[1.1.1] Dual Dagger CI. Restored for 1.1 and viable even after Vaal Pact nerf.

multistrike is the 6h gem - it deals with reflect.
hello Xavyer question which passive tree should follow the one on top or in the leveling section, on anarchy.
If you have eye of Chayla use the one on in the first post, else the one from leveling guide
thanks no chayula in anarchy, took stance, what take after, go for second power charge or first dual wielding
wrong thread
Last edited by Effe86 on Jul 19, 2013, 2:57:02 PM
Is 1404 ES enough to go CI? I am level 57

Also what is my next upgrade?

using this until next level when I can use my dagger

Domination IGN: RangerThrow
Last edited by kmaldona on Jul 21, 2013, 12:10:20 AM
Hi there. Was wondering what you would change to make the defensive stats a wee bit better?

My gear is currently as follows -

I currently only have 2300 or so ES after the patch and only 4k armor.(2.9keswith disc) I feel like this is a bit too low.I am lvl 79 and have not yet needed to run discipline even though ive been levelling it. Thus far i have been runing purity, hatred, wrath and grace. I can't run both discipline and wrath because i only have around 750 mana. What would be your recommendation? Should i drop wrath until i get some more + mana on my gear or should i swap gloves and boots for pure ES?

Any and all suggestions for gear improvemet are more than welcome. I do know my daggers need more crit and ias ideally but im more concerned about the defensive stats as it stands.

Another issue with which id like some adive would be whether or not to level into more +% Evasion nodes or just continue going into more dps.

Thanks a lot for the build. Its pretty much been the thing that revived my desire to play poe :D. Very fun build
IGN: PaulQTBYY // MFtotemsyo
kmaldona Do run Discipline and refer to my Gearing Priority section in the first post and check what you need to have/upgrade.

Paulyoo Discipline is a must, Wrath is a luxury. Do run discipline. Also your daggers is the only weak spot you have in your gear. Change them, don't get elem damage on them, only pure phys and crit chance. there are a few 180+ daggers with 8.5+ crit chance there on standart. Buy these, run discipline and go faceroll maps )
Last edited by Xavyer on Jul 21, 2013, 2:56:29 AM
On you 42 passive point tree you have critical strike chance (15%) and Blood thirst taken but on your 60 Point you dont have either one.

Are we not taking those after we get to the 60 point tree. You didnt mention anything about it.

Also critical weakness is our curse of choice. When do we use warlords mark and enduring cry?
Domination IGN: RangerThrow
kmaldona tnx for pointing out that 42 build had these two passives. I removed them, they were from pre anarchy guide. As you are forced to go to Unweaveling stance on Anarchy you can afford to take these two points only after you took everything else in the leveling guide.
You use Wralord's Mark against phys reflect, see reflect section in the first post. Enduring cry you use any time you need more defence.
Last edited by Xavyer on Jul 21, 2013, 5:15:40 AM

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