[1.1.1] Dual Dagger CI. Restored for 1.1 and viable even after Vaal Pact nerf.

Today i went on a map with Phys reflect and Vulnerability and died twice there. This was painful but i learned some very important lessons. First time was on curse immune pack, second time was on double phys reflect (map+aura). I added a section to the first post to help you all overcome all possible reflect situations.
Last edited by Xavyer on Jul 4, 2013, 1:05:19 PM
How much does Granite flask with 99-100% + Armour prefix help you out against reflect? Dunno what ur armour is normally but lets say u got maybe 3k to start with and another 3 from the flask then u get dubble that from the prefix so u can go up to 12k armour shouldnt that help mitigate enough dmg for u to not 1 shot urself?

when i find a reflect pack (only lvl 63 with 6k dmg) i pop my
and i can't say i barely loose health even with splash/dual strike crit curse (when i do crit it can be risky but i got low ES/armour atm).
I crit on almost every hit and my crits are so big that if i don't use multistrike i oneshot myself through 13K armor with granite flask. But with multistrik it all become pretty manageble.
Last edited by Xavyer on Jul 4, 2013, 1:08:32 PM
Xavyer, i notice u don't run the Rainbowstride boots but instead use Eye of Chaula. Wouldn't you get both more survivability + DMG + 50 non multiplied mana + 20% All res + You get another amulet slot

I can run 4 Auras (More is completely pointless in this build anyhow) with my gear and i dont even have a single mana node with around 100 mana over which saves me 3-4 Nodes i can use in ES or other things.

Only time you should EVER need a Chaula is on Brutus where u risk chance to get 1 shot. on all other mobs in the entire game you should never be in a situation ur ES leech wouldn't save your ass.

This way you would also get 50ish ES (prob 150 ish with multipliers) from changing boots i noticed considering urs are only good for cold res which u can get on ur new amulet.
Last edited by slashpro on Jul 4, 2013, 6:08:00 PM
Newb4evar wrote:
pls specify to all idiots that prices on the items might vary im sick and tired of ppl offering 1ex for my 600 es 5link chest with dual res.

Someone offered 2 gcp on my 5L 750ES Vaal Regalia

This build is awesome, and it gets a lot better on higher levels. At first I was a bit sad but now I am very happy at level 79, it gets better and better :)

Too bad I can't seem to find any good daggers, there arent any available with crit and high phys damage so I am still using

Also have a 20% Melee Splash now which helps a lot.
IGN: SoulCrasher_
Last edited by starmanwarz on Jul 4, 2013, 5:43:55 PM
Is this viable for HC/Onslaught? I would immagine one would have to tone down the DPS and focus more on ES pool right? What major changes would you do to the passive tree?
slashpro wrote:
Xavyer, i notice u don't run the Rainbowstride boots but instead use Eye of Chaula. Wouldn't you get both more survivability + DMG + 50 non multiplied mana + 20% All res + You get another amulet slot

I can run 4 Auras (More is completely pointless in this build anyhow) with my gear and i dont even have a single mana node with around 100 mana over which saves me 3-4 Nodes i can use in ES or other things.

Only time you should EVER need a Chaula is on Brutus where u risk chance to get 1 shot. on all other mobs in the entire game you should never be in a situation ur ES leech wouldn't save your ass.

This way you would also get 50ish ES (prob 150 ish with multipliers) from changing boots i noticed considering urs are only good for cold res which u can get on ur new amulet.

Rainbowstride are probably best boots for this build if you don't care about rarity. I do care about rarity that's why i wear mine. I also run 5 auras (with purity) so i need the points i invested into mana.

Chayula saves you from stuns. if you are permastunned by a pack of archers no amout of leech will save you as you can't hit amyone. When i find an amulet with stats i want(and rarity is among them) i will respeck to Unweaveling stance and wear it.

coldone2 wrote:
Is this viable for HC/Onslaught? I would immagine one would have to tone down the DPS and focus more on ES pool right? What major changes would you do to the passive tree?

I won't recommend this build for HC, it is reckless and every mistake will kill you. For HC Invalesco build is better as it uses the shield and attack from a distance with LS.
Last edited by Xavyer on Jul 5, 2013, 3:14:31 AM
Currently im only 34 on hardcore but its a fun build to play. Thanks for sharing.
Xavyer wrote:
I also run 5 auras (with purity) so i need the points i invested into mana.

But why would u ever need a 5th aura? You say urself u got enough damage to 1 shot any mob basicly so another 1-150 damage u get from (Wrath i assume) or the shock stacks doesn't actually help you in terms of damage if u already kill everything fast enough.
But as you have said several times is that you do have issues with survivability on reflect.

To battle stun on Archers it's very simple, stack up ur frenzy stacks and press and hold Flicker Strike (with Melee Splash + either crit/Increase area + Melee dmg) and if as u say u crit all the time and u 1 shot mobs those archers are dead in roughly 1-5 sec depending on the splash radius / spread of the mobs. You can even add Power charge on crit to stack those up even faster aswell (what im going for when i get my 2 melee splash gems to 20% Q).

Flicker is also an amazing tool to just get around the maps quickly to make it more efficient.
Last edited by slashpro on Jul 5, 2013, 7:39:58 AM
slashpro wrote:
Xavyer wrote:
I also run 5 auras (with purity) so i need the points i invested into mana.

But why would u ever need a 5th aura? You say urself u got enough damage to 1 shot any mob basicly so another 1-150 damage u get from (Wrath i assume) or the shock stacks doesn't actually help you in terms of damage if u already kill everything fast enough.
But as you have said several times is that you do have issues with survivability on reflect.

To battle stun on Archers it's very simple, stack up ur frenzy stacks and press and hold Flicker Strike (with Melee Splash + either crit/Increase area + Melee dmg) and if as u say u crit all the time and u 1 shot mobs those archers are dead in roughly 1-5 sec depending on the splash radius / spread of the mobs. You can even add Power charge on crit to stack those up even faster aswell (what im going for when i get my 2 melee splash gems to 20% Q).

Flicker is also an amazing tool to just get around the maps quickly to make it more efficient.

Purity is the aura that require a lot of mana. And I can't run 4 aura one of witch is purity without investing in mana nodes. 50 flat mana won't change that. And I won't give up rarity.
I use flicker for movement purposes only. I don't like flicker strike as an attack because it won't give me control, just painful to watch and do not use second dagger. Also I only have 3 frenzy charges so flicker is not very effective attack in this build. Im pretty happy with my current setup but thank you for your input, someone might find it usefull.
Last edited by Xavyer on Jul 5, 2013, 9:29:09 AM

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