A new RED enters the arena! The crowd cheers!
Aixius wrote:
I played D2 for years and never whined, cried, and smashed my stuff because I missed out on an item.
Wow, what an amazing coincidence: neither did I! That's because I wasn't stupid enough to ever set foot in a public game chock-full of greedy, slobbering REDS eager to snatch up every item that drops the very moment it hit the cold, stone floor.
It's part of the game and them's the breaks: sometimes you're lucky and sometimes you're not.
Whether or not it's "part of the game" is up to the devs, not you. Them's the breaks.
Perhaps a few of you will play PoE and learn that you can't always cry and complain until you get what you want.
"Toughen up," sayeth the bully.
Just because some players don't want ANY competition on ANY level of the gameplay doesn't mean the devs have to do anything to cater to those players.
Conversely, just because some players want to be able to abuse and bully any players they see on the screen whenever the mood strikes them doesn't mean the devs have to cater to their whims, either. Now, are there any more self-evident, stunningly obvious assertions you'd like to exchange?
I think my first post in this thread was around page 133...perhaps you should read the thread, since I don't recall seeing you post other than the past day or two, in which you've written post after post basically calling the devs idiots for their design choices. These guys have invested their time and capital for years making this game, yet they're supposed to just cave and change their game the moment some of you can't handle something?
Are you a dev? No? Then don't speak for them or pretend that you represent their interests.
You guys with your doom-and-gloom "you gotta cater to casuals or it'll be a ghost town!" professional MMO advice are just funny. This game was designed from the get-go as a hardcore ARPG, something the devs themselves would love to play; nobody should be surprised that they don't want to stray far from their vision. Some of you seem to be surprised that the devs even have a vision for their game and that they're somehow foolish for sticking to it.
The really pathetic part is that we're actually attempting to prevent ghost-town-itis by petitioning the devs to drink some coffee, roll up their sleeves and make one tiny change to the game mechanics to accommodate a huge swath of their playerbase. But all the REDS hear is "whine whine carebear hand me free shinies whine whine". This same dichotomy has existed in online gaming since the invention of the 300 baud rate modem. When will the madness end?
Perhaps you should go find a big corporate studio to make your ideal game: you can lobby their PR department, who will pass that on to a developer, who will perhaps take that to a project manager, who will weigh the suggestion based on dollars and cents. Truly inspired.
No, instead I'll continue posting here, every day, carefully and patiently explaining my point of view, alongside my fellow GREENS who do the same. Similarly, I'll watch in wry amusement as REDS fling themselves desperately at the wall, terrified in horror at the notion that their hunting grounds might dry up, all the while ignoring the truth: your hunting grounds WILL dry up, because GREENS will either continue to play solo (as they chose to do in D2), or simply quit in droves.
GREENS vs. REDS: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/392/page/246#p811501
The Prisoner's Dilemma: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/392/page/262#p813428
Lethal_papercut's discussion with Chris: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/392/page/235#p806542
Posted byXaxyx#3372on Jan 10, 2013, 8:15:25 AM
iamstryker wrote:
Real Casuals, as you guys use the word, are not interested in Path of Exile and are still over in Diablo 3 trying to pretend that it has any depth to it whatsoever.
I for only see myself as casual in the sense that I can't play this game for 8 hours a day or more. That is the one and only reason that I would ever give myself the label of "casual". Other than that I am every bit as hardcore as any other player in here. I theory craft as much as you and I love the core game as much as you. Not enjoying FFA is simply a difference of opinion and playstyle. I do not want the game to be easier. I want it to be difficult without fighting over loot with my teammates. I want to not hate the system in which I get my favorite part of the game (The Loot).
Calling people casuals who are asking for the game itself to be harder is silly. Your just using the word to make yourself feel superior.
And here you are calling people in D3 casual, when it is the harder game of the two.
Posted byifarmpandas#7993on Jan 10, 2013, 8:21:16 AM
ifarmpandas wrote:
iamstryker wrote:
Real Casuals, as you guys use the word, are not interested in Path of Exile and are still over in Diablo 3 trying to pretend that it has any depth to it whatsoever.
I for only see myself as casual in the sense that I can't play this game for 8 hours a day or more. That is the one and only reason that I would ever give myself the label of "casual". Other than that I am every bit as hardcore as any other player in here. I theory craft as much as you and I love the core game as much as you. Not enjoying FFA is simply a difference of opinion and playstyle. I do not want the game to be easier. I want it to be difficult without fighting over loot with my teammates. I want to not hate the system in which I get my favorite part of the game (The Loot).
