So is Armour useless or not?
I wanted to add that the only thing that makes armor look okay is Enduring Cry.
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I just would like to add my two cents:
1) Armour is broken. Everything in maps is a tree (see GGG post for that reference) and my armour does nothing. 2) If you insist on ignoring the playerbase and keep armour the same, at least do it honestly. Fix your tool tips. Don't continue to deceive every single new player. Armour is not a flat damage reduction as your character stats say it is. Last edited by gildash#7633 on Mar 4, 2013, 10:38:25 PM
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" Long as you don't desync
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" ^<3 Lies! I got GCP every time I kill a mob with my mouth in JUST the right position! So now I just have to make sure I can make it to that position before the mob is dead each time. :-P
~CrystalisQualinthi |
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I really think, so far at least, that the problem isn't armor/evasion sucking in an absolute sense (although they aren't what they should be, compared to resists for example), or even that HP in and of itself is TOO valuable; it's that many mobs in merciless just do STUPID damage. WAY too much spike potential, throw on top of that stupid modifiers like extra fast, substantial extra physical damage, extra crit chance, all of this to allies as an aura, and you get into situations where even a pack of whites/blues can planets align gib you. The weaknesses of evasion and armor expose you too much to these sources of insane damage, and so to compensate people are stacking assloads of HP to soak the hits, or playing ranged builds to avoid many of them altogether. Everyone keeps clamoring for them to apply some rework to armor/evasion, and figure out some way to reduce the value of HP, but honestly, and easier change (assuming they have the internal systems to make blanket changes like this) would be to across the board nerf mob crit change and crit damage modifers; this would hopefully keep damage good in the sense of applying pressure, while taking out many of the situation where people just get floored despite going to extreme defensive lengths; because it never seems like people complain about how they were tanking mobs and just couldn't out heal their sustained damage, etc, it's always OMG I GOT 1-2 SHOT!!!!!!!!11111
Alteration Orb Union Local #7
"Alts are 16:1 Chaos. You got that tough guy? |
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I agree mobs probably do too much damage. they are extreme glass cannons, since if you raise a spectre of a dangerous one, it can one-shot itself (which ever one fires first, like a victorian duel).
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" Get only the really GOOD armor passives, and besides that, just stack as many hit points as you can. Invited to Beta 2012-03-18 / Supporter since 2012-04-08
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tl;dr Get health and resists, then get armor last.
I very strongly disagree the statement that armor helps mitigate the damage of tons of little hits. When I was playing my daulist with 6k hp, it was still impossible to tank nearly any group of monsters in a2 cruel. Hence, why I abandoned him. I would recommend you focus all of your efforts directly into getting health and consider armor as tertiary relative to resists. Once you have good health and resists, then consider getting armor, maybe. I am speaking 100% out of experience. I started my marauder on Sunday and he's level 55 now, farming a2 merc to do a3 and by ignoring armor, I'm doing far better. Rather than 6k armor like my dualist (which was useless) I now have 1.5k armor and way more hp (2.4k). The only real difference between my dualist and marauder was that I had a little bit of extra gear to get started an pretty much all gems. I feel very confident when I say DO NOT GET ARMOR AS A PRIORITY. You will never get enough to make a difference, ever. That's just how armor is. The only reason my maurader is doing well right now is because of his 6 endurance charges (soon to be 7). The 30% damage reduction from them blows whatever crappy amount of damage reduction 6k armor gives entirely out of the water. I'm hoping I can get a good bit of armor later just because it 'does' reduce damage, but it's definitely nowhere near a priority and I'll only ever be switching hp/resist gear out for hp/resist/armor gear. Never resists/armor and never hp/armor. |
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" You made a little typo with highlighted text - should be 6k armour :) |
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F...k Endurance Charges and the fact that you're forced to use them.
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