Death Penalties
I have read some of the suggestions and here is my opinion:
Cursed gear: Gives better bonuses but also negative effects, negative effects can be a weaker character in some aspects, reduced potion effectiveness and heres the main thing why they are called cursed, they make whatever penalty for death really harsh (stat/potions/droprate/exp gain and so on penalties for characters that plays Hardcore. and to make said cursed items effective in standard mode where its possible to recoup unlike hardcore in which your character *dies*: death penalties enchancers that effects standard league players more.). People have wrote this before i know but cursed items sounds like a neat idea especially for death penalty balancing. Example: Defiled Breastplate of the forgotten shade +30 str +10 dex -10% potion healing/mana regain Death penalties are 20% worse. Survival rewards aka Morale orbs: The more enemies you beat in a area the more morale orbs shards (30 stack) you gain as reward to use for festive/decorative items skins (you can change the skin of an item or skill by applying fancy orb which is crafted from fancy shards (30 stack) that is bought from Morale Orbs). If you die in an area, you loose the ability to gain shards until the area resets or after 1 day or something. Example: SlAyErOfDoOm (mauruder) just killed 40 foes in one area without dying, now he gained 1 Morale shard, he had 29 shards before of those so now 30 made a Morale orb. he now bought a fancy shard and since he had also those shards before from being good and not dying, he now has a Fancy orb. He now uses said fancy orb to make his sword glow. In short: 40 kill streak in an area => 1 morale shard (+29 morale shards) => morale orb => use morale orb to buy 1 fancy shard (+29 fancy shards) => fancy orb => use to get glowy sword (or whatever you prefer) and at every 40 kills after that in the same area (and not dying) youd get another morale shard. And as for penaltys, id say make leauge choices. So paying people that bought league certificats can make their own rules for their own leagues. Last edited by Planetsurvival#1516 on Jan 8, 2012, 6:06:51 PM
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" This :3 What you expect isn't what you get.
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No stat penalty. The "penalty" of waiting, or spending time to respawn is enough. Direct respawn or running from base camp.
- Mind you, a more creative answer would be interesting. Something different and refreshing without being jarring. I would stop looking at death like a negative. No one likes to have things removed. Why not give something when you meet death. Collect exp in a different way for a short time, giving both waiting "penalty" and a positive experience. |
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" Well the main issue is like this, which type of audience do you want to attract? HardCore Diablo 2: wants nostalgia. (loose exp) Newer players: wants new innovations. Like you become the reapers avatar and has to reap enemies until the reaper deems you worthy of life again. No loots will drop and you get a message saying "your debt has increased with the reaper next time". And the next time you have to kill more enemies to get more experience. And if you die lotsa times times your going to loose currency to the reaper aswell. Anyway. Point is: different leagues should have different and customizeable death penalty. I for one do enjoy some creative options, as long as it doesnt make playing poe a mindless "oh i dies... well ill just kill and pretend it never happened... i died again... who cares...ill still not loose much" |
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A minor debuff that stacks upon each death would be nice. For one death, the disadvantage would be near negligible, but rapid kamikaze attacks would become futile.
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Im sure someone in the 92 pages here has said something along the lines as im going to state.
Maybe after a certain level, a level far enough ahead to have some decent gear and a better understanding of the type of attacks and formation of attack you should use to not die, and after that level up being a exp deduction or even like -10% of your over all power/health/mana/armor and then have to fight you way back to 0% or of course normal exp. Somewhere around lvl 25-35 would be an ideal spot I believe [IMG][/IMG]
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Here are some Death Penalty Facts.
When people commit crimes they are punished. Death penalty is one such punishment which is the biggest and cruelest of all the punishments. But not every person who dies against a reported crime is a real criminal. There are some countries that do not kill their criminals but like life imprisonment. Some countries execute their criminals for crimes not only killing. |
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When dead, the player is changed into a ghost and needs to return into the town (or near place) for reanimation. He keeps all weapons and armor and can't fight. It would be a pure time punishment. One could also add damage to the ghost by certain creatures who can see the ghosted player and attack him if he comes near by subtracting exp points. Sorry if this was suggested before. And don't know if it fits into the game concepts. Devs said one should be active in the forum to be intvited into the beta but how can one make good suggestions if one doesn't know the game. There should be some standalone offline client with an example level at least. age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill! Last edited by vio#1992 on Jan 17, 2012, 7:28:20 AM
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" This has been one of the easier beta's to get into if you ask me (26 days after registering for me). So be patient I'm sure you'll be in soon enough! As for death penalty I am ok with XP loss - be it permanent or one of the XP loss bank methods I leave that up to GGG. I like the idea too of having to raise as a spirit and fight your way to a good spirit that can ressurect you into your corporeal form, it would certainly be interesting, but what happens when you die in the ghost world? It just brings more complications. PM me in forums if you need any help! Malice's Newbie FaQ: Last edited by Sarganym#4533 on Jan 18, 2012, 2:23:04 PM
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If there is a penalty when you die. Why not have more rare items for not dying? Kind of like a give and take. I came so close to dying with a big boss and all I got was crappy gear.
Last edited by shadowdawg#7876 on Jan 18, 2012, 9:49:43 PM
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