[0.11.2] THE BEST DW Simple Tanky High Dps Hybrid Cleave GUIDE-7 auras/30kDPS/5.5kHP/37kArm
Might be a stupid question as I'm pretty new, but why not take "leather and steel"? It says it buffs armor AND evasion with 24%. Actually all the buffs in that circle (next to accelaration) buff evasion AND armor, so shouldn't it give you double up? I mean 24% evasion rating (converted to armor with IR) AND 24% armor!
Hejren / Triceps / Regnbuen / Sarinti / Striglen / Mareridt / Spoegelset / Doktoren / Dobbelganger / Skjoldtrold / Forkynderen Last edited by PaganDK#2373 on Aug 1, 2013, 1:40:46 PM
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" If you check my Current Passive Tree u can see i took it. It's probably only not taken in proggresion tree early lvls, but as u said its good node to take. So you can take it for sure. :) " At least u leech more per 1 hit without multistrike :p Ye 20% dual strike is op. I might make in future a crit dw duelist Dual Strike splash in future. But i don't like that i have to target monsters to hit with Dual Strike compare to Cleave. But will see :P " Np Trying to do my best..:) and make some money from donations but it's not that easy.. :( Last edited by Sebash6#0223 on Aug 1, 2013, 1:49:02 PM
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I was bored and came up with this change to your build.
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgQAAdwEswUtDq0S4RNbFE0UdRjbGS4aOBvIG_ohYCP2Jd8n7Si1KaUyCTKJOuE67TwtQKBDMUOcR35KfU3jUFBT31RJVdZW-lcNV-JYY1jbWfNaSF4TXz9gS2CIYSFhUmTnZU1noG5pcql0QXTtdPF253did-V4DXq4eu982YTZhO-HdojxjM-QVZHOmSubg565ns2fy6IApBmmV6eEqW6rxaxZrKquk7T5tfK3PrndvYG-ir6nwA_AGsT2xq7G2NBH0iHSTdSP1e3ZYd9v51LnY-w47g7vDu9O7-Pv8PAf8kXz3fZI_MX-Cv6P If I make a duelist on hardcore this will likely be the build I go with. IGN: Srslyagain
PM me bins on items I bid on if you have one. |
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Hey thanks a lot for this guide but i have a question.
In the first picture of the guide your dps shows 29669.8 w/ 9+ aps. You are using multistrike here right? What gems do you have linked up to get this dps? Is this in place of life leech? You couldn't possibly run like that with vaal pact right? What is the best 6-Link you've found for your cleave that works will vaal pact (assuming you're steill using it. What's your dps @ using this 6 Link? Sorry to be a pest, hope you can help. bye bye PoE Last edited by Selky62#3493 on Aug 3, 2013, 6:09:58 PM
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I currently have 2.6k HP and I am level 65, but I have one concern. If I use blood magic support gems on wrath, anger, and grace, (three non % auras) won't the blood magic support gem make the cost go up to 190% (assuming the support bm gem is at lvl 20)? That seems like tons of hp gone (around 800-1k), even with the reduced mana gems.
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Use Malachai's Simula or The Covenant robe uniques to cast your blood magic auras.
bye bye PoE
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Hi playing this character on Onslaught atm.
Just one Serious question - which is about anything in this game :D can this chara even survive 70+ maps ? Gear is not the problem - will hit a bit more dmg and surv. that you have. but yeah - its still a melee class - do i have any chance to do srs. dmg and surviving? Its Wednesday my Dudes , AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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"You can check my gear to see all gems. I use 6L Cleave-melee phys dmg-faster attack-added fire damage-weapon elemental damage-multistrike If i want life leech i switch it with multistrike. Esspecialy with Vaal Pact, cuz i/you need it. So my dps without multistrike and with life leech is like 20k. And i leech like 500hp per 1 hit, still with 0.20 attack speed on cleave tooltip. Its pretty nice. "If this character wouldn't survive 70+ maps i wouldn't get my 92 lvl. I did a lot of 77lvl maps and i was fine, even at piety shrine. If u know mechanics you won't die. The problem might be only with crema boss, but its doable too with ruby flasks + dodge fireballs. I have enough dps to do reflect maps and life leech pretty well, and with life leech gem i leech like 500hp per 1 hit + physical life leech from gear. Thats why i use also physical weapons and hybrid it with elemental to get overall more dps. My hp is pretty high - 5,4k HP, always trying to get high hp stats on my gear. + 35k armour with granite its pretty damn good. Last edited by Sebash6#0223 on Aug 4, 2013, 2:15:33 PM
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i only have 4.8k hp and 14k dps :( at lv 81 nowhere near my full potential, this time i got 23% chaos res flat
Solo i destroy anything in 1 or 2 hit my real problem rigth now lies in party of 6 my damage is non existant and irrelevant so for now when i party i go from bruiser to pure support tank i bring a shield and rej totem and 7 auras and no damage You NeVeR StooD a CHanCe ign:NoObDaMeRRRrE Last edited by UgOs#5798 on Aug 4, 2013, 4:28:31 PM
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" Everyone 1 or 2 hit anything solo, but in party hp of mobs are higher. Why u look at it? And maybe u did enfeeble or some def map. Idk. I dont really watch how much dps i do. Someone can do a lot of dps in party but that means he can't do reflect maps. Simple as that. I prefer my balance way of my build. :) And as someone said 10k dps is enough, u have even more. U have good dps based on your hp. U can at least do hard maps, not like those pure glass canon builds. Last edited by Sebash6#0223 on Aug 4, 2013, 4:07:59 PM
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