Looting -- The official thread for discussing the loot system. Updated 18th March, 2013.

SL4Y3R wrote:
Again, you are partying together. Meaning, you're merely in the same instance. You have no idea what the other player wishes to accomplish, their intentions, their goals. Nothing.

Just because you wish to play with others does not mean you wish to play the same way as those who join.

I'm just curious as to what these players are doing joining or starting a public game if they aren't interested in teaming up. Can you give examples of what your talking about?

Edit: The only thing I can think of are people who don't care about teaming up but just stealing the other players loot. I haven't seen anyone with this as the only goal they have yet. Most players that I see want to team up but end up ninjaing stuff out of greed. Even if they do this they are still a part of a team even if they are greedy.
Standard Forever
Last edited by iamstryker#5952 on Dec 31, 2012, 10:06:18 AM
SL4Y3R wrote:

A party =\= team

A pub party is not a team.

Again, you are partying together. Meaning, you're merely in the same instance. You have no idea what the other player wishes to accomplish, their intentions, their goals. Nothing.

Just because you wish to play with others does not mean you wish to play the same way as those who join.

Fucking hilarious, it's a shame you felt the need to scrape the barrel so hard, maybe you could try & go back to the pacing argument. lol.
Last edited by lethal_papercut#5270 on Dec 31, 2012, 10:13:18 AM
SL4Y3R wrote:
... One dropped in my name, I gave it to him. For free. Cause he needed one. That's teamwork. Because we both shared a common goal.

you know, not everybody wants to top the ladder.
some people, I would say prolly the majority of them, come here to enjoy themselves, to have a good time etc, after all this is just a game, nothing more. They just want to play it without all the bullshit competitivity forced down on their throat.
iamstryker wrote:
SL4Y3R wrote:
Again, you are partying together. Meaning, you're merely in the same instance. You have no idea what the other player wishes to accomplish, their intentions, their goals. Nothing.

Just because you wish to play with others does not mean you wish to play the same way as those who join.

I'm just curious as to what these players are doing joining or starting a public game if they aren't interested in teaming up. Can you give examples of what your talking about?

Edit: The only thing I can think of are people who don't care about teaming up but just stealing the other players loot. I haven't seen anyone with this as the only goal they have yet. Most players that I see want to team up but end up ninjaing stuff out of greed. Even if they do this they are still a part of a team even if they are greedy.

Those who wish to leech for exp, those who wish to try and get a pk, those who wish to merely to ninja, those who wish to do loot giveaways (several of which I have been a part of, those who wish to have someone help them gain wp, those who wish to beat a difficult boss,

In some of these instances, the player could not care about loot at all.

My point, that you have absolutely no idea the intentions of some of those who open pubs. Just because you join, does not even mean you share a common goal.
If FFA loot is going to be in the game with no other options then I will never be joining a single public party. I've had plenty of loot ninjas, kill stealers, and more group drama than I can shake 1,000 sticks at in other games and I dislike them with an absolute passion. I don't need to have one or two people being unable to keep their greed in check and care more about themselves than anyone else in a game environment that is primarily made for enjoyment and having fun. All it does is cause more unnecessary drama and hinders the ability to actually want to join public parties, step out of the 'solo comfort zone', and try and make some friends that you can trust. I will not speak for anyone else here other than myself and my experiences, but for the few friends that I have invited into the game to party with and try out they have all said the same thing...they dislike the FFA only system for loot.

The timers for them to get to their loot before it becomes FFA were far too short in some cases and they were asking why there weren't other loot options like 'Master Looter' or having loot that only they can see. They didn't mind when we partied together and picked up each others' loot because at the end of the day or when we had to port back to town to empty our bags we divided everything up and if someone got a piece of armor or weapon that someone else could use it was traded without question. They loved everything else about the game (barring some flaws, but they said those weren't a big deal and would eventually get ironed out), but won't want to either continue playing or party in public parties with the current way FFA loot is the only option they have.

Not trying to make any suggestions here, as there have been some good ones already mentioned in the thread, but just chiming in as another voice on the matter.
SL4Y3R wrote:
iamstryker wrote:
SL4Y3R wrote:
Again, you are partying together. Meaning, you're merely in the same instance. You have no idea what the other player wishes to accomplish, their intentions, their goals. Nothing.

Just because you wish to play with others does not mean you wish to play the same way as those who join.

I'm just curious as to what these players are doing joining or starting a public game if they aren't interested in teaming up. Can you give examples of what your talking about?

Edit: The only thing I can think of are people who don't care about teaming up but just stealing the other players loot. I haven't seen anyone with this as the only goal they have yet. Most players that I see want to team up but end up ninjaing stuff out of greed. Even if they do this they are still a part of a team even if they are greedy.

Those who wish to leech for exp, those who wish to try and get a pk, those who wish to merely to ninja, those who wish to do loot giveaways (several of which I have been a part of, those who wish to have someone help them gain wp, those who wish to beat a difficult boss,

In some of these instances, the player could not care about loot at all.

My point, that you have absolutely no idea the intentions of some of those who open pubs. Just because you join, does not even mean you share a common goal.

The person leeching exp should be booted immediately. Assuming he isnt trying to fight monsters at all.

The loot giveaway person isn't fighting monsters at all so what he is there for shouldn't be confusing to the other players at all and shouldn't take very long.

The wp guy is still teaming with other players, same as the guy with the difficult boss.

My point is that the VAST majority of the time you are teaming with the people in a public game. Thats what they are there for to be a part of a killing monsters team.
Standard Forever
I'll admit, i didn't read the 231 pages before this post, so forgive me if it's a repeat. But i feel like i have to voice my opinion as well. (Take it with a grain of salt please, we're not supposed to all have the same opinions after all)

* The FFA looting timer needs to either be increased (Give us more time to pick up our items, even if only for an extra second or two)
* Or give group leaders the option to select what kind of loot system they want (Obviously this should NOT include master looter)
* Or add a roll window for rare or above quality items
* Or increase the range of which you can pick up YOUR items

I've had great groups playing this game, but the looting just adds stress to a game. In most groups i feel like many people are just waiting for that mob to die so they can jump on loot. Or in some cases, there are people just running around looting and not actually fighting.

Now i know the arguments to this, "get friends", "don't group with randoms" etc etc. But i actually enjoy joining random groups and just exp or hunt for items. Also, my friends don't always want to do the same thing as me.
My Supporter Pack list compensates for my small penis.
I too will not be playing in public games with the current loot rules. There are plenty of people IRL willing to screw me over for personal gain. Why would I want that in the game too?
Even in games with much better looting options, I generally only team up when I either have to in order to progress or specifically am out to level as fast as possible not caring about drops. Part of this is because I'm a bit of an anti-social introvert and don't have an easy time trusting anyone. But a big part is that I just don't need the hassle of pugs (pick up groups - public teams).

The looting system, as it stands, is one additional reason for me to play solo despite the loss of xp. If the game ever evolves into one where team play is mandatory, or one where team play is so advantageous that soloing is a ridiculous alternative, I'll be first among those leaving it behind.

Omnivore61 wrote:
If the game ever evolves into one where team play is mandatory, or one where team play is so advantageous that soloing is a ridiculous alternative, I'll be first among those leaving it behind.

This. In every video I'll ever play.

In a very grind heavy game the death penalty equates to...more grinding.

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