[1.1.1] Dual Dagger CI. Restored for 1.1 and viable even after Vaal Pact nerf.

I have reached level 20 and am going to buy some Ungil's Gauche. What gems am I looking to put into the 3 sockets on each item or should I not worry so much about the sockets until i get some higher level items.
Until you get to CI transition you will only need 1 4L item for main attack. Also you will be using critical curse, decoy totem, hatreed and grace.
May I ask what is the difference between using melee dmg on full life vs melee physical dmg?
dmg on full life cost slightly less mana
no other difference
You need 400-500 ES armor, it will cost you around 1 ex if 5L, a lot less if 4L. Don't bother with any stats on armor except ES if you on a budget.
You also need to buy 2 good dps high crit daggers for lvl 48-52. They will cost you around 3 chaos each.

can you tell us or show us what kind of armor do 400 ES at lvl 50 because i didn't found in shops
the same for the daggers : i found some but their stats were not so good as mightflay daggers who are only lvl 35
IGN : Astraee / Callip / Selenaee
Callipsos wrote:

can you tell us or show us what kind of armor do 400 ES at lvl 50 because i didn't found in shops
the same for the daggers : i found some but their stats were not so good as mightflay daggers who are only lvl 35[/quote]
At level 50 there are only few chest right now. You will have to trasition at lvl 55 - there's a lot of ES chest for 55+
Added a video showing some Fun with flickerstrike. Don't try this if you close to levelup.
I am struggling and idk why.

Here is my gear. I am having hard time staying alive.

Next thing to upgrade is my boots I think but those are pretty good. I am lost right now :(

Little more info (with Discipline, grace, hatred)
- 2163 ES
- 4918 DPS
- 2975 Armor
- 75% Fire Res
- 75% Cold Res
- 63% Lightning Res
- 1383 Accuracy Rating
Domination IGN: RangerThrow
Last edited by kmaldona on Jul 24, 2013, 5:09:28 AM
I had to abandon this char cause I blindly followed the leveling guide (my bad). Level 50 is way too early to transition to CI as the gear availability is pretty much non-existant. Without good ES gear you will just drop like a fly.

Will remake another one sooner or later (don't want to spend regrets on a level 50) but life based until close to 70 is probably a better way. This build never felt weak until I actually transitioned to CI. Your experience may differ if you already have ridiculous ES gear.
Last edited by Corthalis on Jul 24, 2013, 5:23:56 AM
kmaldona, the only thing you need right now is dps. It will come form lvl 70-80 points and from better daggers that have high crit base. Also quiality on melee splash is VERY helpfull. You need to analize the situations that you die in. I see you don;t have freeze immune so cold damage is dangerios to you. also you don't run purity, try running it if you see elem damage hurt you alot. Change your helm, if you can't afford Alpha's howl just get some 200 ES helm. Oh and of couse get movespeed on boots.

Corthalis As CI became quite popular recently there are indeed few chests for lvl 50. There are a lot more for lvl 55. 2K ES is all you need for merciless farm and you can get it from 350+ ES chest, 100+ ES helm, 50+ ES boots and 180+ Discipline aura.
Last edited by Xavyer on Jul 24, 2013, 5:38:26 AM

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