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KrathTouched is my "Spamwitch" I decided to invert the ideas of high attack speed and essentially focus it into spell casting. She is in a delicate balance at level 40 between her max mana, mana regen, and auras all trying to steal control of what is done.
The biggest advantage of this build is the ability to constantly control exactly whats happening in the battle at a exceptionally fast pace which would be amplified if I could find a totem gem. Most of the damage comes from the fact that I have the rain of fire spells cast speed low enough I can cast three or more times in a row before the first one even ends allowing me excessive compiled DPS on single targets or large swaffs of damage everyone in my proximity. This is amplified by elemental equilibrium and the use of another spell cold snap which does single damage high alpha and high freeze chance damage. This allows me to keep the enemies frozen and burnt in a alternative pattern back and forth adding a extra damage because of equilibrium. Finally spark is a "secondary" skill until I get totem to make it cast itself. It's designed to strike enemies with electric vulnerabilities. All these are tied together with permacurse on my elemental weakness to make the enemies take further damage, some minion cannon fodder, and some auras to amplify my build, 80% regeneration time on ES to keep myself at high health the moment I am not hit and most importantly the Ice Wall spell which paired with my cast speed allows me to control what can attack what in whatever direction. PAssivewise I have a long term development which has only started to get DPS but otherwise the build itself is stable, I have a focus on "Elemental status effects" to make use of the constant casting to do so I had to spread my skills across the entire top side of the board as such it's not as focused as many other builds. I got to merciless on it relatively unharmed |
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check out my magic finding mara sillex lol its fun nothing special but nothing lame either no longer do you need that pesky sorc lol.
leap slam into a group, sweep spam and add molten shell if taking a little to much dmg for the life steal to handle or leap out not too bad on the mana either very smooth for those looking for something of the sort. sitting at 159% IRoI but only at lvl 43 Please don't pm me asking for beta keys :) Last edited by Sillex#6857 on Jul 10, 2012, 4:00:40 AM
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![]() Hardcore duelist level 69 FU_WAQ_ is based on life and shield block chance. Skill: - Cleave < meele physical damage < blood magic < faster attack < added fire damage. Auras: - Vitality. - Haste. - Tempest shield. Using blood magic on cleave allows me to use the above auras leaving me a bit off mana left for using skills like warlords mark , blood rage or temporal chains if really needed. Lets me also choose other flasks then mana for example some Granite flasks for more armour. Life : 3853 Block chance: 72% Some items: Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Last edited by Tigar#4568 on Jul 13, 2012, 11:35:25 AM
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Hi Chris and the GGG team
I really like the idea of showcasing other char builds. So I thought I'd mention my Shadow, MrWandton. I created this char to be a critical elemental damaging General wielding duel wands. Swarm/surround the enemy with fast casting skeleton/spectre decoys,curse with elemental weakness, and fire 5 shots of elemental hit while never running out of mana with clarity if things get to hot phase run back and start again least that's the general idea. That is just a quick synopsis to intrigue the curiosity check the character out if you would like to see a interesting shadow build:) Conan: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.
Never dance with the Devil because a dance with the Devil could last you forever... -I thought what I'd do was,I'd Pretend I was one of those deaf mutes- Nullus Anxietas:) |
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Working on this build. Not ready to showcase yet, but here's the highlights: Templar Start +High health +High fire resistance (aiming for at least 80%+ with +max resist uniques/passives) +Buff Effects (+30%) +Mix of lightning/fire damage via: Tempest Shield Exploding Minions (primarily zombies/spectres) Righteous Fire Firestorm Lightning Warp My Keystone Ideas: Last edited by anubite#0701 on Jul 10, 2012, 3:10:25 PM
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I would like to feature my block/cold duliest, named kekerpwnt He uses passives to boost block, some life regeneration, and Ice Bite for extra cold damage on weapon, hatred aura, and cold damage supports on attacking gems, along with gear to increase his total Cold damage for his melee attacks.
