Looting -- The official thread for discussing the loot system. Updated 18th March, 2013.

I would prefer instanced loot or a 30 second lockout on the loot that gets alicated to you.

For simple reason, people are going to figure out how to make you lag, and poof there goes your loot.
Aixius wrote:
iamstryker wrote:
iamstryker wrote:
Played some more public games today and have some more thoughts on the issue.

1. I am for instanced loot as one option simply for the fact of screen clutter. It is amazingly annoying having the screen completely full of items. I don't think instanced is a perfect system but I would play it sometimes just to keep my screen clear. No don't tell me to filter white items. They have too much potential to be valuable in this game and I don't want to hit a button all of the time either.

2. Even if I wanted to play the weed out the jerks game its too annoying right now since I had no idea who took what item. How the hell can I follow who took what item when A) The screen is full of items, B) The screen is full of enemies/minions/spell effects, and C) A boss creature who is trying to kill me. I simply can't follow all of that at the same time. Thats why I support wraths idea of a loot log so I know for sure who took my orb with my name on it.

The current system isn't unplayable I just don't see why it needs to be the only option to play on. I dislike FFA but other people hate it more than me for sure. I want this game to be popular dang it. This issue just isn't important enough to hinder the games popularity.

Found out today that the white items filter is being removed. So I am going to repost this.

This thread had finally fallen off the first page until you resorted to quoting yourself just to bump it. Let this be the end of all the "no other thread is this big, it's proof that what I'm saying is correct!" claims.

Your absolutely right Aixius. We will all just pretend that this thread...


Wasn't started yesterday.

This issue is as alive as it has always been and will be more so at Open Beta.

Keep ignoring the other newer posters in this thread as well. They just don't exist.
Standard Forever
Last edited by iamstryker#5952 on Jan 5, 2013, 11:04:57 AM
iamstryker wrote:

This issue is as alive as it has always been and will be more so at Open Beta.

Keep ignoring the other newer posters in this thread as well. They just don't exist.

This is because many peoples only experience with an arpg is D3 (or mmo's), they come here and adapt fine to the single player - but when they try groups and looting is different then what their used too. there will be more complainers I'm sure.

What people need to understand is that PoE is not a D3 "clone", its more of a REAL successor/improvement to D2 (and really, many other great APRG's as well - but thats another topic) - D2 had competitive loot/ffa and also PK'ers. This "competitive" element is there on purpose, and it plays many other roles* Its not nearly as harsh as d2 was with no timers and unwanted PVP. If you really hate it, you can work around it or avoid it by only playing with friends or single player.

FFA loot with timer is the "default" setting for loot in every game. Consistent. Players can make their own rules, and and break those rules at their own will. This also brings in more risk in exchange for the rewards of co-op grouping. This is good game design, I think GGG would be foolish to allow this mechanic to be avoided - it adds so much.

*game pace is/can be faster, player freedom (not locked down), allows easy sharing, more exciting, can add difficulty if loot is in dangerous place, element of drama good/or bad, added reason to make friends and bonds of loyalty, others are mentioned in this thread as well.
SMRD wrote:
iamstryker wrote:

What people need to understand is that PoE is not a D3 "clone", its more of a REAL successor/improvement to D2 (and really, many other great APRG's as well - but thats another topic) - D2 had competitive loot/ffa and also PK'ers. This "competitive" element is there on purpose, and it plays many other roles* Its not nearly as harsh as d2 was with no timers and unwanted PVP. If you really hate it, you can work around it or avoid it by only playing with friends or single player.

most people do understand that this isnt D3. we are not asking for ffa to go away. just want options. not sure why you pro ffa people cant understand that. to us options are good and will allow us to join a party with people like minded and have fun.
SMRD wrote:
If you really hate it, you can work around it or avoid it by only playing with friends or single player.

Why is that okay, but loot options aren't?
The most important reason to instance loot is so you can see the damn ground when you're in a group. If you have 3-6 players in the group you can forget about leaving highlight items on. This cut throat loot is bullshit and adds nothing to the game.
Rowsol wrote:
The most important reason to instance loot is so you can see the damn ground when you're in a group. If you have 3-6 players in the group you can forget about leaving highlight items on. This cut throat loot is bullshit and adds nothing to the game.

Except it does.
SL4Y3R wrote:
Rowsol wrote:
The most important reason to instance loot is so you can see the damn ground when you're in a group. If you have 3-6 players in the group you can forget about leaving highlight items on. This cut throat loot is bullshit and adds nothing to the game.

Except it does.

It does for a portion of the player base. But for the rest of us it actually takes away from the experience. Its just two different play styles. I think GGG can let those playstyles co-exist. They are clever and I think they can figure out a way that would make them happy and us happy. They have done great providing choices up to this point. Thats why we have cutthroat, hardcore, turbo, default leagues. People enjoy different things. I will probably never play cutthroat or turbo. They just don't interest me. I would greatly appreciate something for people who like to coop but only want pure PVE. If GGG is only interested in the mega hardcore then I suggest they make all of default cutthroat. That way no one is confused about their goals. Putting our names on the items that they deem "not ours until we pick them up" is simply confusing.
Standard Forever
Last edited by iamstryker#5952 on Jan 5, 2013, 7:53:58 PM
Can't argue with that Stryker. I too wish it was all FFA. However, you know as well as I do that the timers were added as a means to help ranged builds have a chance. Which it did help. It also helps those with higher latencies.

I will say one thing about the different leagues. Notice how all of them are harder, and not.easier? There's a reason for that.
SMRD wrote:

FFA loot with timer is the "default" setting for loot in every game.

I thought that I had read somewhere that torchlight 2 was not FFA only. Am I wrong? Anyone know?
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