You know what happens when your Reflexes turn to Iron?

The scariest part about that, it's not even 6% damage reduction under all circumstances, just the small/middling hits.
I read the first post and few replies. Lately another thread as popped up talking about how awful reflect damage is for a character that crits often.

Both of these problems are mostly rangers, maybe shadow (if they don't go CI). Both solutions purposed are DoT, which sound find.

My issue is it seems everyone is pulling for rangers to only have DoT damage. Assuming 75% chance to evade, then all other damage would be in DoT ticks. If these ticks aren't heavy, rangers (or any eva user) will become virtually unkillable.

Pop a granite flask when a group actually makes it to you, reducing the damage, in most cases by 50%. Then if these aren't quick or large ticks of damage they can easily be negated by health pots. If the ticks happen over more than 3 secs, it would be easy to quickly open a TP, erasing all damage that was incoming.

If this isn't done right, it could take evasion from the worst form of armor to by far the best. I play mostly armor builds and heavy hitters like Brutus and Vaal blow right through my armor as if I was naked.

I think I like the idea of a glancing blow which gives DR rather than DoT and reflect damage being a high DoT. So when a hit does land through the character's evade chance it's reduced by a small amount, I'd suggestion no more than half what the same amount of armor would reduce.

With iron reflexes, it something that other builds are abusing/depending on while it's the only thing that makes duelist's hybrid armor useful. Without iron reflex I have a bunch of characters forced to go pure in one direction or stick with the armor made for my class, then deal with very low DR and very low eva.

It does sound like the whole defensive thing (ES, armor and evasion) needs rework. I hope GGG has something brewing now with OB quickly approaching.
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Moosifer wrote:

With iron reflexes, it something that other builds are abusing/depending on while it's the only thing that makes duelist's hybrid armor useful.

My question is, if you're a duelist with IR, why are you wearing hybrid gear? Wear pure evasion gear and come away with twice as much total armour rating in the end.

Hybrid gear is for if you believe in evasion, but want some reduction at the same time. IE, non-IR builds.

Sadly, it's been thoroughly hinted at that we probably won't see any kind of reduction mechanic tied to evasion edit: beyond the crit negation.
I don't have alpha access, that was a LONG time ago.
Last edited by Zakaluka#1191 on Oct 8, 2012, 7:17:16 PM
Zakaluka wrote:
My question is, if you're a duelist with IR, why are you wearing hybrid gear? Wear pure evasion gear and come away with twice as much total armour rating in the end.

- Easier to get red sockets, and red/green combinations
- Might not necessarily have much dex, meaning only a small difference between evasion and armour gear
- Might only be taking IR to widen your gear options as an armour-focused character, rather than having to stick to pure STR armour.
- Hybrid gear has lower single-attribute requirements
- etc.
Last edited by Malice#2426 on Oct 8, 2012, 6:48:13 PM
That's all absolutely true. I honestly just wasn't sure if he had figured it out yet, thought maybe I should let him know :b
I don't have alpha access, that was a LONG time ago.
So what I suspected was true, Malice. IR was a band-aid for the ailing Evasion, and ultimately amounts to, 'well, we can't make Evasion work as it is, so we'll just give you the chance to turn it into the defence type that does work'?

...That's really sad.

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Evasion is only broken if you expect to get hit a lot =)
Metronomy wrote:
Evasion is only broken if you expect to get hit a lot =)

Read my latest feedback bit. I've figured out how to make evasion work for me, but stacked life really is still a bit of a band-aid in itself.

My beef is with Iron Reflexes. In that, I have stayed uncannily on-topic with this thread over the course of several months.
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Charan wrote:
So what I suspected was true, Malice. IR was a band-aid for the ailing Evasion, and ultimately amounts to, 'well, we can't make Evasion work as it is, so we'll just give you the chance to turn it into the defence type that does work'?

...That's really sad.

I don't think so, more like a band aid for people complaining about evasion and wanting armour instead. I never really thought there was much wrong with evasion, It was much harder to get life in the dex area back then though, which probably contributed.
Tbh, there should just be a keystone that negates all critical attacks and the attack that hits your character deals standard DPH instead of critical DPH. I think this would solve all of evasion's problems, as OP it may seem.

Otherwise, I see no point in choosing an evasion character unless you expect to kite a lot.
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