Looting -- The official thread for discussing the loot system. Updated 18th March, 2013.

I can say that for me, extending the timers will do nothing. Heck, you could make them 60 seconds and it wouldn't entice me one bit more to play in public groups.

The argument is often posted that an FFA system will help a person sort out the good guys from the bad. That's not a game I want to play. Watching and monitoring people to see who behaves well with others is like babysitting.

I simply want to play the game, kill stuff and get loot. I never, not for one second, want to compete against my teammates, or have to remember "ok, that item dropped for so and so, and that item is for that guy..." I WANT the game to handle all that.

If GGG wants to make it so that loot is visible, fine. FFA is not a requirement for sharing. Competition is not a requirement for being social.

I see the whole pro-FFA argument as a group of PvP'ers who want to force non-PvPers into their way of playing. I think they have a genuine concern that if competition isn't forced onto others, some players won't do it.

Others have suggested finding 'like-minded people', but as mentioned above, the notion of testing people out to see who's is behaving and who isn't means playing the hall monitor game. Does anyone actually find that fun?

So, those players who are like me have three choices: play a style I don't enjoy, play solo, or quit.

With a non-FFA OPTION; everyone gets to play the style they enjoy.

In a very grind heavy game the death penalty equates to...more grinding.
The other day when playing with my friend, we discovered that I was able to snatch his loot before his timer ran out. I'd click click click on it, and when it was down to maybe 5%-10%, I'd pick it up. On his monitor, his timer was not done, and on my monitor, the item was still greyed out. I repeated that a few times.

Funny stuff. It means the timer on our computers and on the GGG server are not 100% synchronized. Latency issues I suppose.
Last edited by Thalandor#0885 on Dec 23, 2012, 1:49:11 PM
TheSwampDog wrote:
Others have suggested finding 'like-minded people', but as mentioned above, the notion of testing people out to see who's is behaving and who isn't means playing the hall monitor game. Does anyone actually find that fun?

So, those players who are like me have three choices: play a style I don't enjoy, play solo, or quit.
Well, I do find it fun, in the same way that not getting mugged by a random stranger is fun. When you get home unharmed, you get a warm fuzzy feeling of relief !
Last edited by Pwere#1874 on Dec 23, 2012, 2:21:24 PM
can we have our names appear in red when they the item is allocated to us? I find it takes more time to realize that a certain item is allocated to me if I have to read through all the items. this is especially a problem when there are many items on the screen.
The items currently allocated to you are not greyed out. No need to look at all items.
instanced loot will also solve the problem of the floor being covered with loot when you are partied with 3+ people.
ign = ultrahiangle
Toggle z.
Thalandor wrote:
The other day when playing with my friend, we discovered that I was able to snatch his loot before his timer ran out. I'd click click click on it, and when it was down to maybe 5%-10%, I'd pick it up. On his monitor, his timer was not done, and on my monitor, the item was still greyed out. I repeated that a few times.

Funny stuff. It means the timer on our computers and on the GGG server are not 100% synchronized. Latency issues I suppose.

I have noticed this as well. I first noticed myself losing items before the timer was up so I tried it myself and found I was able to grab loot allocated to someone else before the timer was finished.
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I dont really like the current System. I play hardcore and like to finish fighting instead of running recklessly into the room to loot. And even if i run towards my loot as soon as it drops im too late sometimes (lost 2 Uniques and countless rares already).

I think instead of increasing the Loot timer you should make loot only Visible to the player it dropped for AS LONG AS THE TIMER RUNS.
So you can get to your Item and its not already swarmed by 5 others player that try to click the s**t out of the item. If the timer runs out the item becomes Visible for every player in the Group. So you always have a little advantage.
Dear Math, please grow up and solve your own problems, I'm tired of solving them for you.
Leivi wrote:
I dont really like the current System. I play hardcore and like to finish fighting instead of running recklessly into the room to loot. And even if i run towards my loot as soon as it drops im too late sometimes (lost 2 Uniques and countless rares already).

I think instead of increasing the Loot timer you should make loot only Visible to the player it dropped for AS LONG AS THE TIMER RUNS.
So you can get to your Item and its not already swarmed by 5 others player that try to click the s**t out of the item. If the timer runs out the item becomes Visible for every player in the Group. So you always have a little advantage.

This would be a welcome change. I still think the timer should be extended a few seconds...
IGN: Wrathmar * Paulie * Client

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