Calling people casuals who are asking for the game itself to be harder is silly. Your just using the word to make yourself feel superior.
And here you are calling people in D3 casual, when it is the harder game of the two.
I disagree. Its just more of a time sink. They nerfed inferno hard and now legendaries fall from the sky. Players don't even pick up rares anymore. If you go to the forums you will find players asking that they make monster power 10 difficult again. Is that because the game is hard?
I really think Path of Exile requires more tactics amongst its builds compared to D3.
Edit: Oh, and I called them casual because IMO casuals are drawn to the hand holding games that require no thought which is what D3 is all about. They don't want depth they want ACTION!!!
Standard Forever Last edited by iamstryker#5952 on Jan 10, 2013, 8:30:48 AM
Posted byiamstryker#5952on Jan 10, 2013, 8:28:26 AM
Probably should have used past tense.
Also, PoE doesn't require much thinking for most kinds of gameplay (HEY JUST LIKE D3!!). Once you figure out the basics (HP is king, crit multi is king, etc), the game pretty much plays itself.
Posted byifarmpandas#7993on Jan 10, 2013, 8:32:12 AM
iamstryker wrote:
I disagree. Its just more of a time sink. They nerfed inferno hard and now legendaries fall from the sky. Players don't even pick up rares anymore. If you go to the forums you will find players asking that they make monster power 10 difficult again. Is that because the game is hard?
I really think Path of Exile requires more tactics amongst its builds compared to D3.
Edit: Oh, and I called them casual because IMO casuals are drawn to the hand holding games that require no thought which is what D3 is all about. They don't want depth they want ACTION!!!
You should really just not talk about D3. If someone reads this garbage, they might automatically assume that your posts on the actual topic is garbage aswell.
Last edited by Sickness#1007 on Jan 10, 2013, 8:42:29 AM
Posted bySickness#1007on Jan 10, 2013, 8:38:13 AM
I feel that the FFA loot is a cheap gimmick to make the co-op experience feel more interesting. Currently co-op is significantly easier than solo play. Instead of Forcing a play style on the greens to make the game more interesting they should increase the difficulty of co-op and change the timer system.
GGG should not punish greens to reward reds. FFA has a place in the game including races leagues and private parties with friends. You cannot FORCE a green to enjoy FFA; they will leave once they get board of solo.
IGN: Wrathmar * Paulie * Client
Posted bywrathmar#4456on Jan 10, 2013, 8:42:38 AM
Sickness wrote:
iamstryker wrote:
I disagree. Its just more of a time sink. They nerfed inferno hard and now legendaries fall from the sky. Players don't even pick up rares anymore. If you go to the forums you will find players asking that they make monster power 10 difficult again. Is that because the game is hard?
I really think Path of Exile requires more tactics amongst its builds compared to D3.
Edit: Oh, and I called them casual because IMO casuals are drawn to the hand holding games that require no thought which is what D3 is all about. They don't want depth they want ACTION!!!
You should really just not talk about D3. If someone reads this garbage, they might automatically assume that your posts on the actual topic is garbage aswell.
Just PM me if you have a big issue with my view of D3. I didn't bring it up to start a big debate about it. Which part is any different than I have ever posted? Legendaries rain from the sky? Ya I exaggerated but compared to when I played the game they are raining from the sky.
I have a negative opinion of that game. Don't take it personally.
Standard Forever
Posted byiamstryker#5952on Jan 10, 2013, 8:45:47 AM
I gotta say, Xaxyx's posts are a real delight.
Such fine irony! Keep up the good work.
Posted bymobutu#5362on Jan 10, 2013, 8:54:59 AM
Posted byDeletedon Jan 10, 2013, 8:57:29 AM
iamstryker wrote:
Just PM me if you have a big issue with my view of D3. I didn't bring it up to start a big debate about it. Which part is any different than I have ever posted? Legendaries rain from the sky? Ya I exaggerated but compared to when I played the game they are raining from the sky.
I have a negative opinion of that game. Don't take it personally.
It's a load of crap that you seem to be basing primarily on reading the D3 forums. Keep it to yourself or to off topic, don't undermine the whole 'anti-ffa only' camp.
Posted bySickness#1007on Jan 10, 2013, 8:59:47 AM