major end game design flaw (map drop rates / currency dump)

zriL wrote:

You're not losing currency, you're exchanging it for experience and higher level gear. It's perfectly fair.

What's not fair is how not rewarding are harder maps.

No you're really not, at lvl 90 I've ran out of maps 5 times so far, had to buy more because I'm not gonna go farm docks for a night to get a couple. After 15 or so 67-69 maps using a shit ton of chaos and running out of maps again while only gaining 1% exp isn't fun... I realize this doesn't happen to everyone but it happens, and too more then just me.

People can try to deny this is a flawed system and kiss gggs' ass all day. But if it doesn't change me and dozens of people that run msps will probably be gone within the month.
IGN: Jakugaro
Food for thought- the game isn't finished. Shocking, I know. It would be reasonable to assume that with completed Act 3, Act 4, etc, there will be more maps.
IGN- Vyvanne | Voxxvi (Tempest League)
Vyvanne's Odds and Bods Boutique -
PSGMud wrote:
I said I "believe."

You said "I firmly believe".

PSGMud wrote:
Being as it 'seems' the loot tables are increased for mobs, and grants more opportunity for maps to drop. Indirectly contributing to map drops.

What words did you not understand? It's cristal clear, quantity on gear/skill does not affect map drops at all.
The player's "Increased Item Quantity" stat does not affect the drop rate of Map items
Isn´t the the system in place not also a safty system towards level progression when you think about new content?

Like, it would make no sense if they add act 4 and people are already level 100? Or not?
What can never be lent or earned?
Somewhat, that devours everyone and everything:
A tree that rush. A bird that sings. It eat bones and smite the hardest stones.
Masticate every sword. Shatters every shrine. It defeat mighty kings and carry mountains on lightly wings.
What am i?
Last edited by Spysong192#7559 on Mar 4, 2013, 6:12:12 PM
reimur wrote:
it actually is the currency dump on maps that this thread is mainly about. you don't even know how much currency my group as a whole were spending on maps, while getting nothing out of them. actually, we got a dried lake out of a shipyard once. that shit should not be happening.

Roll blue maps and see what you get. Do that for a while and either you see the difference or you just save a lot of currency while still not getting anything ;D

I roll mostly blue and i am fine, but then again, my ranger is only 82. Don't know how that translates to 85+.

When i roll yellow however, i can see a distinct increse of item drops, magic, rares and currency! the currency that is so badyl needed to progress. So it's not only about maps but also about currency which allows you to keep mapping.

If you don't reroll yellows excessively, you should see an increase in both, maps AND currency.

As far as the map drops go, the record was a blue map "45% packsize + 95% damage taken as fire" Mountain Ledge, that gave me 6 good maps, two 6s and a unique, all in one run.
yhateful wrote:
I'd say you need 4-5 66's, and then you should be self sufficient.

I'd say you clearly don't know what you're talking about.
fragmaster92 wrote:
Being that max lv is 100, there is bound to be something more/ something else since maps stop in the 70s.

Maps stop in 77 atm.
Also atm no1 in ladder is already level 92
ilvl 76-77 items are so rare that players are selling/buying them for 2-3 GCP, white items. This is how bad is the drop rate of high maps on HC....
IGN - Burq
Last edited by kyoritsu#5263 on Mar 4, 2013, 6:24:28 PM
Tombstoned wrote:
i have not even gotten high enough level to use or find a map

Then you clearly dont know what you're talking about.
Experience it first, then share your opinions.
zriL wrote:
The currency sink it creates is what's saving us from an inevitable huge inflation.

You can't escape it, its already here.
It's an illussion if you believe you're safe from it.
Last edited by mobutu#5362 on Mar 4, 2013, 6:28:08 PM

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