6000 hours of Melee Scientific Expert Tells You the Truth- Melee changes ACTUALLY 100% suck

benzman9001 wrote:
So, -60 at the worst?
200+% MORE on the gem
The pob's look fine now to me

Mana changes seem a bit restrictive, some worse than others - Lifetaping as soon as a flask feels bad

One positive thing I can think to suggest are slightly bumping the early tier mana flask for the first 6 acts or so

No, it's

+200% on Gem
-(+200%) Totems
-60% All else

At first glance going 47M > 33M the worst, but that's just updating the PoB and not considering all new defensive and mana issues.

Right now if I want to reach my old defensive levels and fix mana issues, I have to spend at least 6 + 3 passives. Each passive is around 1M damage.

On top of that Vaal Pact with Slayer was very good and didn't have many situations where the downside was very harsh - now it really can be an issue, especially with how much phasing there is nowadays, as health pots / enduring cry would be disabled.
Additionally Vaal Pact was on a Massive Ring, which had 6-8 good passives, now it's not anymore.

So, most likely ending up at somewhere 25M DPS to be as well-rounded as in 3.24.
Uploaded an awesome Exsanguinate Freeze Explosion build on the forums - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3508506
AdRonZh3Ro wrote:
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
Idk what you proved. you said it took like 7 points on the tree to get 60 rage

Lmao. That's what you said.
AdRonZh3Ro wrote:
Rage is now more % and with Battle Trance, Veteran's Wrath, plus the rage on hit there you're getting 10 rage each second with 46 max rage at the incredibly staggering and unmanageable cost of 7 points. "Just" 46% more damage, 53% if you get the mastery. 50% inc attack damage and 25% inc attack speed is not even close to 46% more, but i guess math is hard.

This is what i said. Whatever bs you said is that wanted to get to 60 rage. Nowhere have i mentioned 90% AS either, that was what you mentioned out of thin air, buddy.

In fact, 30% more, the new base rage is better than 50% inc dmg and 25% as, and no amount of other 7 points of rage passives could give the now 53% more damage and QoL. If you prefer the attack speed over more %, that had nothing to do with the point i made.

My point was nothing more than the fact that you cant get to 90% attack speed without more investment. I didn't have any opinion on anything else. Just because something does more damage doesn't mean its better. If you're slamming you still run the risk of being globaled before you have any buff up(fortify etc.) without the extra attack speed.

you can have 900% more damage but if you get hit from offscreen by projectile mobs while trying to slam you're dead.
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
My point was nothing more than the fact that you cant get to 90% attack speed without more investment. I didn't have any opinion on anything else. Just because something does more damage doesn't mean its better. If you're slamming you still run the risk of being globaled before you have any buff up(fortify etc.) without the extra attack speed.

you can have 900% more damage but if you get hit from offscreen by projectile mobs while trying to slam you're dead.

And my point had nothing to do with yours, so congratulations, you could have explained your point a lot better but you chose to be confrontational.

But since we're here, again, 25% inc AS from base rage is far from a monumental loss you're making it to be. If it is for you, well, then it truly is an skill issue.

As for Berserk ascendancy(not the skill gem), with those 7 points, since i alredy path that way and since i am using Berserk ascendancy(not the skill gem) i'm getting to 53 rage, which means i "lose" only 12% inc AS and get more instead of increased damage. If you need to use those 16 points, that's a you problem.
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
Last edited by AdRonZh3Ro on Jul 22, 2024, 8:34:20 PM
I guess one can run replica lavingia's spirit for mana and attack speed.

What is with kalgurans shedding everyone's mana pool and flask setup?
AdRonZh3Ro wrote:
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
My point was nothing more than the fact that you cant get to 90% attack speed without more investment. I didn't have any opinion on anything else. Just because something does more damage doesn't mean its better. If you're slamming you still run the risk of being globaled before you have any buff up(fortify etc.) without the extra attack speed.

you can have 900% more damage but if you get hit from offscreen by projectile mobs while trying to slam you're dead.

