Floating combat text

I'm quite surprise there are people who are against the idea of having it and their reason is that they don't want to see it. Dafuq? People want it to be optional and it's already stated around page 5 that it will be optional. You don't have to see FCT if it you don't want to and no one is forcing you. Some people are so silly.

edit: just realize this thread is old and was bumped.
Last edited by BaghdadAssUp#4201 on Aug 20, 2012, 3:27:43 AM
Old or not, it's an extremely current issue. I get asked this one just about every day.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Any ETA on this thing...or its still further along the road ?
𝑺𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒆 𝒆𝒙𝒊𝒍𝒆 ?
To all the people that are telling me it should be an option. In the end, one won´t have the option to turn it off if one would like to climb the ladder.

It will give the player a tool to determine the power of certain DPS-Builds.

So if i don´t use this tool i would have technicaly a disadvantage over players that use them to analyze their builds for cookie cuter perfection. The knowledge of your node system and how things work in combination with armor/stat systems would be dumped down.
Because one could easily determine if a node or armor piece is better just by seeing a number then really testing things out in a long run or doing the math.

So the "feeling" if a build works or not, how it´s rightnow, will be gone. That´s an oldscool feeling that´s one big point why i play right now.
What can never be lent or earned?
Somewhat, that devours everyone and everything:
A tree that rush. A bird that sings. It eat bones and smite the hardest stones.
Masticate every sword. Shatters every shrine. It defeat mighty kings and carry mountains on lightly wings.
What am i?
Spysong192 wrote:
To all the people that are telling me it should be an option. In the end, one won´t have the option to turn it off if one would like to climb the ladder.

It will give the player a tool to determine the power of certain DPS-Builds.

So if i don´t use this tool i would have technicaly a disadvantage over players that use them to analyze their builds for cookie cuter perfection. The knowledge of your node system and how things work in combination with armor/stat systems would be dumped down.
Because one could easily determine if a node or armor piece is better just by seeing a number then really testing things out in a long run or doing the math.

So the "feeling" if a build works or not, how it´s rightnow, will be gone. That´s an oldscool feeling that´s one big point why i play right now.

The character screen and all of the information you have readily available there already gives you a perfectly functioning metric that allows you to go "hey, this build does great DPS". The only thing that FCT would do that the char screen doesn't is factor in the various properties that a monster you're hitting may have.

And it's not like it give you an perfect spreadsheet of this stuff, it gives you little floaty numbers above the heads of monsters you hit. You have all the tools you need to analyze your DPS quite well atm, aside from perfect knowledge of what each monster property does, which doesn't factor into a DPS analysis anyway, but is rather a matter of viability.
Been playing multiplayer and we both felt like it was hard to tell who was taking damage, and how much damage they (and our attacks) were doing.

Wanted to find out if there was a way to turn on damage numbers, see it's in the works, nice one, looking forward to the patch that includes this feature!
lets not forget the option to show ONLY crits and show leech/life on hit. i think adding a custom UI system like WOW allows would be an awesome feature too.
BrianWeissman wrote:
Floating combat text(FCT) is something that a lot of people 1. enjoy and 2. expect from a game in this genre. There are also definitely people who don't like it, and would never choose to have it enabled.

However, we're trying to appeal to as wide a community as possible, so it's quite likely that POE will eventually have three different options for FCT. The first would be the default, which is "Off". The second would be a version that merely shows your critical hits as FCT, possibly with the additional note of "Critical". The third option would be complete FCT, that shows all damage dealt, as well as misses and blocks.

There are valid arguments for all three types of FCT, so we'll try to arrive at something that pleases the most people. Hope that makes you guys happy!

what if you had "crits" "damage" and "misses/blocks" this way you can select any or all or none
Floating combat text is fun, gives sense of progression and helps the player in many ways during the fight, GGG should make the game for ARPG lovers, not for DIablo 3 haters who insist to show that they are buthurt in every single thread.
Spysong192 wrote:
To all the people that are telling me it should be an option. In the end, one won´t have the option to turn it off if one would like to climb the ladder.

It will give the player a tool to determine the power of certain DPS-Builds.

So if i don´t use this tool i would have technicaly a disadvantage over players that use them to analyze their builds for cookie cuter perfection. The knowledge of your node system and how things work in combination with armor/stat systems would be dumped down.
Because one could easily determine if a node or armor piece is better just by seeing a number then really testing things out in a long run or doing the math.

So the "feeling" if a build works or not, how it´s rightnow, will be gone. That´s an oldscool feeling that´s one big point why i play right now.

Sorry - i call baldurdash. You already have a very neat print out in your character sheet that shows your avg DPS, per each skill.

Having a few numbers bounce around screen , is not going to be a breaking change. Just absurd is what i think of this.

Each to their own, but im all for floating combat, pls , thanks. Options are options , use em or dont.

GGG - Why you no?
Last edited by JoannaDark#6252 on Dec 5, 2012, 4:44:23 PM

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