2.6 CI Ignite Flameblast by Waldgaist - very good starting Build and decent Shaper farmer

_Zerk_ wrote:
How important would you say ignite is to this build?

ignite IS the build

i understand that, but in my suggestions there were options for a relatively ignite-heavy build, a build somewhat lighter on ignite or a build without ignite, with more passives and gearing going towards spell dmg and cast speed among other things.

I would love to hear from waldgaist that inspired an idea for me, or at least someone else after they've read all my points/options/ideas, whether a viable late and/or endgame character could possibly be made using a couple or several of those modifications.

It's pure theorycrafting atm and it's different to be sure, but there would still be a lot of similarities. If no one thinks a build with less ignite or none at all is viable, i'll take that into consideration. A ignite heavy build is still possible with the scion tho, (but would probably have to use elemental proliferation) though less so because of the ascendancy mainly.

If there is anyone who feel this is the wrong thread to post my ideas, i did it because this build inspired my ideas and it felt like waldgaist and other people here, who have played the build, would have lots of experience with flameblast and may have experimented with other options and somewhat altered builds, and thus would be in a very good position to give me some feedback if so inclined.

It is possible to go non ignite with Flameblast. You could even go crit. Flameblast has the highest impact damage of all Skills in PoE so you can for sure play it without going for pure ignite dmg :)
I am having a super hard time in breaches with this build. There's so much damage flying around that standing still and casting FB gets me killed everytime.
shukolade wrote:
I am having a super hard time in breaches with this build. There's so much damage flying around that standing still and casting FB gets me killed everytime.

I have no Problems with breaches at all. Maybe stop doing them until you have transitioned to CI.

EDIT: Just checked your Character. Try to get a Doryani's asap. The ele leech will enhance your survivalbility in breaches by a lot. Also do not 10stack in breaches. A 4stack FB should be enough to clear the mobs fast.
Last edited by waldgaist on Dec 4, 2016, 4:02:22 AM
Check my profile if you have the time, I am CI already running around 7k ES pool. The sustained damage is what killes me.
Hey man, loved your build, I just make a few ajusts for my personal play style <3
I Just didn't understand how you can keep 2 auras and artic armor and still use the flameblast, my mana don't regenerate fast enough to make a lot of pizzas fallowed...
iunoso wrote:
Hey man, loved your build, I just make a few ajusts for my personal play style <3
I Just didn't understand how you can keep 2 auras and artic armor and still use the flameblast, my mana don't regenerate fast enough to make a lot of pizzas fallowed...

2x -8mana cost elreon rings and a few mana reg nodes in the tree. thats all :)
It is possible to go non ignite with Flameblast. You could even go crit. Flameblast has the highest impact damage of all Skills in PoE so you can for sure play it without going for pure ignite dmg :)

Thanks for a somewhat more considered response than the first one i got from that other guy. I knew flameblast was out there, but was unfamiliar to it before i found your guide and it was very interesting. I suspect now that my ideas aren't new so i'm gonna reread your guide and look at scion and witch guide threads, maybe other buildlists to gain some insight.

Briefly, if i may ask. You mentioned -8 mana cost rings from Elreon in response to another post. I've been saving them because i suspected i could use them someday, but what do you do with them crafting wise? Alteration or chaos on them just makes the -8 mod go away right? Do you augment, regal, take what you get and then throw in multiple crafts with Elreon's metacrafting mod maybe?
Hey looks like a really nice build. Trying it out now in the Breach league.
Have one question though.

In case one does not get his hands on a good 6-Link item what gem would you leave out in a 5-Link setup?

Also is Infernal Mantle a good choice for this build?

Thanks in advance.
It is possible to go non ignite with Flameblast. You could even go crit. Flameblast has the highest impact damage of all Skills in PoE so you can for sure play it without going for pure ignite dmg :)

Thanks for a somewhat more considered response than the first one i got from that other guy. I knew flameblast was out there, but was unfamiliar to it before i found your guide and it was very interesting. I suspect now that my ideas aren't new so i'm gonna reread your guide and look at scion and witch guide threads, maybe other buildlists to gain some insight.

Briefly, if i may ask. You mentioned -8 mana cost rings from Elreon in response to another post. I've been saving them because i suspected i could use them someday, but what do you do with them crafting wise? Alteration or chaos on them just makes the -8 mod go away right? Do you augment, regal, take what you get and then throw in multiple crafts with Elreon's metacrafting mod maybe?

Yeah you need to augment and regal them. Then multi crafting :)
There are a lot of mods which a quite good so every 2-3 rings there is a decent augment roll :D

There also should be some Crit FB builds out there. Most of them might be outdated tho. If you want to play crit PIZZA i'd recommend Inquisitor if you wanna play ele dmg and assassin if you want to go with chaos damage. If you don't mind dying a lot because of reflect inquis should be the better one. If you do mind dying i would recommend going assassin with double Consuming Dark. And you want to play as a lowlife character if possible so you can get the most impact dmg out of your PIZZA. If theres anything else lemme know ;)
Last edited by waldgaist on Dec 4, 2016, 7:59:26 PM
TrelosViking wrote:
Hey looks like a really nice build. Trying it out now in the Breach league.
Have one question though.

In case one does not get his hands on a good 6-Link item what gem would you leave out in a 5-Link setup?

Also is Infernal Mantle a good choice for this build?

Thanks in advance.

Infernal Mantle simply sucks. We are being on lowmana everytime and taking 100%increased spell is not that nice of deal especially while playing a breach ;)
Also a good vaal regalia outshines an infernal mantle ES wise a lot.

You can look up the gem setup in the gem section of this guide. It is in the right priority :D
Last edited by waldgaist on Dec 4, 2016, 7:52:35 PM

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