And my point had nothing to do with yours, so congratulations, you could have explained your point a lot better but you chose to be confrontational.

But since we're here, again, 25% inc AS from base rage is far from a monumental loss you're making it to be. If it is for you, well, then it truly is an skill issue.

As for Berserk ascendancy(not the skill gem), with those 7 points, since i alredy path that way and since i am using Berserk ascendancy(not the skill gem) i'm getting to 53 rage, which means i "lose" only 12% inc AS and get more instead of increased damage. If you need to use those 16 points, that's a you problem.

I don't see any configuration of rage points where you can get 53 rage without spending 8 passives, also I never said I "had" to spend the 16 points for my builds, it was a comparison with old rite of ruin.

My point was that with the amount of investment it takes to get to old attack speed, you can just grab clusters and aren't forced to path all over the place.

This poor horse.

You are the one that is constantly calling my problems a "me issue" and a "skill issue" I think its pretty easy to tell who is being confrontational. I haven't made a single personal attack towards you. I'm here trying to bounce ideas around and you're implying that I'm some 12 year old on reddit stomping my feet.

I think its just better to go cluster so you don't have forced pathing. << this was my whole idea. somehow it just turned into, something completely pointless.
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
AdRonZh3Ro wrote:
This thread is the actual bait, not the changes.

Removing totems is a great change. No micro manage, no conditional/positional damage that 100% isn't equal to 50% of your damage if it keeps getting killed or doesn't have the range to deal the damage, which in most cases it didn't. And now all that damage is actually fully baked into your skill.

Rage is now more % and with Battle Trance, Veteran's Wrath, plus the rage on hit there you're getting 10 rage each second with 46 max rage at the incredibly staggering and unmanageable cost of 7 points. "Just" 46% more damage, 53% if you get the mastery. 50% inc attack damage and 25% inc attack speed is not even close to 46% more, but i guess math is hard.

Plus quality is now a more increase, if i recall correctly.

Its 180% inc attack damage and 90% attack speed on zerker using rite of ruin with no investment on base tree. it takes like 16 points you will want to invest to get back to 90% attack speed. assuming you're not using bears girdle, which has the cost of a belt slot.
Then there are the movement speed losses.

The pobs i had been kicking around is just more damage to not spec into rage on the tree outside of 1 wheel. Then run clusters instead.

Memory loss huh. Never have i asked your opinion about attack speed loss or changes, that was you doing all the assuming. Neither have i asked about how much passives it takes or does not take to get to 90% AS again, which, again, don't care.

The two wheels for 7 points give 46 max rage, 8 points give 53 max rage. I path those wheels. Again, don't care if you don't.

My PoB is better now. Couldn't care less about others problems if they don't care about mine either.

Lonnie455Rich wrote:
I think its just better to go cluster so you don't have forced pathing. << this was my whole idea. somehow it just turned into, something completely pointless.

If you at least see it was pointless, let me enlighten you where it went wrong: improve your grammar skills before giving opinions you weren't asked for or that aren't pertinent to the argument made, much less steering the conversation into something none asked you to begin with and that wasn't relevant to the point i was making either.

Lonnie455Rich wrote:
I'm here trying to bounce ideas

Lmao. Yeah, your ideas, ignoring mine.
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
Last edited by AdRonZh3Ro on Jul 23, 2024, 10:06:14 AM
This post is aging so poorly every day we get closer to league start, and now we have the gems updated. Already have 6-8 melee builds coming out.

Lacerate, GS, ES, RV, Dual Strike, Glacial hammer, Shield crush...

Seeing a return and buff of a couple projectile ones as well LS, Molten, Frostblades

All having 0 mana, damage, and mitigation issues.

