Map Management Resource

Golgho wrote:
Hi !
First of all, thx for this EXCELLENT thread ! Great work, very well presented. Congrat's guys :)

I've looted a Coward's Trial map yesterday. This is my first unique map, so I'm quite excited about it. However, I don't wanna waste it (ie open it, die inside and not be able to finish it).

I'm planning to do it with a bunch of IRL friends I'm playing with. We're 3 lvl 75-80, CI cold witch, rain of arrow marauder, heavy strike marauder, with common stuff.
To get an idea of our strength, we're doing lvl 68 maps without any problems (although we try to avoid mods such as elemental weakness, no regen, +% dmg as lightning etc.). We've never tried lvl 69 maps 'cause we don't have any :D

So, my main question is : are we able to complete Coward's Trial or should we wait a few levels before trying it ? I read here and there that it's not that easy, and that there are some performance problems(low fps). Is it still the case or has it been corrected by patches ?
Secondly : should we prepare something specific for this map ? (specific potions, a specific curse ...)

thx for your help !

ps : btw, my map is quite low (22 waves/33 seconds between waves). I read on the first page that it is worth it to reroll the stats in such a case. Does it really make a huge difference to have some additional waves ?

edit : I just read this "The only thing that directly influences the drop rate of maps within a map is the IIQ of the map"

What's the IIQ ?

Coward's Trial is somewhat tricky and if you run only 68 maps i suggest you to gain some more experience before running it :)
Not sure how to request a sticky on these forums, but this should definitely have been sticky'd ages ago!


Opps, just saw the new consolidated guide sticky at top of page. All the good guides including this one are featured there. Nice.
The views and expressed opinions of Dragon are solely those of a drunken redneck and are not necessarily those of a sane person. Any likeness of intelligence is strictly coincidental and should not be taken seriously. His posts should not be read... by anyone.
Last edited by Dragon585#3483 on May 6, 2013, 2:37:32 AM
I was able to get a maze roll on my first 72 map!

It is 60+ quantity but no increased rares, magics, or pack size. Should I keep this, chisel up, and run it, or should I try rolling a better maze?
cloudblade70 wrote:
I was able to get a maze roll on my first 72 map!

It is 60+ quantity but no increased rares, magics, or pack size. Should I keep this, chisel up, and run it, or should I try rolling a better maze?

Oh noes... you need to chisel BEFORE you make them rare. Chisels add 5% quality to white maps, 2% to blue maps, and 1% to rare maps. Your better off leaving it the way it is imo, if you can handle the -24 resist. Do NOT use 20 chisels on that map lol.
The views and expressed opinions of Dragon are solely those of a drunken redneck and are not necessarily those of a sane person. Any likeness of intelligence is strictly coincidental and should not be taken seriously. His posts should not be read... by anyone.
Last edited by Dragon585#3483 on May 6, 2013, 11:54:41 AM
Oh wow, ok I feel really stupid now, but that info will help a lot for my future mapping >.< Thank you!
cloudblade70 wrote:
Oh wow, ok I feel really stupid now, but that info will help a lot for my future mapping >.< Thank you!

Read the guide attached to this thread :P It is very good, I promise.
The views and expressed opinions of Dragon are solely those of a drunken redneck and are not necessarily those of a sane person. Any likeness of intelligence is strictly coincidental and should not be taken seriously. His posts should not be read... by anyone.
Well I did notice that they said to use chisels before alchemies, but it wasn't explained why, and I had always (wrongfully) assumed it was just personal preference.
I have finished the writeup on the Shrine. I will amend it if it requires attention.

As usual, please do drop me a message either here or via private message if you spot any errors in the resource or just wish to give feedback.
So I know this has been brought up before but since the server was restarted a couple days ago, I have only found 66-67 maps in 68-71 maps, all with nice quantities. Was there a ninja nerf to map drops? Or am I just a victim of bad RNG.
bad rng..

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