20 second incursions...

DoubleU wrote:
I find that no matter what I play around 40-ish Incursions get easier.

Im wondering if Xbox is different. I swear from 1 to 40 I only get like 20 monsters in a room and even if I run as fast as I can its not enough time, with potions and 25% runspeed boots.

Then I got to level 50 and sometimes the rooms have like 30 monsters and impossible to beat. But sometimes.... They have like 100-200 monsters and its VERY easy to complete.

Im wondering if maybe xbox temple and PC temple are different and thats why im having SO MUCH trouble? Does that seem right though sometimes 30 monsters sometimes 200? Like I said the 200 monster rooms are EZ the time just flies upwards. But that didnt start till about level 55 when I got to act 6.
Gulch wrote:
dirtpoorchris wrote:
I didnt know any of that shit.... I just picked up a controller and started playing.

And I have earthquake 1 hit kill, build so i can kill shit as I run past it and got quickslivers and nice run speed.

Its bad design even if you did manage to ignore half the game just to fit in your "super fast" playstyle that I cant get to even though Ive bumped up all the speed things I can find.

I think im already over it I kinda dont even wanna play anymore.

Glad all you super badged out fanbois knew the secret recipe before hand. I assumed I could just pick up the game and play it and most builds would be OK.

You can 1 hit kill and you say you have nice run speed.
What's the issue? You DO know that as you kill mobs inside incursions the timer goes UP......right?

Ya... And up until Act 6 it only gave me rooms with 20-30 mobs in it so it was literally IMPOSSIBLE to beat. I guess that was the issue?
Last edited by dirtpoorchris on Jun 28, 2018, 1:11:17 PM
This thread is hilarious, thanks for the laughs.
Currently being stalked around these forums by some clowns who caught feelings over being called out at being grossly inept at their job.
dirtpoorchris wrote:
How the F*** am I supposed to adjust anything in this temple as a slow thicc heavy jugg? This is really starting to piss me off I cant complete anything in 20 seconds and playing on Xbox half the time I get to the F****** door and cant open it cuz there is monsters around.... and im spamming the A button on the controller...

Is there some way to get more powerful or stay in the past longer??? I gotta get lucky as hell just to use a stone of passage and kill enough monsters... It feels shitty as f*** honestly I just skip past these stupid fuckin' temples now.

You need to up the temple time to 40 seconds on xbox or something it feels SHITTY for new players and feels impossible to get to apex.

Im level 42 now and they just piss me off so I skip by them.

It's only one element in the entire game. I only do them to kill shit for some extra xp. I don't like the timer on it either, so I do what I can with what I'm given. Therefore, I could care less if I complete or upgrade or w/e. If I can get to the apex, cool, if I can't, I could give a flying F. Just adapt to your own playstyle/build and get the most out of it.

Get frustrated at crap like DCing during party master rota's or lagging at the wrong time.

Content is content... if that's something you can't work with, you are spending your leisure time unwisely.
There's devils on each side of you with bottles in their hands.
You need one more drop of poison and you'll dream of foreign lands.
In the same time you are telling it is not fair, you could have leveled a killer character that can leap or dash or charge with shield. Maybe the level for your incursions is too high and you should better reduce the map level to do better incursions.
Why you are not using leap or something like this. It is like going in lab but with no heal against traps and no leap to use short cut ways. You could, so why not have a try.
I play RF guardian.. It's average clear speed and I have no problem clearing incursions..

Maybe you just seriously suck? Even my own incinerate build had no problem.
Wooo level 62 and in act 8 and I finally got my first apex.

I think maybe the lowbie timer bumps for kills may just be off and not giving enough seconds per kill.
dirtpoorchris wrote:
Wooo level 62 and in act 8 and I finally got my first apex.

I think maybe the lowbie timer bumps for kills may just be off and not giving enough seconds per kill.

I dont see any any key!

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