[1.1.1] Dual Dagger CI. Restored for 1.1 and viable even after Vaal Pact nerf.

Xavyer wrote:
kmaldona, the only thing you need right now is dps. It will come form lvl 70-80 points and from better daggers that have high crit base. Also quiality on melee splash is VERY helpfull. You need to analize the situations that you die in. I see you don;t have freeze immune so cold damage is dangerios to you. also you don't run purity, try running it if you see elem damage hurt you alot. Change your helm, if you can't afford Alpha's howl just get some 200 ES helm. Oh and of couse get movespeed on boots.

Cant afford to run purity right now. Have 218 mana left after auras. Also is purity worth it just to gain 12% lightning? Everything else is maxed.

I cant find melee splash quality gems. At least nothing i can afford. I spent almost all my currency already.

Most places I die are when I get surrounded by packs and cant heal fast enough. I will look for a helm as my next upgrade.

I use a quicksilver right now to make up for speed.

Dysync is a killer for me.
Domination IGN: RangerThrow
I'm a new player and have tried Witch, Ranger, Duelist and Marauder, all up to level 20 ish with a variety of builds - this is by far my favourite. Thank you for putting it together.

This is the second time I have followed this guide (my first was in Onslaught and I died at lvl 18 :P). It is very powerful once you get melee splash, but it isn't available until Act 2 unless you are twinking; up to then, I made good progress with Dual Strike, Flicker Strike, Whirling Blades and Fire Trap for AoE.

Life gear is a must but I never struggled to find suitable stuff - and I only used drops until I bought 2 Ungil at 20 with orbs found along the way.

Current DPS (lvl 22) with linked Melee Splash is 450 ish on the tooltip, clears a pack of mobs in seconds - Flicker Strike one-shots whites and the ocassional blue.

Very powerful build and good fun.

Last edited by turzyx#1204 on Jul 24, 2013, 5:13:48 AM
Getting better for me. Made some changes tonight. BTW I really appreciate your guild and all your help.

So whats next?

20Q melee splash (probably an exalt)?
15Q Dual Strike (more reasonable)?
New daggers?
Higher ES Chest? (Cant afford 6L yet)

All resists are 75% w/ out purity

With Hatred, Discipline, and grace I have 189 Mana left.

2452 Energy Shield

2890 Armor

New gear
Domination IGN: RangerThrow
Last edited by kmaldona#3506 on Jul 24, 2013, 8:48:52 AM
Привет, очень нравится твой билд. Но после 65 лвла возникли проблемы с выживанием.

Purity пока не могу использоваться, вместо него третья аура (Grace, Discipline) Determination, иначе быстро убивают. На картах играть не возможно. В доках тоже тяжело. Купил броню 659 ES на 68 лвле, сейчас 69, все ресурсы потратил на нее. Какую следующую совершить покупку, alphas howl? или ботинки какие нибудь?

kmaldona better but your daggers are still missing the most important stat - local critical chance. change them, then get Q dual strike, then save for Alpha's Howl. And do some docks as 60-80 levels give you a lot of power.

romkromk У меня в первом посту есть раздел про шмот, почитай там все последовательно расписано что за чем нужно покупать. У тебя хороший чест но кинжалы говно,пояс аналогично, кольца не с теми статами, шлем не самый лучший для этого билда. Мили сплэш без квалити. Нет имуна к фризу. Я бы советовал еще хотябы 10 уровней в лунарисе покачать прежде чем на карты идти. Дамаг нужен билду чтобы жить, не броня.
Last edited by Xavyer#5154 on Jul 24, 2013, 11:13:20 AM
I have about 2.2k es with disc, and uncapped resists at level 64, but my dps is fine.

I have 2 ex to spend on a chest but the shop only shows shavs, ones that are too expensive, or ones that are months old and probably sold.

I already have alphas howl and still uncapped with purity.

I cant do docks because of my resists/low ES, what do?

Also my belt sucks but I dont have enough currency to get a good double res belt.
bliss1234 wrote:
I have about 2.2k es with disc, and uncapped resists at level 64, but my dps is fine.

I have 2 ex to spend on a chest but the shop only shows shavs, ones that are too expensive, or ones that are months old and probably sold.

I already have alphas howl and still uncapped with purity.

I cant do docks because of my resists/low ES, what do?

Also my belt sucks but I dont have enough currency to get a good double res belt.

What are talking about. All the gear I posted above was bought with less than 1 exalt. Max res and like 8-9k dps with charges and buffs. Infamous docks easy. N if your spending Exalts and you still don't have good gear your doing it wrong. Link your gear
Domination IGN: RangerThrow
kmaldona wrote:
bliss1234 wrote:
I have about 2.2k es with disc, and uncapped resists at level 64, but my dps is fine.

I have 2 ex to spend on a chest but the shop only shows shavs, ones that are too expensive, or ones that are months old and probably sold.

I already have alphas howl and still uncapped with purity.

I cant do docks because of my resists/low ES, what do?

Also my belt sucks but I dont have enough currency to get a good double res belt.

What are talking about. All the gear I posted above was bought with less than 1 exalt. Max res and like 8-9k dps with charges and buffs. Infamous docks easy. N if your spending Exalts and you still don't have good gear your doing it wrong. Link your gear

What are YOU talking about? i was talking to OP. Also i havent spent any exalts except on alphas.

Also alphas howl is over an exalt and OP lists it in end game gear, and a 600+ es 5 link chest is def worth more than 2 exalt with a resist on it.
Last edited by bliss1234#6868 on Jul 25, 2013, 4:12:40 AM
7. Amulet with 50+ crit multiplier. Also nice if you would get flat physical or accuracy on it. If you play on standart Eye Of Chayula uniq amulet, and put the points to reach Unveaveling Stance from Diamond Skin elsewhere.

i'm playing standard, i just drop an "Eye Of Chayula" amulet : i will use it of course
you say use the skill points somewhere else from diamond skin, but in your build (lvl 64 i think) you take +15% attack speed who is between diamond skin and unwavering stance
so do i go to berserking or do i take my 8 skill points to take something else (and then which skill take?)
thanks for the anwser
IGN : Astraee / Callip / Selenaee
Im looking to buy the 190 PDPS and 8.5% Crit daggers and I just cant find them.

I found this


170 PDPS with 9.3 crit. 2 exalts

everything else was low crit.

Any suggestions.
Domination IGN: RangerThrow

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