Things that Last Epoch does better than POE.

Not really gripped by LE last time I tried it, year or two back. Maybe it's changed a bunch but I didn't really like its UI, mob density, or a bunch of other little things, the overall feel, felt a little hollow somehow. I liked the visual clarity in boss fights. Itemisation and crafting didn't really excite me. What do I know though, I didn't play it that much. More ARPGS is good and lots of people seem excited for the launch.
What I know, is a lot will be revealed in a few hours. I'm hoping enough people leave that it drives market demand down so I can get the last thing I need for my mana stacker.
Genstein wrote:
Not really gripped by LE last time I tried it, year or two back. Maybe it's changed a bunch but I didn't really like its UI, mob density, or a bunch of other little things, the overall feel, felt a little hollow somehow. I liked the visual clarity in boss fights. Itemisation and crafting didn't really excite me. What do I know though, I didn't play it that much. More ARPGS is good and lots of people seem excited for the launch.

It won't be fundamentally different from the last time you tried it. Models are still clunky. Animations are still clunky. Performance will be better. Graphics will be better. Previously unreleased classes are out.

There's a bunch of stuff to try out, so I'll give it a shot. Very little expectations, so there's a lot of room for (positive) surprises. ^^
don't get me wrong,

i love to hate POE.
it could be the greatest game EVER, except it isn't.
there are soooo many QoL issues that could, no should have been handled years ago.

The fact remains that this game is absolutely UNPLAYABLE without a shitload of PLAYER-made addons.

I dare you to play the game as is with nothing but the trade-site, that GGG grudgingly incorperated a few years back. It is utterly impossible.

Stuff like PoB, Awakened PoE trade, formerly Excillence, now PoEstack, craftofexile, PoEninja, PoEDB, the list goes on and on.

ALL of this stuff should have been put in the game by GGG years ago.

ArtCrusade wrote:
Mmmannn wrote:
Dryxios1 wrote:

The XP penalty is too much @95+, even 1 bar loss is too much (let alone 2) when you have to do 100s of map reruns just to get back to the same place you were

That's not even remotely true. Not reading anything else you wrote.

I'll never understand why people have to dilute their arguments with gross exaggerations like what Dryxios said. Can't have a discussion without someone doing this and it's tiring

Last league my friend at level 99 got 1-shot 4 times by the same mob in 1 map.
The very last of these we shadowplayed to undertsand wtf was going on.
We played this at 0.25 speed, In the footage at the top left of the screen you can see just the foot of this mob (triple gripped blighthammer).This is a 16:10 screen and without this we would not even have seen its foot.
At this point on the screen (to show the mobs own range) it leaps slams across the screen (literally off screen to him), inflicts no foe recovery and a massive flesh physical degen (not bleed, not corrupted blood).He was running a CWS fulcrum DD chieftan.

From the point of those toes being seen in the top corner of the screen, to his char death is just under 1 second.
He quit, not just the char or the league but the game.He said it has just wasted his whole days playtime.He hasnt played this league at all and no indication from him that he is coming back any time soon.

That was the net value of 80 T16 rolled maps lost, in the space of 5 minutes.Its not exaggeration at all so go back into your cave my precious, the sun is coming out.

This is why people like him, like myself, like MANY MANY others do not want the death penalty with the game in the current state. Dying to your own mistakes is acceptable, dying to something you literally cannot perform any physical action against in the blink of an eye is another. This is supposed to be an ACTION rpg - not a stat vs stat dice rolled D&D like it is turning back into - oops you rolled a 6 you died.

TBH I do not see why there even has to be one way or the other in the game. Many people do not want the death penalty and like wise many people do want the death penalty. I get it from both sides. So why not give the choice to the player.Have an option like "Lose XP on death" in the game settings.If you enable this, you gain more XP per level\activity but you lose some on death like now (risk vs reward players).If you disable it, you do not lose XP on death but you gain reduced XP per level\activity and so have to grind more (i.e activity based XP scaling), like the time invested grinders prefer.

Everyone is happy (...apart from those players who literally have no intention to ever accept anyone elses perspective on gameplay but their own ..because THEY know best).

Dryxios1 wrote:
Everyone is happy (...apart from those players who literally have no intention to ever accept anyone elses perspective on gameplay but their own ..because THEY know best).

You said - and I quote quite literally: "at level 95+ dying means having to run 100s of maps to recoup the loss."

This is factually wrong, esp. considering how much XP you get from maps these days. It wouldn't even be true for Ruthless, unless you are level 95 and run T1 maps.

So please don't send me another wall of text unless you are able to be level-headed and not exaggerate.

FYI: I leveled 4 characters to 100 just this season, 3 in SC and one in HCSSF on a fresh start. I am not saying this to flex on you or whatever it is you contrived from that factual statement before you got your post removed. I am saying it because that's the perspective I speak from.

I don't see how me mentioning that is objectionable while you flout pointless anecdotes about a friend who quit because he ripped at level 99. Rules for thee but not for me, I guess.
Last edited by ArtCrusade on Feb 21, 2024, 1:46:12 PM
ArtCrusade wrote:
We shall see what you say after the honeymoon phase is over. I have about 800 hours in LE and it made me realise just how much I like PoE. I hope it can live up to your praises one day

I haven't played LE in a while I'll admit, but I did play through the campaign (as much as was available anyway) and a portion of the endgame. The crafting in LE is superb and something I wish GGG would consider for PoE, but like every other hack and slash, the endgame is lacking and that tends to be what keeps me invested in the long term. Don't get me wrong, Last Epoch actually tried for a long lasting endgame unlike Grim Dawn, Wolcen, D3/4, etc, but it still pales in comparison to the years of time and resources GGG has spent on PoE.

I should definitely give it another try now that it's in 1.0 launch today. Maybe some of the problem I mentioned was addressed.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
Last edited by Pizzarugi on Feb 21, 2024, 2:08:05 PM
The death penalty is really just a way to make level 100 a chase goal. It's BS, not fun, damages the game more than it helps but GGG is in love with the level 100 chase goal.

LE is lots of fun. It doesn't have the bad one-shot deaths from seemingly nowhere that infect PoE.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Turtledove wrote:
LE is lots of fun. It doesn't have the bad one-shot deaths from seemingly nowhere that infect PoE.

That's one thing I definitely enjoy about LE too. Deaths in the game are a huge deal more fair than PoE. You can always tell when something kills you instead of it being buried under a bunch of particles, and 1shots are lacking unless your build is terrible (and I mean deliberately terrible, like you went out of your way to make your defenses worse).
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
Circle of Fortune and a much less RNG-y crafting system alone was enough for me to switch over.

No more spamming of trade requests to convert divine orbs into chaos orbs and no more Alt+Tabbing. \o/

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