[1.1.1] Dual Dagger CI. Restored for 1.1 and viable even after Vaal Pact nerf.
I have 90+ crit on both daggers.
With dual strike you can have miss hit and crit on each dagger. so it's : Miss+miss Miss+hit Miss+crit Hit+hit Hit+crit Crit+crit Also after you score a crit you hit chance is applied A SECOND TIME to confirm the crit. if you fail this roll your crit is downgraded to normal hit. So yor real crit chance is crit chance * hit chance. That's why I always tell that accuracy is the most important gear stat for this build. Last edited by Xavyer#5154 on Jul 7, 2013, 4:05:42 AM
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Every build's goal is to min-max it so you can progress easier , but this build needs to be min-maxed to progress at all
This build is unplayable without specific gear set. Sacrificing 5k+ ES, means that you HAVE to 1-2 shot mobs every time, and if not doing so, you are in bad spot most of the time with only 3000 ES. You need that 1.50 daggers so you can hit that 3.0 APS with fr charges and not using multistrike, to save that one extra gem spot for "PHY dmg on full hp" support gem. You need that amulet (Eye OF Chayula) so you can save 7 points on unwavering stance and add them early to most important passive stat for this build :"CRIT chance". You need 3 res belt and boots, and you need extra str(150+) for enduring cry. You need that accuracy jewellery and you need extra mana (800)+ for running 4 most important auras for this build ( purity, grace, hatred, discipline ...) And most importantly, you NEED that 6L chest to maximize your dps ( 1-2 shooting mobs is your survival ticket, it is your only salvation against fast attacking/fast-hitting bastards) For all you guys that are trying to play this build and don't have similar/the same or better gear for it than this guy ...well don't even try if your not prepared to break some sweat! You can hit 70 with no major problem (few deaths now and then ..oh well...), but you need to be in known group of players, preferably friends, who can carry you to 80 by tolerating you being little pussy and avoiding most of hard engages ^^ or you can just take it slow and build strategy around how to kill 12 pack hard hitting blues without dying ) If soloing you will have to play it slow, careful and with allot of dedication to not dying ( and you will die . Ooo you will die˘˘ cause your friend "dsync" will be there, cause your friend "miss" will happen when facing large group of big-dick mobs, cause sometimes in that large group of mobs you just can't score crit hit even with 70% crit chance) I'm not sure if it was Xavyers replay talking about viability to leveling this build from transition to 80, but saying that you can level this build from CI transition playing with similar talent setup and mediocre gear ... with pain my friend... with pain! But the pain is not worth it if you don't have close to best gear setup for this build when you reach lvl 70. Its just to slow. Gear cost estimation - Softcore economy Alpha's Howl ( 1.5 - 2 ex) Maligaro's Virtuosity (5gcp - 1 ex ) depands of roll and sockets 6L 800+ ES duble ress Vaal Regalia ( 24- 30 ex) Daggers x2 with 200 + max phy dmg and 1.50 aps ( anywhere from 1.5-2 ex each) Eye OF Chayula (4-8 gcp) Rings ( 1-3ex each) good ones with ES res and mana 3 res high Es boots ( 1-4 ex) considering Rainbowstride 3 res belt pref bonus str and ES ( 1-2 ex) 20Q double strike - 60% more crit (1ex) 20Q mele splash -cause you need that aoe radious (1ex) 10-20Q Power charge on crit ( 5gcp to 1 ex) All in all its a great build for rich players to have fun one shooting mobs and doing high lvl maps , but this build should be avoided if you are average casual player. Last edited by Malamojapruskisatelitu#2410 on Jul 8, 2013, 5:14:25 PM
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My build is really gear dependant and i always said that i am not recomending it for first character and especialy in the new economy because of the costs and specific gear involved. But a lot of players have sucessiful anarchy chars with my build so they proved to me that it is not as gear dependant as i feared.
