Looting -- The official thread for discussing the loot system. Updated 18th March, 2013.
" Its easy to prove me wrong is it? Funny, D2 being the greatest and most played ARPG of all DAMN time says other wise. And no one cares if a few stupid, entitled kids who got angry at LOOT stopped playing D2. For every one kid who quit a 100,000 more kept playing. Does that make you angry? You are right tho, nothing has changed. You're still full of crap. Case Closed. . Last edited by Vooodu#7002 on Jun 15, 2013, 11:10:37 AM
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" Seriously think about it. D2 being a great game has nothing at all to do with the what I called you out on. Everyone who played D2 was NOT satisfied with the loot system. Thats just your opinion. We all know you dislike options and what the devs decided to do with PoE. You don't have to make up junk points like that to show how you feel. I can argue my point without making stuff up. Thats the difference. One thing is obvious to me though. Looting options will never leave the game again. Anyone against them is literally just coming in here to whine about it. I have no need to argue or prove anyone wrong anymore. Its just entertainment for me :) Have a nice day. Standard Forever Last edited by iamstryker#5952 on Jun 15, 2013, 10:40:43 PM
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Really the problem I have is what next, the crying train is going to turn this game into d3. How did we get to this point where we lost on the loot battle. Whats next, the drop rate? 6L's made easier? I see the whining shifted to the next mechanic they want nerfed/made easier. And really to what end. Because at the end of the day, those gamers will come, finish the easy mode game and then leave. While the rest of us, who supported the game's original vision to pick up the pieces. Thats what makes me mad. You have a bunch of entitled gamers demanding easier this, easier that and when they get it they complain about endgame and then leave. This is the repeated cycle over and over.
GGG should already know that this is the direction they are headed for everytime they bend their rule set. If you want easier rule sets, then keep that in default leagues, dont mess up the hardcore league with this carebearish stuff. | |
Well tbh. Looks like there's alot of irrelevant, meaningless BS talk in here.
Here's what I think about the current situation: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/420367 Posting it here, since its hard to get heard in POE forums, apparently. |
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"From a thread that shouldn't exist, because this is the only authorized loot allocation discussion thread (edit: was? I swear that sticky was up earlier today): "What the "loot options" proponents fail to understand is that they are the enemies of choice, not the friends of it. Yes, if you have friends who drink or use drugs, you don't have to hang out with them. Precisely our point. Instead, "loot options" compel them to hang out with you (what other options do they have with everyone choosing "permanent"?), while their activity is continuously sanctioned, as if alcohol and drugs were eradicated from the face of the earth. The idea behind the old system was to give the player real dilemmas, real choices. The decision to ninja loot for a quick gain, or not ninja loot in order to maintain honor in the eyes of the group, was a choice; now choice is gone. The decision to allow a player into your party, based on whether you trust or distrust them, is now irrelevant, thus no longer a choice; there is no trust to betray. Okay, so maybe the old system had trouble making those choices relevant... who cares? The point is that it was trying to implement true choice. It just needed some help. Instead, it got destruction. A choice on whether or not to destroy choices -- with a clear bias towards destroying them -- is not an invitation to choose. It's an invitation to prevent choice, an invitation to determinism. Frankly, it's kind of sad that both the players and GGG aren't able to see through the bandying around of the word "options" and realize what those options really mean. The defect in the old system was not the lack of choice, but the need to frequently make blind choices. RandomPlayer wants to join the party; should we allow him or not? Admittedly, under the old system this was a major problem, and I agree that it needed to be addressed somehow... which is why I believe the correct choice at this point is to remove "loot options" while simultaneously implementing a Reddit-style "karma" voting system for accounts. (Obviously bot protection would be implemented: for example, no votes until one character on the account is level 25, and banned accounts have all of their votes revoked.) This karma system might not be as good as actual experience with the player, but it would give party leaders something to go off of, and give possible ninjas something to fear in terms of reprisal. RandomPlayer has negative karma? The party leader might allow it, might not; it depends on how forgiving that player is feeling. Choice. The chance to grab someone else's unique? I could ninja it, but then I'd get downvotes and it might be hard for me to find a good party. Choice. That is a choice mechanic. What we have now is a no-choice mechanic. However, instead of salvaging a strong mechanic that actually made you feel like an exiled criminal on an island full of exiled criminals... at the urging of the players, GGG completely scrapped it, refusing to treat its problems and killing it off instead. Thus yuwy is correct about one thing: GGG had a moral failure here. They failed to stick to their guns; they caved. Yes, the loot system had issues; yes, those issues demanded resolution. But there is a fundamental difference between repairing a broken part and replacing it, between standing up for what you believe enough to fix it properly and selling it out for an entirely different vision. If anything, that's when sticking to your guns is more important than ever. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jun 16, 2013, 3:01:40 AM
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" I am proof that this is just a stereotype. Also I have seen people on your side of the argument vanish from the game even before looting options was added. People come and go for different reasons. Not everyone needs pvp to feel challenged from a game. If you do need that then go play a game that actually specializes and excels in pvp. Not a Diablo syle dungeon crawl. " So what happens when you distrust EVERYONE? Don't ever party? Doesn't sound like a great way to encourage grouping. " This only remotely works if your actually playing with close friends. In public games this means absolutely nothing. I have never seen anyone anywhere ever say that they ninjaed something and regretted it because now their reputation is tarnished, its harder to get into groups, etc etc. In reality you can ninja whatever you want and hop right back into another group. The choices you advocate only benefit the ninja and thats it, thats only one reason it didn't work and I don't see the reddit karma system you talked about making it any better. It would be pointless because of how abusable it would be and still wouldn't provide an adequate way to measure who would take the most valuable items and who would not. When it comes down to it most ANY player would take a super rare drop and deal with the very small to NO consequences for doing it. Standard Forever Last edited by iamstryker#5952 on Jun 16, 2013, 3:19:02 AM
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"Hence the need for the karma system. If you're still skeptical of very high-karma players, then just like in real life, your paranoia would be causing irrational decision-making... but it would still be your choice. Also striker read my entire post then edit in your responses ROFL When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jun 16, 2013, 3:19:52 AM
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" Like I said above, it wouldn't be irrational. Would I rather be over an exalt richer or take a hit on a meaningless overly abused karma system? There's no way a few votes would have enough effect to bother that player at all. p.s. My name is stryker, and whats wrong with that? Standard Forever
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"Look at the sheer length of this thread. Look at the tone, all the way from beginning to end. Think about the stickies that were so necessary at the beginning of OB to redirect people here, and the thread spam that precipitated them. Now take a moment and really ponder how the karma system would work. Imagine all those voices with voting power. Close your eyes and put your predictive imagination to work. edit: Taking my own advice, I realized that upvotes and downvotes should be separate, not added together; so instead of +1, you might see +4/-3. Still think the votes wouldn't matter? When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jun 16, 2013, 3:36:12 AM
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" More than likely not since it would be so easily abusable and still wouldn't be difficult to get into a simple public party. Especially since in a competitive environment people kind of know that its ok to be competitive. Seems silly to me to give someone a negative mark for playing the game in the competitive manner that it was designed. I can see many players completely ignoring the karma system since they do not care if that person is a ninja because so are they!, and so are basically everyone that they meet. Just my opinion. Standard Forever
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