My final Explosive Arrow Witch build !

I killed everyone in all difficulties iirc but helping oak in normal can be a good choice to.

40 HP is nice at first but with my build i have 180%ish HP in the tree afaik so not that huge gain when you get to high level.
Maker of ZeeL's Amplifier.
What does everyone think of fire penetration vs increased burning damage?

My Ideal 6L:
1) EA
2) Chance to ignite
3) Ele Proliferation
4) Concentrated Effect
5) Increased AOE
6) Increased Burning damage

resists do double dip with burning damage but increased burning damage is just so good... especially since mob's fire resists are already pretty low with EE and flamability curse
IGN: OldManBalls (Warbands)
From the test i ve made, fire pen is really superior to burning damage. Simply because the explosion will do so much damage with fire pen that the burning damage will then be far superior.
Maker of ZeeL's Amplifier.
Noob question - Havin serious mana problems. Using mana leech but doesn't seem to be doin much. Does the leech work on the explosion?
rozakk wrote:
Noob question - Havin serious mana problems. Using mana leech but doesn't seem to be doin much. Does the leech work on the explosion?

It does, but the problem is when the explosion occurs, it s kinda too late to leech, as you need mana to shoot but have plenty of time to refill while waiting the explosion.

The mana problems can comes for a lot of people but, you have to keep in mind that you can t really sustain mana with a 5L, less than 2K5 mana pool/ no mana cost nodes and a mid level arctic armor.I did used a reduced mana gem during leveling, to be able to keep shooting without spamming potions, until i get a big mana pool/regen.

Oh, just found this video, it shows perfectly the biggest weak point of the build in my opinion :

This one is not like the guy who just sucide himself on zombies
This kind of death is not avoidable i think. We cant unzoom enough in the game, and i don t see how to prevent this, unless GGG do something about off screen reflects.
Playing with 5 ruby flasks and drink it every time you shoot a stack is the only thing i see...
Maker of ZeeL's Amplifier.
Kagari wrote:
Voidbearers and hentai tentacle titty boob bitches.
IGN: Golem_Antsy, Harvest
Update about 0.11 patch :

With the future reduction of +max resist, EA build will become even more dangerous to play i m afraid :(
Ele reflect was already the main problem for me, at 85% all resist but now, if i understand correctly, the max will be :

75% : base
2% : elemental adaptation
4% : purity

for a total of 81% only...4% less doesn t seem a big deal but i really think it is. Reflect will molest us (even if it will be lowered by 2%) way more than before.
An other thing to consider on top of the off screen reflect, are the one we can see. At 81% resist, a ruby flask will be giving +11% (if you have inner force that will also be lower to 18% total afaik) for a maximum of 92% fire resist...Enough to get one shotted while under the ruby effect :(

On top of that, HP will be lowered. The build i presented here has the strict minimum to play maps i believe, so more reflect + less HP = constant death.

I hope i miss something, and i know things will change but right now, i don t think this build is viable anymore in this current form :(

Both my high level builds are nerfed...EA witch and my RF marauder :( Time to build something new i guess :(
Maker of ZeeL's Amplifier.
Kagari wrote:
Update about 0.11 patch :

With the future reduction of +max resist, EA build will become even more dangerous to play i m afraid :(
Ele reflect was already the main problem for me, at 85% all resist but now, if i understand correctly, the max will be :

75% : base
2% : elemental adaptation
4% : purity

for a total of 81% only...4% less doesn t seem a big deal but i really think it is. Reflect will molest us (even if it will be lowered by 2%) way more than before.
An other thing to consider on top of the off screen reflect, are the one we can see. At 81% resist, a ruby flask will be giving +11% (if you have inner force that will also be lower to 18% total afaik) for a maximum of 92% fire resist...Enough to get one shotted while under the ruby effect :(

On top of that, HP will be lowered. The build i presented here has the strict minimum to play maps i believe, so more reflect + less HP = constant death.

I hope i miss something, and i know things will change but right now, i don t think this build is viable anymore in this current form :(

Both my high level builds are nerfed...EA witch and my RF marauder :( Time to build something new i guess :(

well technically, being at 81% resist instead of 85% resist increases our elemental damage taken by 21% and reflecting 18% damage instead of 20% damage reduces the reflect damage by 10%. so reflect will be a bit worse overall (we will take 8.9% more reflect damage if your resists were capped at 85% previously) but not to the point of making EA non-viable.

If you were relying on a ruby flask to survive reflect you'll now take 3.6 times more reflect damage which is a LOT more than before. However, if you were taking more than 25% of your HP in reflect damage before the change (meaning you would die after the change) while using a ruby flask then you really need to learn to control your dps.

In any case, I doubt a ruby flask would save you from offscreen reflect before the patch and it still won't save you after the patch. so basically, business as usual.
IGN: OldManBalls (Warbands)
love that build. pls keep it up to date. even tho you can easily kill yourself it is still a fun build for the default league
I use quill rain bow and i couldn't get enough mana to cast explosive arrow. IT's heavy mana consumption, need help! i already got 100 mana regen node, right now.

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