My final Explosive Arrow Witch build !

Just wanted to post the route I went on this build. I decided to skip resolute technique and get a pet army instead. You save 9-15 points by skipping it depending on route. If you really need the accuracy there is 30% close by in the Templar area.

So far this has been a fun build. The only thing you need help on is the piety final encounters. Skeletons on a Totem are by far the best boss mob killer out there. They will also save your butt in bad situations.

I cannot emphasize IR/IQ enough. I'm self made meaning all my stuff is dropped. No twinks or buy gear from farmers to win. With decent IR/IQ you will get good gear. This build meets that criteria since gear is not overly important. Stack that IR/IQ.

Reflect when you have pets is easy. Learn to ID those mobs and let the army take em down.

I have to say flammability and burning damage is great. 1 arrow and watch them burn.

Play style is fast yet relaxed... Has a quality all its own.

Anyways... I'm in merciless and doing better than great.


Quick update... Rethought the Resolute and took it. Mainly because of the waste of mana. You miss you loose mana. I have also been lvling a poison gem and it now works well in the scheme of things.

Updated build as I am right now. 1k Hp, 1k Shield. Will have my second spec back in a few levels.

With the poison/pets/explosive arrow/firetrap this will be one lethal build lol. Lots and lots of DPS.

The rest of this build will more than likely go into shield and HP. maybe a few nodes here and there.


Here is my current CI / EA Witch. It has no problem with reflect. Good for any map, except blood magic. Use lmp in 1/2 regen and mana leech for no regen. Current weaknesses of the build are no unwavering stance and its a little light on ES. It is a blast to play though and very versatile, suitable for hardcore with the right gear and respec to unwavering. Can run high level arctic armor as a bonus.

~11k armor, 5k ES, 290mana/sec
Last edited by Exabits on Jul 10, 2013, 2:51:21 AM
Hey, I've been trying this build and I like it a lot. I'm on level 63 now and finally managed to create a 5L chest.

I socketed it with EA > Ele prolif > CtIgnite > Fire Pen > Inc AoE. I tried Conc effect but the damage increase didn't seem worth the area loss, so I ended up with the Inc AoE. Any other suggestions that may be better?

Another doubt I have is about mana. Should I focus all my gear on energy shield to get as much as possible? I find myself using mana pots pretty often even with only 3 auras active and without using Arctic Armor.

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