Looting -- The official thread for discussing the loot system. Updated 18th March, 2013.
I think the community will police itself when it comes to FFA loot. If someone in my party was being a loot-whore I'd give them one warning. If they continued to horde loot they would be kicked from the party. Maybe there could be an option where a party could vote to kick an offending player from the instance.
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"- well that is the problem, that players will introduce their own rules which will be hard to keep since no game mechanic will support it. And these rules will be opposite to what devs wanted game to be: FFA will de facto be replaced by artificial need before greed. And this mismatch between how devs see the game and what it becomes is a fail. Thats why I suggest to introduce a rich choice giving more freedom to players but still having things in control. |
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I don't see why we can't have a party pick its own loot-system. Give them a few different options like FFA, need before greed, etc, and you should be fine no?
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Yes, decisions...decisions.
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" Sounds like a great compromise. Im playing Realm of the Mad God right now and the ranged thing is driving me nuts. I never get to the loot on time, especially not with people using autoloot hacks. |
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With the exception of how it would affect fights, having chars running about after timered items, i dont have a problem with GGG's surgestion.
A possible solution to this might be if item drop happened when a character rumaged the corpse rather than on death. A cool down before a rumaging char can fight/defend again might reduce/stop in fight looting (thats rumage to make items drop not to pick them up, id surgest that worked as normal for all chars). Having a visual range reduction while rumaging aswell might also help as most people wont want that while mosters are about. I wouldn't be here but I was out voted 3 to 1 by the other personalities.
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" I get the desire to want to keep people engaged, but that sort of rush should come from the gameplay, not the mad clicking to hopefully beat your teammates to the loot. If people are paying more attention to loot dropping than fighting enemies--which this system encourages and rewards--enjoyment of the gameplay itself will be the secondary concern. The free-for-all loot system should be an option for those who prefer it, but if it's the only loot method then it's quite possible you'll have people avoiding pick-up groups. I know I will. Adding one or more loot options that shift the focus to playing the game and working together rather than rewarding selfish behavior is something I hope you consider. |
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I think their point on this is that keeping an eye out for good loot is, in fact, part of the gameplay, and they're aiming to make it relatively fair with the ping-plus-distance temporary allocation.
I have wandered through insanity;
I have walked the spiral out. Heard its twisted dreamed inanity In a whisper, in a shout. In the babbling cacophony The refrains are all the same: "[permutations of humanity] are unworthy of the name!" |
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" Agree completely. The fight for my reward(loot) should end with monsters unless I am in a cut-throat/pvp league. |
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" I definitely prefer the rush of getting to an item first, or within a small time-limit, than having all the loot predetermined when the monster drops it. The former makes it feel like you actually contributed to getting your drops. |
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