3.0.0 Beta Performance Improvements

why is V sync not working droping drames to like 30,40 cant play on Vsync
Czarevna wrote:
The performance boosts are real, and I am very grateful for them. Best news about the game in a long time.


Tested it on an i5?


Can you *please* address the gigantic performance gap between AMD and Intel CPUs?

Comment on it?

Tell us your working on it?

Assure us you're not just making your game for Intel and (cough Xbox?) rigs?

Are you working on optimizing the game for Ryzen, for example?

I had to quit 3 leagues because of performance issues, where my guild mates and I with AMD CPU's had freezes/stuttering so bad we died all the time or e-logged out 20x a day when the screen locked up.

While my Intel guildmates said "what lag? Why did you log?"

Would appreciate any comments or assurances on this matter.

Which Ryzen CPU do you have? What problems are you having? Is it overclocked?

The game runs better on my Ryzen 7 1700 than it did previously on my i5 3570k. Granted that's a considerably more expensive and newer processor so the comparison isn't entirely fair, but the point of my post is that the game appears to run just fine on AMD Ryzen CPUs.

If you want to pop over to Technical Support with some information on the performance you're seeing, your hardware, and maybe a DxDiag I'd be happy to take a look.
“Please understand that imposing strong negative views regarding our team on to other players when you are representing our most helpful forum posters is not appropriate.” — GGG 2022


I'm not 'Sarno' on Discord. I don't know who that is.
PoE's performance should be the TOP PRIORITY.
Good to see, that you care about it!
Would like to see much more performance improvements.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Awesome, way to go!
and now give me my old CoC back ! -_-
IGN: eLguL
Awesome, It's looking good. :)
Sarno wrote:

ZL0J wrote:
'Normal PC'
*looks at the specs*
'One of top 5 GPUs avalable on the market'
*looks for dislike button*


Video cards more powerful than the GTX 1050 Ti include;
  • Titan Xp
  • Titan X (Pascal)
  • GTX 1080 Ti
  • GTX 1080
  • GTX 1070
  • Titan X
  • GTX 980 Ti
  • Radeon R9 Fury X
  • Radeon R9 Fury
  • Titan Z
  • GTX 980
  • Radeon R9 Nano
  • Radeon R9 380X
  • Radeon RX 580
  • GTX 780 Ti
  • Radeon R9 290X
  • GTX 1060
  • Titan Black
  • Radeon R9 390
  • Radeon RX 480
  • Radeon R9 290
  • Titan
  • Radeon RX 570
  • GTX 970
  • GTX 780
  • Radeon RX 470
  • Radeon R9 380X
  • GTX 690
  • Radeon HD 7970
  • Radeon R9 280X
  • Radeon R9 380
  • GTX 770
  • Radeon R9 285
  • GTX 680
  • Radeon R9 280
  • GTX 960
  • Radeon HD 7950
  • GTX 670

Edited: Sounded harsher than I meant it.

I'm puzzled by the list. Many cards are from Spring 2012 (600 series.) While a 50's card is the "cheapo" for nVidia, I'm having a hard time believing a 670 could beat one.

I'm not sure if you're aware of the prices of some cards listed: $400-$2,500 at debut.

I don't think many PoE players had that kind of cash and bought them when they came out, and I don't think that many gamers buy 2nd hand GPUs.
(Those with Laptops have no option to upgrade ever.)


While a "50" card and an i5 Skylake is "modest" for someone building a gaming rig "a few months ago or right now," - it in no way represents the average PoE player's rig.

Titans are (far) out of reach for most PoE players.
(Titan X's right now are $3,000 ish on Amazon.)
Last edited by Czarevna#5621 on Jun 26, 2017, 6:04:49 AM
If you guys are having trouble optimizing for ryzen you should ask AMD for help. Pretty sure they've been expanding their developer support.

Ygidua wrote:

That being said, improvements are always good, but I still think that porting to Vulkan is the only option right now.

Vulkan support would be high on my list of desires. As a W7 user and someone who wouldn't mind playing PoE on something other than windows DX12 would be a waste to me.

ACGIFT wrote:
Similarly, until last month, the most common Intel CPU speed reported by Steam was in the 2.3-2.69 GHz range*. That's less than any desktop-power Skylake-gen i5 runs, and indicates that no, the "typical" gaming system is probably FAR WORSE than that. Hell, there's actually only one CPU between the i5s AND i3s that clock in under 2.7 GHz, 2009's i5 750. That means that a LOT of gamers are using either weaker laptop CPUs, or are using weaker cheaper ones, such as Intel Pentium and Celeron lines.

It's funny that you mention the i5 750 because it's exactly what I am running. It's actually still pretty capable though. I purchased witcher 3 during the gog sale this month and I can run it at near max graphics at 1920x1080 and almost never dip below 60FPS despite it being almost a decade old. The game looks really nice too. Of course witcher3 is able to use all of my CPU cores whereas POE uses one, maybe two. If POE were able to use more CPU cores it would make a massive difference.

I just hope that the multithreading they must have been working on for the xbawkx gets ported to the PC. I mean, if you can get good frame rates with those super low performance cores it has to be using a fair number of them.

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