Looting -- The official thread for discussing the loot system. Updated 18th March, 2013.

SL4Y3R wrote:
Can't argue with that Stryker. I too wish it was all FFA. However, you know as well as I do that the timers were added as a means to help ranged builds have a chance. Which it did help. It also helps those with higher latencies.

I will say one thing about the different leagues. Notice how all of them are harder, and not.easier? There's a reason for that.

Which is why I have asked for a league that makes the actual game harder but gives me no competition against teammates. I'm not interested in difficulty through the loot grab. I would rather focus on cooperating with other players to focus completely on killing the enemies and being able to leave the loot on the ground for as long as we need without fear of teammates breaking the rules.

Edit: Pure FFA didn't make sense to the community and now FFA with timers doesn't make sense to the community.
Standard Forever
Last edited by iamstryker#5952 on Jan 5, 2013, 8:03:37 PM
iamstryker wrote:

I thought that I had read somewhere that torchlight 2 was not FFA only. Am I wrong? Anyone know?

That is correct. TL2 has instanced loot only.
jmstringer wrote:

This is just a suggestion. let me know what you guys think. And i dont know if something like this has already been posted. if so, sorry.

I would like to see an option when making maps to set it where all maps drops go to who ever you choose. The main problem with pick up groups right now is map stealers, but for the most part people are in agreeance that if you make the map, the drops go to you ( this doesnt always go as planned). This could extend further than maps, but maps is where i mainly see the real issue at. And also maybe make the loot timer on personal loot last a little longer.

This guy started a thread in suggestions yesterday. This is why this thread needs to be stickied. New people don't know where to go to leave this kind of feedback. So it needs to at least be permanently on the first page.
Standard Forever
That's what search function is for.
It's permanently on the first page anyway given how often it gets replied to

It will probably still be on the first page in 10 years time with the same people saying the same stuff they've said over & over again on the last 200 pages :)
well, 200 pages? not going to read it all,. Zzz

My issues with the current loot system is fairly minor,

1) Timers need to be increased by 1 second I think, there is more to it then just distance and latency. 6 man party drops so many items that they dont all fit on the screen.

Possible fix - add .5 seconds per member to scale with the mini game of clicking the right item befor X player,. I Am as hardcore as the next guy, but this whole mini game of being blinded by white items an clicking loot is not a rush,. its just anoying.

2) maps should all ways go to the opener. 1 min timer. the drop mechanics of this game dont suit the type of rush you want the players to feel.

Stuff explodes like pinatas,maps could end up out of reach simply due to the fact there was no room near you for the text to fit. how is this fair? its not,. it just silly.

3), it a great game.

This thread has hundreds (thousands?) of different players expressing displeasure with the current loot system and offering solutions. Development has listened to player feedback on issues including Unique gear, Respecs, The Skill Tree, Difficulty Balancing, etc.

Many of the suggestions would preserve the core system while improving the co-op experience for all players. The development posts on this subject are very old; we would be very interested what their current opinion is on this issue.
IGN: Wrathmar * Paulie * Client
I recently PM'd Chris asking him to speak on the subject, there is nothing personal in there so I think it is ok to post it publicly.

Read from bottom to top

Message History
Re: Please don't ignore this thread...Looting
to Chris
on January 6, 2013 12:12 AM


I respect your stance even if I don't fully agree, I also appreciate you taking time to reply to me.

As a last note I would urge you to relay the message in the thread.

Re: Please don't ignore this thread...Looting
from Chris
on January 5, 2013 11:32 PM

Hi - thanks for the mail and your continued feedback.

We're currently at record levels of party engagement in the game, and we're very pleased with how well that's doing considering the game is designed around being played solo.

Bear in mind that looting isn't actually pure-FFA at the moment (though we often wish it was) - there is an allocation timer that helps smooth out unfairness with lag and distance.

Adding more options to games is generally a bad thing. The goal of the game designers is to create a system of restrictions that challenge the players, rather than throw in dozens of options and allow the players to try to find a fun game in there somewhere.

