Common Suggestions and Feedback (with Dev Responses)
League of Legends
NA - Free Hooks |
" good suggestions IGN: HolySmokesMC
" Yeah, really good suggestions. And I've got some: 1. Cyclone: - It has the same dps when dual wield and 1h + shield. Dual wield should provide a bonus of 35-45% to overall damage. In my case with 40% bonus it would be 3k dps with 1h + shield, 4,2k when dual wield and 5,4k with 2h. - Also Myrth suggestion is very good: " 2. Maybe new item - talisman? Every character could wear only one talisman, there should be an additional slot in inventory for it (like for amulet or rings). And it should provide one bonus: Ex. 1: - 6-10% to all resists Ex. 2: - 3-8% increased attack speed Ex. 3: - 3-8% reduced mana cost of all skills etc. Talismans should drop rarely. 3. Add more types of weapons (spears, crossbows, throwing weapons etc.). 4. Add unique locations, which would have small chance to appear on every instance in random place. There should be much more difficult, better drop and boss at the end, which could have about 25% chance to drop fragment of special map. When you collect all fragments (I think it should be 4 fragments - make use of 4 slots in Map Device), you go to Eternal Laboratory and open special map, where only the best characters could play. There should be also better drop and good reward for killing the main boss. 5. Add an Upgrade Orb which upgrade item, for ex. Jade Hatchet -> Jasper Axe, that orb should work for every type of item. Last edited by O2lsie#2939 on Jul 2, 2013, 4:40:00 AM
I would also like to suggest something related to the quality...
I would like to have seperate qualitys: 1) Basic Quality: Used for everything... more quality = more duration 2) Magic Quality/Alchemic Quality: Can be achieved by using "Philisopher's Stone". Increasing Magic Quality will result in better chances of getting better effects 3) Sacred/Dark Quality: Can be achieved by using either "Holy Water" or "Ash". Gives Bonus to Light Radius Last edited by Shinwa#0014 on Jul 4, 2013, 1:43:50 PM
I'd like to make a suggestion about the UI. Is there any possibility to see the buffs and debuffs just above the XP bar ? It would be easier to tracks which one are still actives and how much time is left. Also, sorry for my bad english and Cheers for this great game. | |
If u are an exile more of a savage in the beginning u should be able to fight with: spear, sling, pillar(vindictus karok like), and even boulder :). What u got acess to hammers and swords and stuff but no primitive weapons....
my suggestion would be an achievement system, with scaling rewards to the difficulty of the tasks implied; something like this makes tracking progress easier and giving the player a sense of "getting somewhere" that leveling and/or farming, or pvp doesn't fill out
A Wild Large Wall of Text Appears!
These are some of my suggestions, from time to time I remember a few, but then since I don't write them I end up forgetting. I really think these should be on your to do list(The client suggestions), but I also know you have bigger priorities and you've been dealing with them well (besides Twitch Integration, which is a really cool feature but there are bigger fish to catch :p) Client Suggestions : Customization Most of high-end players, no matter what game it is, they like to minmax everything, from sound tweaks ingame, on their soundcard control panel, video tweaks, keybinds, macros, field-of-view, crosshair, UI-Positioning/Scale. I can't play this game for more than 1 hour before it starts giving me headaches about how close I am to the player. My monitor has a max resolution of 1680 x 1050 and 22 inches, I also have my LCD TV connected to my computer, it has 24 inches and a max resolution of 1920 x 1080 and I'm able to zoom out more than with my computer monitor. I also rememeber reading somewhere that one of the reasons you wouldn't want to make this game to be able to zoom out more is that it would allow the textures look worst, and I'm sorry to be frontal, but like 50% of the people play with texture_quality on the config file 4 or higher(Just look at the twitchtv streams), not to mention that some people don't even know about that and don't care at all about how textures look like. If that's whats keeping you from not being able to zoom out more you aren't really thinking about what players want. "More zoom would allow ranged to see monsters earlier and atack them from a safer distance". Change the agro radius of monsters, change their ranged abilities range. The more customizable the better, the people that don't want the higher zoom out, they dont have to use it, they