My final Explosive Arrow Witch build !

Really hard to tell as we don t have any combat log right now. flammability is really cool for the -fire resist but what really makes it good is the additionnal chance to ignite for me. Flama+proj weakness or flama+ele weakness...really would like to see the results :)
Maker of ZeeL's Amplifier.
The good thing in this game is that you can make wath you want with your charater. But when it came to efficiency i think some charater is more suitable for some builds. In this case i think Marauder is the best for EA build, and Bloodmagic is a must for this build. Whay?
Pros: instead of mana reducion and mana nodes take all hp you will have a big pool of hp, so big regen that outuput cost of EA. you will at least 50% physical damage reduccion(this can go up with ev armor) and 80 all res. you will die only when your wife is talking with you you, or your daugther is trying to play 2, or when you change your weapow with R, and play with low res all. You will have at least 109 IR :) and find a lot unique like i do, couse you will be able to do almost all kind of maps, in realy low time 10-15 minuts (dont do maps with res all reducion + reflect, thats the only map i dont like to do, but is possible).

Cons: Marauder is ugly like death, you will look like a zombie and he look retarded too.



second set (trying 5 or 6L, and leveling gem)


This build was post by Postrome on Mara Tread, but when i read it i was alread making mine from my own thougs (it was a glasscannon), but them i realize it could be tanky, so i take some idea from Postrome build, and now, i came with this that is tanky and also a cannon, TANKYCANNON :), If you see postrome build you will notice, i skipe some hp nodes, and the lether and steel nodes, so i can invest in more fire damage. This is my best char so far, i have Critical Ice shadow, RF witch, Summoner (this is realy powerfull 2, but not so fun to play, and boring when you got go for spetre in solaris temple and get dc). I plan to use a EV chest for more physical reduccion, and i will try later when i take all fire damage to go full high EV armor with lots of IR and IQ.

Leveling process: see Postrome Post. I start as a DH and at level 19 i started as EA, with quill rain.

I think Elemental Equilibrium is a must, couse of the fire res mobs. On party just ask nicely for ppl to turn Anger of, they damage will go down, but the dps of the party will be skyrocket, added fire damage and fire damage dealer are not big problem, couse they dont have EE, so they dont change the res of the mobs a lot, but Anger will make you allways give mobs more a lot fire res, this will nerf your damage and the damage of the Anger user, so is not good for anyone in party. And for those that want to say way i would be doing less damage for you to do more, no, you wll do more damage 2, couse mobs will have less res.

OK. Now you make your decision on wath charater to start this build. All that mater is having fun, if you cant stand to look like a zombie chose the prety witch. :).

Also, is possible to have more ev tham this?

I plan to make it 5l at least.

CVkiller wrote:

Also, is possible to have more ev tham this?

I plan to make it 5l at least.

Someone in trade chat the other day was selling what he claimed was "the best EV chest in the game"

of course i had to look...

my jaw hit the floor when i saw it had 2.6k EV + life (and some res i think)!

on topic: I'm not following the OP's build, but i'm loving my EA witch. I converted her from a crit cold snap build to EA at level 64. I use HP + EB + high level clairiy and discipline (all armor/ES gear) and I have no issues with mana and running 3-4 auras.
IGN: OldManBalls (Warbands)
Last edited by demivion on May 15, 2013, 9:36:25 AM
demivion wrote:
CVkiller wrote:

Also, is possible to have more ev tham this?

I plan to make it 5l at least.

Someone in trade chat the other day was selling what he claimed was "the best EV chest in the game"

of course i had to look...

my jaw hit the floor when i saw it had 2.6k EV + life (and some res i think)!

on topic: I'm not following the OP's build, but i'm loving my EA witch. I converted her from a crit cold snap build to EA at level 64. I use HP + EB + high level clairiy and discipline (all armor/ES gear) and I have no issues with mana and running 3-4 auras.