I understand if allocated looting seems like a good idea when it hasn't been tested, but we have done extensive testing and have also seen how badly it hurt other games that implemented it. We feel this is a really important part of PoE to get right.
Re: Please don't ignore this thread...Looting
to Chris
on January 5, 2013 3:39 PM

I have to say I am surprised you are happy with the current system when it is the biggest bone of contention people have with the game. Can I ask, are you happy with the amount of people actually playing public multiplayer? As far as I am aware it's a ghost town & if you read the threads it's apparent the main reason for that is FFA loot.

Do you not feel that adding more looting options would not be a benefit to the game in general rather than forcing ppl to play FFA or go solo?

Re: Please don't ignore this thread...Looting
from Chris
on January 5, 2013 7:43 AM

We're pretty happy with how it works at the moment. There is great tension around item drops in multiplayer, but people are still able to grab ones that are allocated to them if they're paying attention.

We do read that thread and will continue to look at feedback. It could easily change in the future.
Please don't ignore this thread...Looting
to Chris
on January 2, 2013 5:14 PM

Please don't ignore us, 232pages & almost no word from GGG.



Here are the quotes for tldr'ers

"We're pretty happy with how it works at the moment. There is great tension around item drops in multiplayer, but people are still able to grab ones that are allocated to them if they're paying attention.

We do read that thread and will continue to look at feedback. It could easily change in the future."

"We're currently at record levels of party engagement in the game, and we're very pleased with how well that's doing considering the game is designed around being played solo.

Bear in mind that looting isn't actually pure-FFA at the moment (though we often wish it was) - there is an allocation timer that helps smooth out unfairness with lag and distance.

Adding more options to games is generally a bad thing. The goal of the game designers is to create a system of restrictions that challenge the players, rather than throw in dozens of options and allow the players to try to find a fun game in there somewhere.

I understand if allocated looting seems like a good idea when it hasn't been tested, but we have done extensive testing and have also seen how badly it hurt other games that implemented it. We feel this is a really important part of PoE to get right."

I have made my views on the looting options more than perfectly clear, so with the feedback from Chris this will be my last post on the issue.
wrathmar wrote:
This thread has hundreds (thousands?) of different players expressing displeasure with the current loot system and offering solutions. Development has listened to player feedback on issues including Unique gear, Respecs, The Skill Tree, Difficulty Balancing, etc.

Many of the suggestions would preserve the core system while improving the co-op experience for all players. The development posts on this subject are very old; we would be very interested what their current opinion is on this issue.

This thread has hundreds (thousands?) of different players expressing satisfaction and support for the current system.

Leaving it as-is would be considered listening to player feedback as well.

The one opinion that wrathmar and most others can't get past is the idea that adding options satisfies all players and developers. That just isn't the case. Sometimes, choosing one option that you think is best for your game is the best option. I don't know how else to state it.


As I've said multiple times -- if there are sooooooo many people that don't like competitive looting, it should be EASY to find a group that shares your looting mentality.

Make group > Play > Add people that loot fairly to your friends list > Rinse/Repeat > Have 100+ friends that you can group with at any time and not fear ninja looting.

One side note.. from a psychology perspective.. I can tell you without any sliver of doubt that at least 33% of the most vocal anti-ffa people are the most egregious ninja looters. They convince themselves that everyone does it and they need to do it just to balance the world.


If I'm having pizza with friends and there is one piece left and the guy that already ate the most pizza grabs it before anyone else can.. I don't share pizza with that guy anymore. I don't ask Pizza Hut to deliver the pizza in 4 separate boxes with the pizza evenly distributed.
" ... to let them know the game isn’t going to be very fair from here on out."
- Qarl
This is an internet game with thousands of players your pizza analogy does not hold up. You know who your friends are and can adjust as needed. Unless GGG includes a loot log and the ability to block accounts from joining your public party players cannot police their desired loot rules.

As posters have said multiple times we would love the chance to find like-minded players to group with adding loot options would allow this. Hundreds of posters are expressing displeasure and only a handful want to keep the system the way it is.

IGN: Wrathmar * Paulie * Client

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