can zoom whatever they wish. Being able to set up the UI Scale, moving frames(buffs, hp, mana, flasks, skills, xp bar, minimap), adding a potion buff timer, it would make people minmax more. Hardcore gamers like to customize and improve their gameplay by every small inch they can, they like to have options from what to chose from, they like to "implement" their own options. Being a gamer who plays video-games since the age of 5(I'm 23), I like to configure as much as I can the game I want to play in order to make it suit better for me based on my decisions. I'm never 100% satistified and I always look forward to keep improving this and that. Recent games have been ignoring this point(due to console imports), on the other hand, some of the most competitively played online games are customizable: League of Legends : Everything is customizable, there isn't anything else to be customizable beside shop hotkeys? CS:GO : When compared to previous CounterStrike games(which were already heavily customizable), it also introduced customizable crosshair. World of Warcraft : I can easily say that there isn't a single player on the top 500 guilds who play with the default UI. You can customize timers, macros, track anything you want in order to improve your gameplay. Minions AI Summoned Creatures are a little slow reacting when they need to start to atack and when switching targets, which makes summoners have slow clearing speed when compared to other builds. On Diablo3 there was the opposite, companions would start agroing everything that was on their range dumblessly. My suggestion is implementing two attack order keybinds. Singe-Target : Where you would mouse-hover a monster and press that keybind(like a skill) so it would command monsters to attack that unit. Attack-Random : Where you would mouse-hover a zone and press that keybind and your minions would randomly atack whats near that area. This wouldn't just make summoners more effecting and reactive but it would also make summoners less boring to play since you would have to control them in order to be effective. Item Level on Item Description A no brainer, having to loot everysingle item, and do /itemlevel on it in order to see its itemlevel isn't fun at all. Monsters Remaining when you open the map Would be good if there was a property like "Turbo" or "Area Contains Many Totems" that would tell you the /remaining value without having to do /remaining in chat to see it. Chat Time Stamps Another nobrainer, everychat system has it. Ingame Clock Wether local or server time. For example near minimap, would be cool to add a panel underneath the minimap with the next 3 races there aswell. Ability to Search your Inventory/Stash This isn't hard to do, there are fanmade tools that can do this outside the game, so it isn't hard neither time consuming to implement this. Icon Border on the Quality/Superior Items on Inventory/Stash Mostly for gems Implement an Item Indexer Something where people would advertise their items(and add descriptions such as prices or IGN's since it could be just a mule account) and they would be able to be indexed by other people and you could whisper them to deal. It is harder to do then the previous suggestions but it has been made by fans aswell, so it isnt hard at all. Game Suggestions : Unique Skill Gem that would identify items(similar to portal) New gem vendor recipe Ability to fuse gems of the same type. You would turn a 5% Quality Freeze Mine, and a 8% Quality Freeze Mine and the vendor would return you a (5+8)*0.8 = 10 %(it would store the 10.4% though, so it wouldn't round everytime you did the fuse) Changing Divination Distillate for a resist instead of being an Hybrid Flask, or make it persist even though the HP/Mana is full Most of Magic Find builds are made on ranged builds, so magic finding on this game benefits ranged characters over melee ones. Not only that, about 50% of melee builds use Blood Magic(Wether gem and save mana for auras, or the Keystone), this makes them not being able to benefit from this unique which since it is a flask should be a benefit for every build. A blood magic character would top themself stopping the flask effect. IGN RegnetExitium Last edited by myrahzz#6036 on Jul 19, 2013, 11:17:04 AM
Status aliment background - just as life goes low screen becomes darker - something similiar should be done for shock/bleed and other debuffs.
Bar is full of auras / charges and debuffs are not visible. E.g. bleed - some blood on edges/ chill/free - ice, schock - thunders, stun - hulk :) IGN: ZombieSantaClaus
Path -to- exile Last edited by unknownacc#6846 on Jul 21, 2013, 5:59:36 PM