2.6 CI Ignite Flameblast by Waldgaist - very good starting Build and decent Shaper farmer
" A single reflect mob is not that big of a deal, but a reflect map is unfortunately not possible with this build even with care. |
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" Then you may want to update the Pros section in your OP to say: Pros: - Can run Ele Reflect Maps (with care) Other than that, nice Build. " Thank you for clarifying. The initial statement quoted from you seemed a bit contradicting to suggest you can indeed survive Ele Reflect Maps with care. When game developers ignore the criticism that would improve their game, the game fails. Just because a game receives a great amount of praise vs. only a small amount of criticism does not mean to call it a day and make a foolish misplaced assumption that it is perfect. (me) Last edited by HeavyMetalGear#2712 on Sep 19, 2016, 7:24:27 AM
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Ok thank you for the quick answer. Could we have a screenshot of offensive/defensive stats please? :)
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" Stats added. |
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I understand why you did not do it, but had you allocated Paragon of Calamity in your Elementalist Ascendancy, would this build be able to survive Ele Reflect Maps at that point, or still no?
Just curious. When game developers ignore the criticism that would improve their game, the game fails. Just because a game receives a great amount of praise vs. only a small amount of criticism does not mean to call it a day and make a foolish misplaced assumption that it is perfect. (me) Last edited by HeavyMetalGear#2712 on Sep 19, 2016, 7:25:02 AM
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" Probably not. You need to understand that Flameblast is one of the hardest hitting spells in this game. If you are facing 1-3 reflect mobs thats not that big of a deal but let's say theres a monster pack with around 12-18 mobs. Even if you just 3stack them you prolly get killed instantly. That's why i dont see the point to push this build for reflect maps :) |
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" "Probably not" you say, indicating you are not exactly certain despite, yes, Flameblast is one of the hardest hitting Spells, but until Paragon of Calamity has been tested, how do you truly know how much Ele Reflect is actually mitigated? And if enough Ele Reflect is mitigated, wouldn't that be better for survival (and map diversity purposes so you can run Ele Reflect Maps, too) than Beacon of Ruin being the more offensive option? And doesn't Flameblast cover enough mobs, anyway, to ensure they all receive status ailments from your burning damage? Furthermore, when I said, "I understand why you did not do it" earlier, I meant it in the way that it seems you allocated Beacon of Ruin pretty much for the sake of proving somebody wrong saying it is not the best option to go with whereas you think it is. I mean, unless I am missing something here, let me know, but it does not sound practical considering the coverage Flameblast already gives when cast over mobs, etc. " The rest of your Build is pretty solid, but I just question why Beacon of Ruin over Paragon of Calamity as you even say in the above underlined 'the prolif radius doesn't matter that much'. If that is the case, why allocate it? Beacon of Ruin just seems a little redundant for said reasons. I mean, yea, of course Beacon of Ruin has no 'less' multiplier like the Ele Prolif Gem itself does, and yes, Beacon of Ruin is better because of that, but I don't think Beacon of Ruin is really suited for Flameblast, and in the second part of your statement in the above quoted, you even admit that. When game developers ignore the criticism that would improve their game, the game fails. Just because a game receives a great amount of praise vs. only a small amount of criticism does not mean to call it a day and make a foolish misplaced assumption that it is perfect. (me) Last edited by HeavyMetalGear#2712 on Sep 19, 2016, 8:17:49 AM
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First of all there are litteraly 2Mods this build can't run and youre talking about "map diversity purposes". That's absurd to be honest. I really dont see the point of playing reflect maps only so you can spend like 1-2 chaos less per map? This build is for endgame mapping. Endgame mapping is not meant to be super cheap in currency. Therefore i do not understand your complain tbh.
EDIT: Flameblast doesnt have a 100%ignite Chance. Only 6seconds out of a 14seconds time period we have a 100%ignite chance. therfore we use beacon of ruin to spread the ignite to non-ignited enemies. thats the purpose of this ascendancy. Last edited by waldgaist#2606 on Sep 19, 2016, 8:20:58 AM
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" No, it is not absurd, because the more 'flexible' a Build is being able to run more Map mods, etc. the more other players are going to like it, and IF allocating Paragon of Calamity would be the better option as I am suggesting (you didn't even test it) over Beacon of Ruin, then why not use it? What are you getting bent out of shape over? " I am not complaining about anything. You are the one who built the Build (and shared it), therefore, you should be able to explain why you chose Beacon of Ruin over Paragon of Calamity. You can't expect to share Builds with other players and expect zero scrutiny. That's ignorant. Instead of looking at what I said as a complaint, why not refute my suggestion/constructive criticsm by explaining why it is is not better than what you chose to do by allocating Beacon of Ruin instead? " Interesting. I thought Flameblast rolled a 'Global' Critical Strike Chance and then Ignite enemies, but your explanation makes more sense now. Thank you for explaining. P.S. I was never trying to make it out like you are a complete noob, and I did not mean to come off like a jerk. I am sorry if I came off that way. I was just trying to get an answer about the choice you made by allocating Beacon of Ruin over Paragon of Calamity. I was simply not understanding. When game developers ignore the criticism that would improve their game, the game fails. Just because a game receives a great amount of praise vs. only a small amount of criticism does not mean to call it a day and make a foolish misplaced assumption that it is perfect. (me) Last edited by HeavyMetalGear#2712 on Sep 19, 2016, 8:51:44 AM
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I played with Paragon of Calamity and Liege of the Primordial. My dmg wasn't as high at it is now back then and i tried a ele ref map. It was not possible. Since then my dmg has gone up by quiet a bit. I don't understand how you could rly think i haven't tested this. Also i already posted the answer to why i think beacon of ruin is better than paragon of calamiity. if you want to stick to paragon of calamity thats fair enough. I just prefer clearspeed over safety or "map diversity purposes".
EDIT: Read you last post edit. Thanks for claryfing that you are just curious and not trying to be a jerk. Im sorry if i may have offended you too. Last edited by waldgaist#2606 on Sep 19, 2016, 8:37:51 AM
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