Looting -- The official thread for discussing the loot system. Updated 18th March, 2013.

Instance Loot = More Single Player?

Bull****...aks the peepz most of them would say i dont play party because of FFA Loot...Ofcourse you can talk about loot rules in groups, but that does not work for everybody..So why not more options for Loot in Multiplayer?

We would have a lot more Publics and a nicer community with more Loot options for groups (personal Loot).

The elements are my allies.
The dead are my servants.
And fear...will be my closest friend.

Deutscher Global Channel "/global 4745"
If the pro-FFA poster like the current timer system because it gives freedom, is a rush, promotes socializing, part of the meta game etc… and not because they are able to gain extra wealth at the expense of others.

Then GGG should change the system to destroy any item whose timer expires. Based upon the logic presented this change would make the game even more hardcore while encouraging greater teamwork and communication. And as an added benefit it would limit the viability of the multi-load exploit.
IGN: Wrathmar * Paulie * Client
I would honestly suggest that as another league wrathmar. That sounds like something GGG would do. Sounds fun.
SL4Y3R wrote:
Problem is. It's not as simple as everyone wins. The people which like FFA will lose players who play with FFA loot

Aren't you predicting what will happen like you said recently people shouldn't do? Your acting like no one will play FFA again. Your friends who like it obviously will and at least a small portion of players would still use it. So ya when we say everyone wins it does make sense. Those who really want FFA still have it and can use it and those who hate it aren't forced to use it. Right now we are the furthest thing away from making the majority of players happy. There's only one option that doesn't even get used in its intended purpose.

When you guys talk like this it really makes it sound like the average gamer is completely stupid. They are so stupid they don't even know what settings they would like to play the game on. Oh they have learned to tolerate FFA so we can't introduce any more options because they might act dumb and go choose something else......the horror.
Standard Forever
ifarmpandas wrote:
If you were to allow instanced loot as an option, it would affect how IIQ works. Right now, disregarding map bonuses and personal IIQ bonuses, each full party instance has +250% IIQ or 250% more drops on average. If we don't change how the system works and just add instanced loot, each full party instance would have a staggering +1250% IIQ or 5 times more drops than a FFA group. If we removed the IIQ bonus, it would still be +500% IIQ due to the 5 extra people (100% IIQ each); twice the drops of FFA. The only solution to this would be to decrease the IIQ of each player as more people join the party. A party of two would have 75% base IIQ each, a party of 6 50%. Now do you think this is a good solution? Punish players for partying?

Map IIQ works the same way. How exactly would you allocate it? Each instance of loot gets the bonus? It gets divided per loot instance? Is this fair to the players? Is it fun to lose IIQ for grouping?

On the topic of maps, know that right now, it's pretty much a waste to run high level maps by yourself, unless you hate everyone in your league that's 75+. Now consider how everyone gives the map to the maker so you can keep the map train running. In FFA, it's easier to arbitrate distributes since you can see the map drop. What about in instanced loot? How would you tell if someone took a map from the maker or not? There's a fundamental breakdown in trust with this system. There's no teamwork there, only 6 players in their own little worlds.

In conclusion, instanced loot isn't the perfect solution you people envision it to be.

Instanced loot isn't remotely the only option being discussed here. There are ways to make it fair for the current FFA players and those using a different option (leagues being one). But at any rate if people want to play with reduced IIQ in order to play a setting that they find more enjoyable then whats wrong with that?

People feel punished for partying right now.
Standard Forever
Jackel6672 wrote:

Options themselves will not alienate them, just the fact that people would only play instanced loot is what would alienate them. Instanced loot = single player. Even more then people play right now. Instanced loot leaves no reason to party except for xp. Which in this game, since they allow multi boxing (ATM) will make the game stale.

Your way of looking at it is not the same as myself and the others arguing for options. I like playing coop because its more fun. I like the teamwork and the social factors. Why would instanced loot leave no reason to party besides xp? That just sounds crazy to me. Furthermore instanced loot is not the only thing we are discussing here. This issue can be mostly solved without pulling in full on D3 instanced loot.

Jackel6672 wrote:

You keep putting words into peoples mouths. A small vocal minority compared to the overall population seem to want this change. I currently enjoy this game, and I also "deal" with the loot system knowing full well that it is as the game was intended. This is one of the few games where I have seen devs this active on the forums, and its awesome. It also leads to a lot of whining and trying to get them to pander to how they want to play.

If your going to ask me to prove that most people want options then why don't you prove the opposite? I can give evidences in all of the threads but its impossible to satisfy everyone with absolute proof. Thats why I want it tested out to see how popular options would be. Ya devs are active in the forums but not this partiular issue, why is that?

Jackel6672 wrote:

Hopefully they come out and say what they're planning soon, or atleast just tell everyone they're leaving it alone.

Hey we completely agree on something.
Standard Forever
ifarmpandas wrote:
A party of two would have 75% base IIQ each, a party of 6 50%. Now do you think this is a good solution? Punish players for partying?
Does a party kill things faster than a solo person does? Because 2 people (at 75% of solo drop rates) only needs to kill 33% faster to keep up with solo drop rates. Unless that second party member has no dps or isn't doing anything, the party is still going to get more drops each.

I totally agree with you on the map distribution part. And for the record, people currently run off with maps when they're supposed to give it to the opener, I see it happen all the time in public groups. If you're a screen away from the pack and one drops, what's stopping you from picking it up silently?

I personally think "instanced" loot is a bad idea, just give people the ability to lengthen the timers to a significantly high base time (rather than the 2 seconds it currently is at). That way if someone is taking maps when they didn't open it, you can call them out and/or kick them from the party, blacklist them, etc.
How Fusings Work: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/38585/page/3#p1451934

IGN: TheHammer
iamstryker wrote:
When you guys talk like this it really makes it sound like the average gamer is completely stupid.

Proven daily right here as a solid fact. (better still, half of them are even dummer then the average!)

iamstryker wrote:

They are so stupid they don't even know what settings they would like to play the game on.

Sounds like a good reason to not give anyone options that affect other players.

iamstryker wrote:

Oh they have learned to tolerate FFA so we can't introduce any more options because they might act dumb and go choose something else......the horror.

how I read that statement:

Oh they have learned to tolerate their freedom to loot as they want so we can’t introduce more options because they might act dumb and restrict other peoples freedom.

You stole my line! The horror…
SMRD wrote:
iamstryker wrote:
When you guys talk like this it really makes it sound like the average gamer is completely stupid.

Proven daily right here as a solid fact. (better still, half of them are even dummer then the average!)

You shouldn’t get in the habit of calling others stupid. It makes people disregard your contributions to the debate.
IGN: Wrathmar * Paulie * Client
wrathmar wrote:
SMRD wrote:
iamstryker wrote:
When you guys talk like this it really makes it sound like the average gamer is completely stupid.

Proven daily right here as a solid fact. (better still, half of them are even dummer then the average!)

You shouldn’t get in the habit of calling others stupid. It makes people disregard your contributions to the debate.

I'll happily admit I'm no exception. it was directed in a general sense.

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