When i started this build i provided the cost for all my gear. Total amound that i spend was 9 exalteds. For all gear and gems. It was with 5L 700 ES armor. Now i have 800ES 6L that i bought for 18 exalteds, all other gear i use are still the same. And i got exalteds for my 6L while farming in my 9EX total setup. I won't argue it is not the cheapest build to play but not even remotly expensive as you try to show. I bought my weapons for 4 GCP each, Alpha's for 20 GCP, Maligaro for 8 GCP, Boots for 1 GCP, Rings for 3 chaos each, belt for 1 GCP, and Armor for 2 exalteds. Also you got the idea behind my build backwards. IT's not that i wanted to have low ES and now HAVE to oneshot. The main idea was that i wanted to ONESHOT and prove to the community that a character that have 2 times more offensive nodes than defensive ones can not only be viable but extremly effective if it is carefully thought through. I am not a nolife gamer, have a job and pregnant wife and play 2 hours a day. I am not lucky, no kaoms or 6L dropped for me ever. I do not use RMT sites or multiboxing. Yet i was able to make my idea live and was able to gather gear to make it so by playing the game. And anyone who wish to have similar expirience can repeate my path and have it. And i am always willing to give an advice for those who struggle at some point. I also like to point out that i started doing maps without Alpha's, in 450ES 5L armor, without 17% melee splash radius from patch 0.11 (so i took aoe nodes in templar instead of IR) and before monster damage nerf. And i still was able to farm and get to the state i am now in 2 months of evening play 2 hours a day in solo or duo with a friend who's main focus was IRR/IIQ so not much carrinng could be expected from him. And it was really fun to make one more step toward the next expensive item and feel how more powerfull i become. I can't recommend this build for a new players, especialy the ones who just like to mash buttons and get rewarded for that, but i can for players who like to work toward something great and see how their efforts give results. Last edited by Xavyer#5154 on Jul 7, 2013, 11:59:15 AM
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Last edited by Malamojapruskisatelitu#2410 on Jul 8, 2013, 4:58:22 PM
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I didn't got offended but i do feel obligated to prodect my 'baby' when someone try to extend his personal vision and personal flaws as a general rule for all players.
I see that previos poster didn't read my post carefully. I said that there was 3 armor involved in this build. 800 ES 6L i bought for 18 exalteds. There was 700ES 5L for 2 exalteds, and 450 ES 5L before that that i selfcrafted. Never did i said that i bought 800 ES 6L for 2 exalteds yet he referring this in his last post. The person before me tell me that he play the game for more than 2 hours a day. Then he tell that playing one char for 2 months is too much. Isn't that obvios that if i reached my state in 2 months of 2h a day play and he play more per day he should be able to reach my results faster? So If he play for 6 hours a day we are talking about 2 weeks here :) The only thing that i didnt like in his post is the fact that he lie about what gear is needed for my build to be viable. I did agree that it is gear dependant. I didn't agree that he realize what gear is needed to make it effective and how much it is really cost. Malamojapruskisatelitu like to twist numbers in his favor, he did this twice in his last post. First time by saying i got 800 ES 6L for 2 exalteds - just a plan lie from his side, second time comparing how he can reach lvl 80 with 4 hours of play per day with me getting to my 'state' in 2 months of 2h per day playing. My 'state' is not my level. My state is my 6L armor - majority of time i spent farming for that armor with a perfectly viable build that costed 9 exalteds total and could rape piety on lvl 70 map in 5 seconds. And as months confuse him i'll tell in hours: I spent 10 hours leveling to 0-70, 10 hours leveling 70-80, and 30 hours farming for better gear. And then i posted my build with my lvl 69-70 map videos in 5 min clear. 6L came AFTER. I hope i pointed out to all of you that his judgement is as twisted as he twist his numbers. Last edited by Xavyer#5154 on Jul 8, 2013, 2:37:44 AM
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I saw this build and thought it looked extremely interesting. I play in Anarchy just to give the previous poster an idea about it being so expensive that it's not for new players/new economy.
