Common Suggestions and Feedback (with Dev Responses)

when picking up items, 3 high fill from top left, 2 high fill from bottom left
2 Change Requests:

1) PLZ add toggle on/off life bars for oponents, that way its easier to keep track about the situation, and choose appropriate counter actions. (maybe also makes sense for minions for some builds)

2) PLZ add separate loot tables like in d3. range dds and caster have a terrible disadvantage in random partys when playing with other meelee chars. When d3 came out i thought 'thank god, other games will adopt this system, no mayhem loot battles anymore' :-)

otherwise keep up the good work!
(no flaming, constructive discussion is welcome, however)
It is impossible to switch weapons (to select secondary set of weapon) while buying/selling/trading with NPC. Suggest to fix it.
I saw someone somewhere posted an idea about a random leveling generator where it would decide what your next passive bonus would be. I thought this would be an awesome challenge for the races/leagues. Maybe have some rules in the generator though so you don't wind up with both one-handed bonuses and two-handed bonuses at the same time
These are my suggestions for game UI.

1) Add a dialog box after pressing a portal from one map to the next. The dialog box will request confirmation for traveling or not. (because sometimes while playing you would press a waypoint by accident and you would move to another map unintentionaly)

2) Add effects for chaos and bleeding DoT damage. It is well known that sometimes it's too late when you realise that you've been poisoned or -even worse- punctured. I suggest the red color of the blood vial turns green for chaos and (maybe...) black for bleeding so that your eye is attracted to the difference and (stop moving!) use a pot.

ps.An all-in-all great game!!! I really enjoy playing this. I hope you make enough money to buy blizzard and then sell it for 2 dollars. Cheers :-)
I suggest to decrease memory usage of the game by adding low quality options. Now it is almost impossible to play on low-level computers with 2 GB ram and browser+antivirus+youtube+videoplayer simultaneously.

Also I suggest to add gamma ajustments in options.

It is impossible to get real 1280x800 pixels in window mode. Always resets automatically to 1272x800 and window has bright blue borders.(suggest to fix it too).

And the last: I think game with axonometric projection (and a diablo-like minimap layer above) is a hazard for eyes. I know, that you will not listen, but I suggest to change it.
Last edited by betatest#2806 on Mar 12, 2013, 6:23:55 AM
are you goin to add cinematics for the storyline?
that would be great, that will help players to deep into what happens in wraeclast and dont feel that the game is just kill and level up to play in pvp, instead the game with cinematics will have a major purpose.

When you wanna give some new skill gems??
The monster hitboxes are still not fixed...

Targeting monters are still very annoying...Please devs fix suxx very hard
Suggestion: A pool for the Respec Points from all your Chars.

Reason: I (and probably many others) dont have time to play very often, so my knowledge about the passive tree is a bit limited. But still I dont want to just copy builds from the forum - its boring.

I have a Ranger in cruel which isnt unplayable but could use some adjusting but all my Respec points are already used. On the other hand I'm working on a 2H Marauder with help from forum builds, cause I want a char. that probably will be good in higher diffculties. I wont need the most of his respec points so it would be very handy if I could use them for my ranger. Would be a good addition to the rare respec orbs and it imho wouldn't affect the "core" design of PoE cause you still have to earn the points.

EDIT: Just thought of one quite big disadvantage:(: You could farm them pretty quick by creating chars non-stop and just play them until you get the first Respec, think in one of the first quests already. But could be prevented:

- you got 24 slots so max. you farm 24 points quick, if you delete a char also the respec points from this char are gone.
- Put the Respec Points rewarded for quests in to the 2 act or so.
Q9550@2.8Mhz, Zotac GTX 470 AMP!, 6GB Ram, Win7 64bit, 24"@1920x1200
weapons: Logitech G19 & Cyborg R.A.T 9
Last edited by Nord666#5151 on Mar 13, 2013, 10:28:20 AM

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