2.6k? That is super EV. About your witch, do you think is better tham the build i post? Just want to know wath charater is best for EA, till now i think Marauder is better, but i may be wrong since i didnt try other Charaters, but i made a teorycraft on skill tree with witch and templar, and i found that they will mis lots of hp nodes, and witch cant have stun imune node, and witch will have low hp regen those make them all more gear dependant tham Marauder. I made my charater to farm fast, with good rarity set. I think others class will be more gear dependant.
I once tried pure CI EA build, but the most problem is survivability. EA's ignite dmg doesnt provide enough life leech to sustain the ES in a safty level.
but your idea opened my mind
here is some advise that might be helpful:
1, concentrated effect works pretty well on AOE dmg, 60% more dmg applies to the total dmg, dont forget that ignite dmg is also based on the exploded fire dmg, so I suggest to use concentrated dmg instead of LMP, when the EA boomed, the dead body of mobs still doing elemental proliferation, burning dmg is very good.
2, I dont think it is necessary to set another EA linked gems, although at first I had the same idea with you:), I tend to use another EA to kill single mobs like rare mobs. I suggest to set low level split arrow-life gain on hit-(fast attack)-lmp-chain, burning dmg need to keep mobs in a certain area, to gether them together, which mean you better stand still. So with quill rain's crazy atk speed, life gain on hit can provide a lot of life, I think.

any way, I was so deeply atracted by EA build but I also an CI fans, but unfortunatly CI doesnt work well with EA :(
Now I'm trying CI ROA build, with around 8K dps so far and totally sufficient mana to support, which make me a strong cannon!
IGN: namehard
Im interrested in trying out a EA build and i fell over your build and found it very interresting :) i have pretty much all of the stuff but a few questions ofcourse :b..
1) AA is a most as i can see, but is it that superiour again, when you're just standing still?

2) i like to farm.. ALOT, having decent IIQ and lots of IIR and see the drops flow around you with yellows and uniques, makes my day. ofcourse i already have a farming character, BUT i'd like if i could take that gear over to this EA char :b.. my question here is that, alot of people dosn't seems to know about this secretly bug there are with ignite and burning dmg.. if the final blow comes from your burning dmg, IIR and (not sure about IIQ) won't work.. so how does that works out for you??
@philosyraptor : IIR/IIQ works with burning damage kills but not the gems ! Only the MF from stuff is counted if a mob dies from a DoT.

For AA, i m not really sure what you mena by standing still but all i can say is that you won t be able to stay in the mob packs with my version of the build. Where AA is brillant, it s versus very fast small attacks like monkeys, ribbons, tentacle spitter, voidbearers etc. It won t help you survive big hits.

@fzlheroes : regarding the 2nd EA on my stuff, i really like the way increase aoe works with ele proli atm. It s a matter of choice but my AoE reminds me Hellgate where a single napalm could cover a whole map. Sometimes with EA, mobs are burning and start to run to spread an even larger AoE in other rooms, making the build pretty fun i must admit for me :)
I had a single EA until i grabbed my 6L, it was : Increase AOE+EA+ele proli+Chance to ignite+fire pen . Putting concentrated effect wasn t a good option for me because of the ele reflect. I admit that without CE, the damage is sometimes low for single target, that s why i decided to get a 2nd separate arrow.

@CVkiller : I did try EA with mrauder but i wanted to use a lot of auras. I could have used a BM gem but the final cost is ridiculously high and the HP regen doesn t cover up the cost.
Maker of ZeeL's Amplifier.
Kagari wrote:
@philosyraptor : IIR/IIQ works with burning damage kills but not the gems ! Only the MF from stuff is counted if a mob dies from a DoT.

For AA, i m not really sure what you mena by standing still but all i can say is that you won t be able to stay in the mob packs with my version of the build. Where AA is brillant, it s versus very fast small attacks like monkeys, ribbons, tentacle spitter, voidbearers etc. It won t help you survive big hits.

Ah alright, i thought counted for your total IIR/IIQ, but kool then :D! I tried a Fire Templar which had burning dmg ofcourse.. even though i didnt had much IIR back then, i could see a difference if the NPC's were killed by culling strike than Burning, but if it only affects the gems, then no problem :D!
And okay, so AA is pretty much a savior for ranged attacks and those damn voidbearers?
The build looks sweet, im at 22 lvl right now with Your build, I also played EA templar but I didnt like the passive tree. Ive got a question, what about bandit rewards? cause im stuck and dont know what to do
I helped Oak in Normal for the extra health. Then killed all bandits and Cruel and Merciless.

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