That's my current gear. I just got the Maligaro's and don't have any fusings left cause of getting the chest 5L. All in all, however, the gear was not that expensive. Each dagger was 4 GCP. Helm - 2gcp Chest - 1gcp (I got it with 1 socket in it. I did spend about 25 Jewelers to get it 6S and about 100 fusings for the 5L) Gloves - 5gcp (I just got them and have no fusings left after the chest work to 4L it just yet.) Boots - 1.5ex Belt - I found on my own, but 3 or 4gcp is the going rate for Magnate Dream Frag - 1.5ex Neck - 1gcp Other ring - 2gcp As for the quality Blood Rage and Dual Strike. Blood Rage cost me 8gcp in all. Got a 16% for 4gcp. Dual Strike I got a hell of a deal on, got it at 20% already leveled to level 16 for 4gcp. I would honestly say the only absolutely necessary Quality gem is the Blood Rage. Yes I know Melee Splash quality will be a huge upgrade for me, but just like every other build in the game, 20% gems are better than 0%. All in all, I spent about 4 Ex on getting the gear and another 1ex on crafting the sockets/links on the chest...so 5 ex in all. My stats are VERY similar to the gear that the guide creator has. I have 3300 ES and roughly the same Evasion from gear as he has. I do not have Alpha's Howl to squeeze in Wrath, but having the extra 20% mana from dream fragments let's me use the aura anyway, just without the +2 aura bonus of Alphas. I knew the piece by piece gear the OP was using could add up quite expensive, so I figured a different way around it by getting as much ES I could out of an EV/ES chest and helm. I have been following his guide nearly step by step and I'm nearing his "level 82" build guide he has posted. This build is VERY tough in the mid-level range to play. You will die, and you will get a bit frustrated. Roughly around lvl 30 or so is when things start getting tough, but if you push forward, and get to Merci Ledge, then grind Merci Fellshrine...those easily grinded levels bring you to a spot where you are far superior to any mob in the game. I am level 76 at the moment and I have been able to easily clear up to level 71 rare maps so far...like no contest. So, your comment about having to be carried up and into the 80s is a bit false. I do agree with you however, that 3300ES is a bit low going forward past 71 maps...which is why after I take the Adder's passive I will be taking more ES nodes and try to pump my ES up into the 4500-5k range for the safety net. IGN: Arkon_Monk https://www.twitch.tv/arkon9944 Last edited by arkon9944#7814 on Jul 8, 2013, 3:53:13 AM
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Tnx for your support arkon9944 and you have a very nice gear.
Allow me to suggest you investing next 3 gcp you get into buying 15% melee splash, increased AOE would be very helpful. Last edited by Xavyer#5154 on Jul 8, 2013, 4:36:09 AM
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lol, i'd invest 5gcp into a 15% melee splash at this point. i can't find anyone selling 15%+
IGN: Arkon_Monk https://www.twitch.tv/arkon9944 Last edited by arkon9944#7814 on Jul 8, 2013, 5:44:01 AM
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I'm also playing this build (lvl40 atm) completely with self-found items, no ungil's gauche or mightfly till now and it still worked quite well...i really like this build. That's my equip so far:
The items aren't really good at this levl, although they have good links. But i still don't have all gems i need. Sure, i had some hard times the last levels of act 3, so i had to play very carefull...and just yesterday also with Merveil in cruel (due to my low ele resists, espacially lightning). I had to spend about 10 portal scrolls to refill my pots in town and work with totem and a lot of bear-traps ^^ Today i will start act 2 cruel...i'm curious how it will work. I hope the god of drops will be with me :) But...how the hell do you level to lvl 70 in 7 - 10 hours?????? I played about 6 hours yesterday but just reached from lvl 22 to lvl 40. What am i doing wrong? Thx for any hint, that would solve a lot of problems in leveling, as i normally can only play few hours a week ^^ |
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" You are playing with selffound gear. When you buy your gear you just breeze through the game to maps. For example i now play sometimes on anarchy on a phys wander build. i reached lvl 30 and bought a wand for 1 fusing for my lvl 30 and this wand alone triplled my clear speed because increased physical damage allowed me to run LMP, use curse and still get my mana back through manaleech passive. As i said numerouse times if you want easy leveling 4L and weapons need to be bought not selffound. Use poe.exz.is, and talk to ppl that have whan you want and are online. As a general rule - lvl 20-40 weapon is 1 fusing. lvl 40-50 is 1 chaos. lvl 50-60 is 3 chaos, lvl 60+ is 1 gcp and up. GCP=4 chaos=8 fusings=32 Jewelers=64 alteranions. Last edited by Xavyer#5154 on Jul 8, 2013, 10:20:49 AM
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