arguing or discussing anything but its apparent all you care about his trolling a dead topic. GGG won't change anything and you will continue to play permanent like the strange person that you are. I might occasionally respond to somewhat intelligent people from now on, such as Scrotie. Just for the fun of it of course. ;) Standard Forever
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" What in blue hell are you yammering on about? Sometimes its just better to say nothing if you have nothing to say. My claim stands and is easily proven. Being a sore ass proves nothing at this point. Just let it go... |
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