"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Last edited by Mashgesture on Jul 23, 2024, 10:13:41 AM
these builds mostly have no mana issues because they have no mana at all - they ditch 1-2 reservations just to solve their mana sustain with Blood Magic keystone ffs :)

to see how much that this 'irrelevant issue' costs you - just add one random aura to your build. this is the MINIMUM price you pay. because the reason people use BM keystone is to solve their mana cost. still think it is a non-issue? GGG buffed melee with one hand, making a big fuss out of it, while silently nerfing with the other. mana cost is a significant nerf - in case of all builds using BM it costs you 1+ reservations.

there are also subtle things like moving passives around out of thread of hope/impossible escape range. at least some of them done precisely to nerf things

lightning strike and molten strike (+frost blades) are busted this league - returning projectiles enchant means straight 100% more damage. it is criminally stupid enchant. thats the reason streamers are going to play them. because of that stupid stupid enchant - it is Nimis but better (no random spread). how shortsighted one has to be to add it into the game as-is? this enchant alone will warp entire league around itself - just like Vengeance Cascade. nobody is going to give a slightest fuck about melee when lightning strike deals several times more damage and is ranged, does not require that piano gameplay and can be played with claws that solve sustain issue AND got +1 base crit out of nowhere

out of all these league starters all but LS and MS/FB will be abandoned day 6 of the week. Ziz's bleed lacerate deals 4m damage with very, very solid gear.. 4 million. its laughable damage and people are excited? like seriously - why?

sidtherat wrote:
these builds mostly have no mana issues because they have no mana at all - they ditch 1-2 reservations just to solve their mana sustain with Blood Magic keystone ffs :)

to see how much that this 'irrelevant issue' costs you - just add one random aura to your build. this is the MINIMUM price you pay. because the reason people use BM keystone is to solve their mana cost. still think it is a non-issue? GGG buffed melee with one hand, making a big fuss out of it, while silently nerfing with the other. mana cost is a significant nerf - in case of all builds using BM it costs you 1+ reservations.

there are also subtle things like moving passives around out of thread of hope/impossible escape range. at least some of them done precisely to nerf things

lightning strike and molten strike (+frost blades) are busted this league - returning projectiles enchant means straight 100% more damage. it is criminally stupid enchant. thats the reason streamers are going to play them. because of that stupid stupid enchant - it is Nimis but better (no random spread). how shortsighted one has to be to add it into the game as-is? this enchant alone will warp entire league around itself - just like Vengeance Cascade. nobody is going to give a slightest fuck about melee when lightning strike deals several times more damage and is ranged, does not require that piano gameplay and can be played with claws that solve sustain issue AND got +1 base crit out of nowhere

out of all these league starters all but LS and MS/FB will be abandoned day 6 of the week. Ziz's bleed lacerate deals 4m damage with very, very solid gear.. 4 million. its laughable damage and people are excited? like seriously - why?

False, youre doubling down on something that isnt even true again. You already over inflated how costly a skill would be already with previous posts but let me give you actual mana cost numbers of several builds :

LS build: Cost 11 mana
GS build: Cost 21 mana
ES build: Cost 15 mana
GlacialH: Cost 11 mana
Shield C: Cost 34 mana (no cost rings)
Frost Bl: Cost 19 mana

The only builds requiring life, well RV duh are two of them on that list:
Dual strike

Time to pack it up on the mana cost problems. It doesnt exist, unless you dont know how to build, in which case that would be a self snitch.

And if you think that lacerate build "does no damage" yikes, someone didnt actually look at the build cause its not 4m damage.

Im actually curious what you think LS does with "decent gear" versus the lacerate that you saw at that gear does. Rhetorical for me but, see what you can come up with.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Last edited by Mashgesture on Jul 23, 2024, 11:15:16 AM

The available mana is 2x lower than what's necessary to not lose damage from missing mana after starting an attack.

Have to remove a 25% reservation aura to have enough to not go OOM while having max leech.

Uploaded an awesome Exsanguinate Freeze Explosion build on the forums - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3508506

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