My final Explosive Arrow Witch build !

Thx for the answer.

After reading all this a second time it all make sense now.
I'll try to use your build and maybe tweak it a little.
All I need now is the explosive arrow gem.
ig name leminorair
Thx u for your answer on AE with Totem's :) Saves me some time trying that one out.
Elder Wand Power!
Even if i link AA to reduced mana, it doesn t help the drain afaik. I tried it but we can do anything to reduce to drain, we can only increase via Inner Force.

And as Slagmaur said, the explosion can only occur if you sop stacking fuses, wich a totem won t do. I could spawn a totem to prevent dying on reflects but it would not help i guess. If you die on a reflect it s either because you forgot to pop your ruby flask, or more likely because the reflect is offscreen.
To effectively prevent that with a totem, i would only play with the totem, as reflects can be anywhere.
Maker of ZeeL's Amplifier.
nice guide, just have a few questions

will this be viable as a farm build? i plan on using all of the iiq uniques and link EA to iiq, iir, chance to ignite, ele prolif

how does conc effect interact with ele prolif? i was thinking about using the rime gaze rotting in my bank for an easy 5l

last, about the EE, i plan on soloing mosty, so will it be possible to use a low level wrath to proc light dmg?
cala wrote:
nice guide, just have a few questions

will this be viable as a farm build? i plan on using all of the iiq uniques and link EA to iiq, iir, chance to ignite, ele prolif

how does conc effect interact with ele prolif? i was thinking about using the rime gaze rotting in my bank for an easy 5l

last, about the EE, i plan on soloing mosty, so will it be possible to use a low level wrath to proc light dmg?

It can be good for farming, in fact i use this char to farm BUT, it might not be 100% as effective as other builds simply because way IIQ/IIR gems works with dots. Any mobs dying because of a dot (burning dmg, poison arrow, puncture...) won t prov the effect from the gems. It WILL work if it s the explosion that kill them tho. i don t use chance to ognite + ele proli when i farm or i loose the bonus from the gems when mobs die because of the burning.

My current farming setup is : EA+LMP+fire pen+increase AOE+IIR+IIQ . I keep my single target EA as it is on the stuff i ve posted, but i try to always finish mobs with the aoe MF attack. It doesn t always work but the fact is EA allows quick single target kills.
I m doing some Piety runs and i can kill her in 10/15 seconds max while wearing all my MF gear. It may be hard to kill her with the right attack but she dies fast so it s cool.

For concentrated effect, it obviously lower both explosion radius and the size of the burning proliferation. It s a matter of taste but for me, increase AOE is way safer than conc. effect, because of the reflect. Furthermore, if you plan to play solo mostly, you won t need conc. effect to one shot mob packs. I use conc effect on my single target arrow tho, as the damage is really increased by the support gem.

And for EE, you can obviously use it but there s some downside to it even in solo imo.
As i said, you ll most likely be able to OS most of the mob packs in solo so you won t really need EE. An other problem is on tougher targets like act bosses. You ll deal increased damage with the first 5 fuses, but the target will then get a bigger fire resistance due to the first assault, making it harder to finish.

I don t think you would need to run wrath, because you ll have add ele dmg on stuff i think. Even a +1-2 cold/lightning will be enough to proc EE but wrath is an optoin for sure.

I think that trying to get the possibility to cast a double curse is more effective than EE. Flammability + ele weakness must be crazy in term of potential damage gained :)
Maker of ZeeL's Amplifier.
thanks for the reply

in that case, ill just use a carcass jack with increased aoe

about survival...
i was thinking a level 5 split arrow(3 arrows and 13 mana cost) linked with LoH and pierce (for offscreen) for a total of 20.8 mana per use with 43.2 life gain per arrow(80% effectiveness maxed LoH), but idk if the LoH is affected by quil rain's weapon reduction

just kind of worried about survival since ill be using 2x andvarius but ill be using arctic armor for phys and fire

here s my current famring setup :


Still need better items, especially an amulet but it s a good base.

I can pretty much farm every zone in the game up to 68 maps with this setup. But of course you have to expect dying from time to time running nearly naked like this :) Not meant to be played in HC hehe.

I don t think LoH get debuffed by wearing a quill rain, but it s a matter of playstyle i think. i prefer to bet on mobility/doging rather than taking the hits and healing them but it s a matter of choice imo.

Maker of ZeeL's Amplifier.
Last edited by Kagari on May 13, 2013, 10:58:34 AM
heres what i came up with btw

i used yours as a base, but as a templar for more base str, and went a little to the left for dex and mana regen
compared to yours, this one has
70 more dex (since i'll be MF)
110 more int (55 base mana, 22% base ES)
11% more life
80% more mana regen (to be able to run lvl 20 AA, hopefully)
18% more mana
12% more radius
70 less str (35 base life)
30 less base life
1.9% less life regen (i might run vitality to make up for it)
10% less elemental damage
25% less ele resist (main problem)
no elemental adaptation
44% less armor
52% less base es

and the gear i plan to use

carcass jack, andvarius, and a better necklace hopefully

i just realized quivers give a lot of dex, and the boots gives huge mana regen, so i might put the points i placed near shadow to the marauder life and possibly elemental adaptation if i ever get enough resists
Last edited by cala on May 13, 2013, 11:21:07 AM
Interesting way yoiu have also. However, with these stats, don t even expect to run a lvl 20 AA, especially with MF gear where you ll have very low mana compared to a regular stuff. My AA is lvl 13 and i have some mana issue while wearing MF stuff. You can maybe keep a 12/13 AA and try to level an pother one to 20 for when you wear your normal gear maybe.

Elemental adaptation is for me a must have. With EA, when i pop a ruby flask i m at 98% fire resist, and i still sometimes get hit for about 1K health if i 5 stack a pack of zombies or merveil with ele reflect. At 93% fire resist i think you can OS yourself :(

Maker of ZeeL's Amplifier.
i see, thanks for the feedback

i just reread your guide and saw that EA explosion counts as projectile damage...if i read it correctly

meaning, projectile weakness would give EA *more* damage for its explosion...will this be better than flamability? if not, will it be good to pair with flamablity with double curse, or will ele weakness stay superior?

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