[1.1.1] Dual Dagger CI. Restored for 1.1 and viable even after Vaal Pact nerf.

ign: DaEDaenarys
Last edited by Xavyer on Jun 19, 2013, 3:22:00 AM
how much es should i have when i make the conversion to ci? i got like 1k and im getting shredded if i dont get on a range pack fast enough
Hi there following your build had a question tho. Im playing on softcore still and i was looking at the leveling guide for anarchy seems pretty close to your original besides going for the stance. I have an eye of chay and was wondering if i continue following the leveling guide excluding going for the stance will i still end up at the original build?
IGN GiggleShits
how much es should i have when i make the conversion to ci? i got like 1k and im getting shredded if i dont get on a range pack fast enough

You get around 1200ES with 400 ES armor + Discipline aura on lvl 50 when you follow my guide. That should be more that enough for end of cruel/start of merciless. Make sure you also run Grace and Hatered. Have boots with move speed, use flicker strike/whirling blades to get to range monsters quickly. At 53 you will get Iron Reflexes and this will give you addinional survivability. At 56 you get big evasion/es ring of nodes and reach around 1700-2000 ES depending on your other gear. Also having quality on melee splash is very important.

diablosbettr wrote:
Hi there following your build had a question tho. Im playing on softcore still and i was looking at the leveling guide for anarchy seems pretty close to your original besides going for the stance. I have an eye of chay and was wondering if i continue following the leveling guide excluding going for the stance will i still end up at the original build?

See my own build at the first page. I run in the eye of chayula for now and just put the nodes i saved for not going to Stance to various dps nodes here and there. I stil plan to get Stance on standart later on because high accuracy/crit multiplier/es amulet will give me more then nodes i will spend to reach it.
Last edited by Xavyer on Jun 19, 2013, 5:16:18 AM
Oh okay i gotcha thank you for your input. Btw great and fun build so far i love playing compared to the other chars i've started.
IGN GiggleShits
ive pretty much gotten to end game and would just like to say a few things about the build . You pretty much will never have dps issues and yull be able to kill almost anything , its fun and satisfying , the downside to this build is that its unforgiving if you aren't spot on with flasks and etc , if you mess up slightly....you WILL die! Also the cost of the gear will be incredible especially in anarchy , half decent end game daggers will cost you a few exalts ! So to sum it up , the build is fun but unforgiving , play as your own risk .
if you mess up slightly....you WILL die! Also the cost of the gear will be incredible especially in anarchy , half decent end game daggers will cost you a few exalts !

Yeah gear dependancy is really the downside of the build. But every coin has 2 sides. The other side of gear dependancy is that WHEN you will get to good gear you will be pretty much unstopable juggernaut.
The most frustrating exp for me was having 2.2K ES, no phys resists and no freeze immune on lvl 66/67 maps. That was before the monster damage nerf patch. And i literally lived on potions.
But that time has passed. I run a map recenly, it was 69 lvl map with monster pack,+30% monster life,+30% monster damage,+25% monster speed and vulnerability. There were charging shield knghts and flicker strike spiders. And i didnt drunk a potion once - just facerolled the map. At that moment i realized my gear dependancy have finaly payed off :)
Last edited by Xavyer on Jun 19, 2013, 12:05:57 PM
im pretty much making a more durable character to farm with atm because im kinda stuck and i have nothing to buy upgrades at this point and it feels like you need a strong offense to have a good defense with this build especially daggers so your lifeleech can be enough to sustain your sheild
im lvl 71 on anarchy with this build and with my own very slight tweeks, very rough to play without hand me down items. i got uber lucky and found an exalt at lvl 50 and an eternal at 63 that i sold for exalts and split with a buddy that i was with, made some chaos and gcp along the way from selling stuff, got my alpha's and a killer chest piece. farming act 3 merci for maps now, it's a breeze.

ignore some of the sockets, i change around my gems all the time for what im fighting
Anarchy ign - FlashGordon_ or duelmanakh

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