Map Management Resource

I'm really interested to see how this develops over the next few weeks in response to 10.8. What will having access to a consistent level 68 zone do to the management practices involving 66, 67 and 68 maps?
MasterCard wrote:
I began with 3 level 66 maps yesterday. You legends probably aren't impressed with this stockpile, but to me it's great. Today:

Also, @lyraei, I wonder if Asphyxia will be harder or easier.

You went from 3 66's, all the way up to 71's in one day? Without buying any maps?

Just curious do you mappers run with IIQ? There are a few threads floating around suggesting IIQ from gear and gems may interfere with map quantity and that the more IIQ they run, the fewer maps that drop.
the holy grail of mapping. thanks so much for this resource!
IGN Beastiary AwGeezRick
Uvne wrote:
I'm really interested to see how this develops over the next few weeks in response to 10.8. What will having access to a consistent level 68 zone do to the management practices involving 66, 67 and 68 maps?

It does very little for 67's and 68's because practices on these maps don't change. You transmute and alter lightly until you get something you want. At worst case, people will just vendor their 66's for 67's. Bear in mind that your goal is to progress upwards and non-map zones do not do anything to help you advance.

On another note, I have begun preliminary survey work on the signature monsters change. The only one confirmed so far is the Wharf map which has voidbearers and dockhand wraiths.
cloudblade70 wrote:
Just curious do you mappers run with IIQ? There are a few threads floating around suggesting IIQ from gear and gems may interfere with map quantity and that the more IIQ they run, the fewer maps that drop.

There is, as far as I can tell, ONE thread with this, and the sum of the "evidence" provided is basically "I wonder if this is the case? lolol."

Seriously, wiki the scientific method and don't spread baseless rumors.
You are incorrect, I've seen 2 threads discussing this issue. And considering I asked a civil question, I expected a civil answer, not to be attacked. You didn't even bother to answer my initial question you run with IIQ gear? As such, the "scientific method" here really can't prove the theory one way or another since the sample size is way too small.
Last edited by cloudblade70#2117 on May 10, 2013, 12:05:43 PM
For what it's worth i run with 88% IIQ and i started mapping one month ago more or less; atm i'm sustaining a 71+ pool with 74 being highest done (i want to run them with max IIR+IIQ so kinda carefull upping the levels :P).

I have never witnessed a correlation between personal IIQ and map drops; while map IIQ seems to matter as running 75%+demographic/size allowed me to slowly, but steadily, progress in levels
Mrmorph wrote:
For what it's worth i run with 88% IIQ and i started mapping one month ago more or less; atm i'm sustaining a 71+ pool with 74 being highest done (i want to run them with max IIR+IIQ so kinda carefull upping the levels :P).

I have never witnessed a correlation between personal IIQ and map drops; while map IIQ seems to matter as running 75%+demographic/size allowed me to slowly, but steadily, progress in levels

That's good to hear. I run with ~50IIQ/200IIR myself and have been steady with the 71+ pool as well. Contrary to what Gulruon was insinuating, I didn't post my question to whine, but rather to bring an interesting topic to discussion.

Also, am I correct in stating that map quantity % only affects the NUMBER of maps that drops, and not the level of the map? For example, if run a level 72 map with 100% map quantity and have 5x 66 maps that drop, should I think to myself, ok those chisels and chaoses did their job; they caused 5 maps to drop. I just had bad luck in the level rolling. Does each map level from 66 to the current map level +2 have an EQUAL chance to roll? Or is there some weighting toward progression i.e. higher levels, and does map quantity improve this distribution in favor of higher level maps? From what I've seen, there is actually weighting toward lower level maps. The number of 66 maps that has dropped in 70+ maps is unbelievable.
Last edited by cloudblade70#2117 on May 10, 2013, 2:12:03 PM
cloudblade70 wrote:
You are incorrect, I've seen 2 threads discussing this issue. And considering I asked a civil question, I expected a civil answer, not to be attacked. You didn't even bother to answer my initial question you run with IIQ gear? As such, the "scientific method" here really can't prove the theory one way or another since the sample size is way too small.

Considering the validity of your information, my post was quite civil. Baseless speculation has no part in a well crafted, well reasoned guide such as the OP has put together here.

To put it in terms you might understand, say I had read a thread stating that the OP believed that singing the American national anthem while mapping increased one's map drops. Heck, let's say there are TWO threads that assert this. The evidence produced is that the OP did it once and it kind of seemed to make a difference, maybe.

Would I then have the right to come into an actual mechanics/guide thread (like, say, this one) and seriously put forth the question of whether singing the national anthem while mapping has an effect on mapping? Would I further have the right to expect serious information to be gathered on this incredibly well-researched and fact based hypothesis?

Who am I kidding, your answer is clearly "yes".

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