Abilities include: Fire Trap, For extra aoe damage and crowd control. Warlords mark, For flask charges and life/mana leech (obviously) and also for endurance charges. Ground slam, for up front massive aoe damage and some stunning. Glacial hammer, for freeze locking any large enemies and bosses. Shield Charge, to help with those pesky archers and casters. Rejuvenation Totem, for those "oh crap" moments when I know I need 90 life per second. Molten Shell, for extra burst damage when mobbed by enemies, and to help absorb damage when fighting larger monsters resistant to cold damage. Supports used include. "faster attacks", "added cold damage", "melee physical damage", "reduced mana cost", and "weapon elemental damage" Spare abilities are cleave and heavy strike for if I get an axe or sword better than my mace. But obviously those abilities are only used if the axe/sword is FAR superior to the current mace in use. The purpose of this build is to reduced incoming projectile damage as much as possible, and to retain melee defense as well as magic defense. The average situation for me is warlords mark-fire trap-ground slam. If fighting very large groups or large monsters such as rock elemental's or specials I throw my totem and cast molten shell, then proceed to spam glacial hammer until the monster is dead, or molten shell has popped. Then I recast it. And proceed to kill the monster. This will ensure my hp stays at full as long as possible. As well as maintaining very high flask charge gain. With fire trap I can ignite enemies, and with any of my attacks I can cause massive amounts of melee cold damage to freeze and chill enemies. Interesting features in this build and gear selection are. Massive amounts of Stun/block recovery from from my dex/str shield and gear. Large amounts cold damage despite having a 1h weapon. And being able to cause two negative status' (Ignite and chill) at the same time. Keystones used: Armour Master: to enable swift movement without the use of the "phase run" gem. I hope you find my character interesting. I sure as hell find it interesting to play. The knife edge feeling of low life and high block give the highest possible risk/reward feeling I have ever had in a video game. Thanks, and have a nice day. Last edited by Madman99#4487 on Jul 10, 2012, 7:58:26 PM
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My character: Sinderella (witch)
Primary skillset: Flickerstrike (dagger) Why she is interesting: 2.5 attacks/sec, >50% critical chance, elemental proliferation with all 3 damage auras. She is not very tough - the problem is catching her as she controls crowds of frozen, flaming and shocked enemes with her enticing song of thorns... (Not the best equipment etc, but very fun and viable.) |
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Character name: Bernad
Class: Shadow Level: 39 Main attack skills: Viper Strike, Flickerstrike and Freezing Pulse (3 projectiles) Main movement skills: Flicker strike, Whirling blades (I used to use phaserun, but removed it to make room for other skills). Other skills: Wrath, Anger, Hatered and Blood Rage. What makes this character intresting: Bernad is a hit-and-run Shadow, but instead of spending statpoints on faster movement speed, I use skills to get in and out of trouble. Basic play: I turn on all of my auras, wich in turn takes a way the vast majorit of my mana, giving me very little mana left to work with, especially as Viper Strike has repaced my regular attack. This means that what ever kind of monsters I meet, I need keep a close look on my mana and health (He's after all a bit of a glass canoon), and be ready to use flask if I need to. I also need to have enough mana do use Whirling Blades in order to get out if the situation suddenly becomes far worse. Because of this, my flasks gets empty pretty fast, but because I can easely take care of bigger mobs, I fill up my flasks before before I run compleately out. How he's played more specificly... ... Against spread out mobs and ranged units: I cast blood rage and flickerstrike my way arond the mobs until either 1. They die, or 2. They get grouped together when trying to chase me. ... Against grouped up mobs: I use Whirling blades to keep my distance, and Freezing Pulse to kill them from afar. If I've used flickerstrike to group them together or I feel that I need extra frenzy charges (against Necros/Sumoners/Bosses) for a bigger baddie that's in the mob, I make sure that blood rage is started, so it buffs Viper Strike and Flickerstrike when I attack that baddie. If not, and they're just a bunch of regular enemies, I don't bother to start blood rage as the extra DPS that it gives me isn't worth the life it drains when using Freezing Pulse. ... Against Sumoners/Totems: I flickerstrike to it (hopefully with some frenzy charges from bloodrage), and spam Viper Strike. The reason why I do this even though flickerstrike has a higher DPS when I have three charges is because flickerstrike may teleport me somewhere I don't want to be. Also because Viper Stike deals Chaos damage over time, wich means that even if I only hit it once, the DOT will stil harm the enemy, thus making hit and run attacks farely effective. ... Against Bosses: Use viper strike. Get out of there quickly (if needed) with whirling blades, and get in there quickly again with flickerstrike. And don't forget to have a look out for your health and mana! Skill tree Gear: Armour: Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Weapons: Unavailable Unavailable Rings/Amulets: Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Flasks: Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable This is my first char, and he's pretty hard to play, but so far I've gotten through, even though I've died quite a bit. Last edited by SpellingPhailer#1592 on Jul 11, 2012, 2:27:11 PM
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Char name _Yky_
Class shadow Level 63+ Atack skills Power siphon and elemental hit. Other skills Wrath, Discipline, Hatred, Bloodrage. Items Any 5 linked chest with some energy shield and 2 blue 2 green 1 red sockets, high phys damage wand, crit damage amulet, somthing that have ES or damage mods(depends on slot) Maligaro's Virtuosity unique gloves. Build<-- click Game play cast all auras and bloodrage then left click enemies till they die from power siphon with attached increased crit damage, weapon elemental damage, manalwwch and lesser multiple projectiles. If meet high es or hp monster right click on it and kill with elemental hit that have crit damage, crit chance and weapon elemental damage support. Details here <-- click |
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Hi my dudes many is Stanley
the build is mostly based on flicker strike I use a 1 hand axe and shield I think my build works great my flicker is linked to blood magic and life on hit and extra damage he has a 37% block chance a fair amount of leach and .56 flicker att speed w/o frenzy charges. I'm not super good at typing stuff out but my dude cleared ruthless act1 solo at 49 is now lvl 50 and can really dish out the pain have a look still try to figure out how to post my gear. [/url] IGN
Undead_skank stan The__Ghost amb |
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