[1.1.1] Dual Dagger CI. Restored for 1.1 and viable even after Vaal Pact nerf.

Lorkster wrote:
I'm having some trouble finding decent replacements for Mightflay. How long would you say I could keep using them without gimping myself too much?

I just hit lvl 50 with this build and i am still using them. The next really upgrades i found start at 53. And my damage is still extrem high, still able to oneshot whole group of mobs with a crit.
IGN Jadyra | Kitargua
im level 60 soon and i still use 1 +

Atm my setup works fine enough to run ledge in aprox 1-2 min on merciless.

Current setup

I got Gloves and boots upgrades incoming today for some more armour and ES.

Having a hard time finding replacement to my rings sadly.

Got chest for lvl 68 later on aswell
Last edited by slashpro on Jul 3, 2013, 12:47:43 PM
Added a video to the first post showing me against Phys Reflect Map.
Multistrike+Warlord's Mark is the answer to reflect.
Got rainbowstride boots and now my ES is 3600 and I can also afford Wrath. With all auras+charges tooltip dps is almost 12k at level 77 which is a lot more than all my previous characters so I am pretty happy :D
IGN: SoulCrasher_
Shouldn't you just be fine aslong as you can leech more then u reflect. I mean lets say u get 20% Life Leech and as ur map has 18% reflect you should in theory leech more life then you take since you have Vaal Pact.

Or am i totally wrong? I mean since ur geared into quite abit of armour you should even mitigate some of the reflected phys dmg thus making it maybe 10-12% only.
If you can oneshot yourself with reflect, amount you can leech doesnt matter as you need to survive the reflect to get healed.
Also leech goes before reflect so if you hit yourself for 80% of your hp then picture would be like this:
hit 1: you you heal yourself to full hp, then get -80% hp from reflect you have now 20% of your hp
hit 2: you you heal yourself to full hp, then get -80% hp from reflect you have now 20% of your hp
So you wil never get above 20% and monsters will still damage you in the process.
Last edited by Xavyer on Jul 4, 2013, 6:14:11 AM
I really like doing one heavy hit and shuttering the room of monsters. But reflect really annoyed me and if i didnt noticed it to do discharge i get oneshot. if i do dischard on a elem reflect map i also get oneshot.( And hate myself for fogeting i'm on a elem reflect map).
Yesterday i switched to Multistrike from Melee damage. I lost around 5% of my dps. I lost my beutiful slow room oneshot. But now i really don't care for map mod combination (except extremly rare Blood Magic ofc.) My es never go below 70%, and i have only 3.8K So as i like oneshots i must admit that multistrike as a 6th gem is a way to go as it is a lot safer for a neglectable dps loss.
If anyone get a realy dangerous mods on a map sell it to me pls, i'll make a video on that map.
Last edited by Xavyer on Jul 4, 2013, 6:13:34 AM
pls specify to all idiots that prices on the items might vary im sick and tired of ppl offering 1ex for my 600 es 5link chest with dual res.
ign @Firion_Black
Last edited by Newb4evar on Jul 4, 2013, 9:21:01 AM
Or you can butt out of his guide if you haven't got something related to discuss.
Last edited by slashpro on Jul 4, 2013, 10:29:27 AM
Newb4evar wrote:
pls specify to all idiots that prices on the items might vary im sick and tired of ppl offering 1ex for my 600 es 5link chest with dual res.

Sorry, can't help you mate, no idiots in here.
As to the price - it is your right to set your price and let the chest rot in your stash. It's their right to want something cheapes that it cost and run around maps with naked butt until they realize a more adequate price on an item.
And usually some time of rotting in stash/naked butt running will help you both to come to an agreable price. And no reason to get nervous about any of that.
Last edited by Xavyer on Jul 4, 2013, 11:43:27 AM

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