[1.1.1] Dual Dagger CI. Restored for 1.1 and viable even after Vaal Pact nerf.

Xavyer wrote:

Shsh! Noone should know i have a bot with 350 IIR/IIQ that does all my drops :)))

Not only provides, but also takes out that drop from the map as a mule ;)
Currency: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/400203
For new comers: Ranger guide and 10 builds
To crit or not to crit: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/466825/page/2
Last edited by volanchik#0173 on Jun 11, 2013, 8:12:36 AM
I came back to the game and respecd to your build :)
I was aiming for somethin close to that before I stopped playing (invalesko CI build)
I am currently lvl 38 and I have one doubt.
How am I suposed to equip mightflays with 62 dex?

Would that be asking too much if I asked for some low lvl equips(38~40)?

I've got exactly 6 fusings so I think I can afford a couple mightflays. Dunno about the other gear though. And I am completly lost about the game economy.

Is there anyother tips for the pre CI gameplay?
thank you a lot!
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/417287 - Poutsos Flicker Nuke Shadow
Last edited by Poutsos#0458 on Nov 30, 2013, 11:35:39 PM
Flickerstrike is a very powerfull skil when you can oneshot with it.
But nonstop flickerstrike with multistrike is a pain to watch, that's why i went dual strike+melee splash.
felipeschred wrote:

How am I suposed to equip mightflays with 62 dex?

By wearing amulet that provides dexterity.

Also i updated leveling guide for the latest anarchy viable IR variant. See first post.
Yeah, I am considering going dagger with shield and using frenzy and flickerstrike. I think that I should be able to nearly constantly flicker. My other option would be to go with a double strike vs your dual strike, I just find running without the shield a bit risky, especially since I will probably have the Alpha Howl helm. I am not sure I think losing the shield is a bit hard, you lose a bit of damage to go single weapon sure, but the amount of survivability with a shield is insanely high. I mean your probably losing almost 700+ ES from not having a shield.
Maethorr wrote:
Yeah, I am considering going dagger with shield and using frenzy and flickerstrike. I think that I should be able to nearly constantly flicker. My other option would be to go with a double strike vs your dual strike, I just find running without the shield a bit risky, especially since I will probably have the Alpha Howl helm. I am not sure I think losing the shield is a bit hard, you lose a bit of damage to go single weapon sure, but the amount of survivability with a shield is insanely high. I mean your probably losing almost 700+ ES from not having a shield.

Yeah flicker is very powerfull as Xavyer says.Dual strike is even more powerfull with 2 great daggers,but u r sacrifising your shield.With very high DPS u will be able to flicker constantly but there r 2 great disadvantages.1)DESYNCH,you desynch CONSTANTLY.2)In the proscess of dlickering you might fall in to a reflect mob,and with 80+K DPS,u will die.I dont care since i don't play onslaught/hardcore.Moreover i don't recomend using double strike.Use frenzy instead.After alot of playing with this build i found it to be infinetely superior for 2 reasons.1)while double strike has higher DPS without frenzy charges,with 5 frenzy charges(i intent to get 6 when bandit respec is possible),frenzy has significantly higher dps.(my frenzy now stands at 46K).2)when u r close to a boss there is a pretty good chance u won't have frenzy charges to use flicker strike,which of course will be your most powerfullskill.so u hit fast with frenzy(definetely linked to multistrike)to get your charges and flicker right after.
Anyway,as long as i ll find another great dagger,i am looking forward to playing abit of dual wield.I did it in the past but me ES chest sucked back then,so i had a very low ES pool and was dying costantly
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/417287 - Poutsos Flicker Nuke Shadow
what are your intentions about iron reflexes , is going on avoid a alternative for you or is it too risky in the endgame content?

Goldwipf wrote:
what are your intentions about iron reflexes , is going on avoid a alternative for you or is it too risky in the endgame content?


Didn't fully understood your question, but my latest passive tree include Iron Reflexes and they gave me a lot of survivablility.
Last edited by Xavyer#5154 on Jun 12, 2013, 8:24:07 AM
like where is the point, that iron reflexes gives you such survivability why is armor better for you than evasioN?

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