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Play around on my Ground Slam duelist, IAS aura, leap attack and shit ground slam the waves of mobs.
TheRabbit303 wrote:
I think we'd all be interested in seeing a viable discharge character...

How about a party of Conduit CI characters with Blood Rage active that also spam Enduring Cry? Now that's something I'd really like to see... I'm not sure how well it would work, but I'd love to see it.
Urist McDwarfy has been happy lately. He admired an exceptional ARPG recently. He took joy in slaughter lately. He has been attacked by the dead recently.
Check out the Path of Exile wiki:
Urist I used to have a disco witch (huge mana, huge numbers of auras) that used wands, blood rage, and enduring cry with conduit + curses and a few minions for party play.

she was silly!

Also at the moment I have a pure physical damage 2-handed axe witch using flicker strike, sweep, conversion trap, crit culnerability, and heavy armour. Pure physical damage is not working out too badly atm, but she's only just in ruthless. When I finish her she could be interesting as an example of a completely outside their class character!
Video #2!

This week demonstrates zriL's melee witch. There are so many interesting characters to chose from each week!
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Last edited by Chris#0000 on Jun 26, 2012, 3:05:08 AM
indczn wrote:
Painting_Fire: Level 48 Hardcore righteous fire marauder.

Current build:


Love to get my hands on a few things to help though.

Just curious, how are you actually using Righteous Fire? The build doesn't incorporate any INT nodes; are you relying purely on gear for INT?
Alright, so I have a character called MarauderHasNoPants.

He's a fairly low level so far(28) but his build is slowly coming together. What is he? A tank. Like, a pure one.

I have built him to revolve around two things; Health and regen. I just recently got the regen part down(aside from a single 0.5% health regen node that's grouped together with some more HP) and am now going to move onto health.

While he has many skill gems equipped, only 4 are used:

Vitality is always active; Can't let that extra regen go to waste.

I put down a shockwave totem down rarely when I have to widdle away at a rare mob's(or boss') health; I also use it when running away.

Heavy strike is also for bosses and those jerks with endurance charges.

Last but not least; I use a rejuvenation totem when I need to run away and recover in less than 10 seconds.

As you will notice, he has VERY little mana. Realistically, he can only summon a shockwave totem twice before running out of mana when he has vitality active. But he's not made to dispatch of foes as quickly as possible with a bunch of uber spells. He's there to take a beating while the other players smack down all their shiny DPS spells on the mobs attacking him instead of them.

Sure he may not have the best build and may even end up being useless in higher difficulties, but not having to run away at the sight of any tiny weak mob is the best feeling in the world.

I feel overpowered without actually being overpowered.

As a side note; While his health may not be too high right now(713), his regen is. His regen is also mostly percentage based, which means the higher the health, the more the regen per second.

His stats for anyone wondering how high his regen is:

My name is Kro and I'm an eternal casual.
Last edited by Kookro#3951 on Jun 23, 2012, 8:12:28 AM
How much does he rely on flasks tho?I hear them charges don't come easy when in group since the DPS usually kills everything and gets all of those.
UristMcDwarfy wrote:
TheRabbit303 wrote:
I think we'd all be interested in seeing a viable discharge character...

How about a party of Conduit CI characters with Blood Rage active that also spam Enduring Cry? Now that's something I'd really like to see... I'm not sure how well it would work, but I'd love to see it.

A trio. One person has Voll's + Conduit + very high crits (daggers?), one person has an aspd bow with the Frenzy skill + Conduit, and the discharger uses Enduring cry with 2x kaoms rings and typical diamond flask shenanigans.
I have been playing a glacial hammer templar recenty and it's extremely strong. Character name is Miljak.

Toggle vitality aura
Toggle wrath aura

Place 2 totems both spamming ice spear

One hit everything with Glacial hammer.

Need to get to mobs/away? Press middile mouse to shield bash straight trough them.
Last edited by Miljaker#2686 on Jun 23, 2012, 7:51:52 PM
i have a bloodmage hp/hp regen maurauder with resolute technique, using 2h weapons. I use lighning strike with weapon elemental damage and life gain on hit as main attack. Also leap slam with life gain on hit and cleave/sweep (depends on weapon) with life gain on hit, while using heavy strike with added fire damage for bosses. My last skill is molten shell.
Atm my only aura is anger.

Name: CrackingSkull
Last edited by CrackingSkull#4906 on Jun 23, 2012, 7:36:38 PM

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