[1.0.1b] Summoner Guide / Minion Guide
I find that haste is enough to boost your zombie speed. More often you will physically maneuver your character around to get those perfect minion surround.
In fact that best tactic for dps is to run circles around the mob pack or boss your fighting. Not only those it allow you to dodge projectiles but it keeps your minions on target. Remember melee physical damage is a whopping 59% more dmg(20% qual), Once your zombie level is high, zombie can pretty much one shot most white/normal mobs in maps. I recently switched my skeleton set up to totem-skele-minion dmg I ran out of slot space and I needed more room =/ " Blind is really strong vs attack based mobs. Am pretty sure it doesn't work with MI but you never know. " unfortunately hated is based on your characters physical damage, try haste instead of hatred you'll notice a huge difference. If you really want that cold/freeze affect just try a added cold support gem. Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940 Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon |
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Posting to save thread for later review, thanks guys!
IGN- Sharuken/GregorClegayne
My Store id-http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/257502 |
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I am seeing posts for Concentrated Effect on the Flame Sentinels. Do you really like that more than going with something like Faster Cast? I normally run them with Spectre-Minion Damage-Increased Quantity-Increased Rarity-Fast Cast-Chain. My 6L is BBBBRG right now, seems to work fine but I am always open to suggestions.
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thx for so much feedback i ll update the supp gems and aura suggestions in the main page when i got a lil more time . atm im lvling the twink and im busy with my flame sentis :)
conc effect works but only for the "fireball explosion" since its the fireball spell everthing which work with FB - work with spectre & minion stuff. and the rarity i ll update the guide for its rly a spectre guide for DMG output the IR and IQ gem will be excluded - asap i updatet it :) the hatred aura is indeed for phsyical dmg increase - which means everything which does physical dmg will be boosted by hatred as above mentiond the sentis do fireballs - fire dmg thx to nithon who introduced a new supp gem - thx for this - to the skelis pretty much useful so it sounds , lets hope to get a feedback to "MI blind" explosion - since everything atached to the minions (supp gem) will buff the minion - everthing from the minion . for example fire penetration works with MI . gues this way will confirm this when i got more time to gather info or maybe we get some good info from a higher sight :) Does Blind [support gem] work with Minion Instability Explosion? to minion speed - i dont use it either . i pretty much let my minions "dance to my arc" and can give them the target to atk. so agian thx for all the input - pls dont forget some map informations - section will be updatet with new support gem fromat kinda like this : Map - Reccomenend spectre And more discussion stuff - Zombie +Melee Splash ? __________________ someone mentioned 5/6 linked zombies dont forget life leech for maps ________________ and my personal thinking after this +2 helm 4 linked spectre + raise spectre + minion dmg _________________ and flame sentinels with increased ciritical strike , with spells it takes the ciritcal % and counts the "crit chance " to this . so a spell with 4% crit and 100% crit chance - has 8 % to crit on a mob when casted - how is it with spectre? do they have flat "spell crit chance" or modded "flame sentinel / titty bitches " crit chance greets and ps gibberish orcish etc.etc. Witch : HaleJesus LVL 82 Arc Summoner SpectreGuide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/292391/page/1 pls forgive my gibberish space orc english - its not my native language Last edited by HaleBopp#0969 on Apr 9, 2013, 4:01:40 AM
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" Hmmm ... most of the time my minions fight on one side of the screen and i'm just standing in the back spamming firestorm ... i know alot of people use arc but i cant perma cast arc (at least not if i want it properly linked) and when you dont permacast your minions start to loose track. I used to run into packs alot, then i started using firestorm. [Beyond] Hajhji/MahouShoujo_Madoka
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had the same troubles with arc , i threw the lvl 10 arc , and placed in a lvl 2 arc - less mana , less dmg reflect , but it will still shock the targets since it has its own "shock" chance , and is only to direct my minions .
cost like nothing of mana to cast a lvl 1-3 spell. if u afraid u dont get the lasthit try ARC +Culling Strike . Ur minions will do 90% dmg(shocked) and you make the rest dmg with lvl 1 arc. Witch : HaleJesus LVL 82 Arc Summoner
SpectreGuide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/292391/page/1 pls forgive my gibberish space orc english - its not my native language |
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There's no point in adding Chain gem to tentacle miscreation because they pierce 100%, so chain never happens.
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and no, they pierce not 100% - i took the comment out of the spectre guide cuz u can SEE that if the titty bitches fires into a full pack (without lmp) no shoot come out at the other side better . if u link chain u sometimes see titty bitches projectiles fly in ur direction and u know than chain works. also some information about ur "opinion" would be awsome . u have a format you seem to be necro . ur welcome to "update" tentacle description with proper informations . *place holder * ~ xxx NAME [Framerate drop factor: xxx ] Gems 1. Raise Spectre x. x Support Gem x. x Support Gem x. x Support Gem x. x Support Gem x. x Support Gem Stats Time to get: x-x mins - and location Attack/Spell :xxx *note Ranged,Attack;Spell,AOE,Projectile,etc.* Behaviour : xxx how they react on attacks to themself Survivability : xxxx compared to Zombis/Skeletons/Carrion Queens/Flame Sentinels Attack/Cast Speed : xxxx slow - medium - fast - very fast (TentacleMistress) Dmage Output: xxxx *thx to Budget_player_cadet* - compared to GOD TIER Curses : xxxx Support Auras : xxx vit /purity - what the spectre needs most Minion Speed : slow(skeletons) - medium - fast (zombies) - very fast (zombie with minion speed/some snakes ) Description / Info / Personal Feeling XXXXX incinerator , 2-5 , crematorium act 3 , fire attack , fire trap -> with burning ground , behav xxxx surv medium like tity bitches attack cast speed medium , dmg output high curses flamabiligey , supp , vit / purity , regen minion speed , medium , desscription for small rooms , wil ad more info Witch : HaleJesus LVL 82 Arc Summoner SpectreGuide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/292391/page/1 pls forgive my gibberish space orc english - its not my native language Last edited by HaleBopp#0969 on Apr 15, 2013, 8:56:20 AM
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" is this true??? so my hatred aura adds 15% of MY physical dmg to my minion's attacks as cold dmg? not 15% of the minions' physical dmg? ign Tubgurl
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hi , hatred counts in to the minions dmg so they ll increase if the zombie/skele/spectre get more lvl or more physical dmg (supp melee phys )
a quote from mark found in the hatred gem post proves it
" http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/22691/page/8 a update will come soon mainly with format since im not doing maps with the SC guy :) and waiting for the new minion patch to make new ones. Witch : HaleJesus LVL 82 Arc Summoner
SpectreGuide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/292391/page/1 pls forgive my gibberish space orc english - its not my native language |
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