Death Penalties

I think that if you lose all ur stuff when you die and everyone can pick it up it's too hursh. Imagine you lose stuff you bought for real money. It takes away the apetite of playing. But i agree with every other idea ;)
MilfHunter wrote:
I think that if you lose all ur stuff when you die and everyone can pick it up it's too hursh. Imagine you lose stuff you bought for real money. It takes away the apetite of playing. But i agree with every other idea ;)
You can't buy items with money, unless you do so through a 3rd-party. That would be cheating, anyway, so you would deserve to lose it all.
Closed Beta/Alpha Tester back after a 10-year hiatus.
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MilfHunter wrote:
I think that if you lose all ur stuff when you die and everyone can pick it up it's too hursh. Imagine you lose stuff you bought for real money. It takes away the apetite of playing. But i agree with every other idea ;)

the real money thing has already been discussed so i won't go on about that but i just want to say that that death penalty will not happen except in cut-throat leagues, so no worries :)
Not sure if you guys need any suggestions still but, it would be awesome to spawn on "hell" or something, and need to fight your way back. The more you die and the higher your level, the longer the Path to Life becomes. You could be like a spirit, or just the same one but with really crapy weapons, so it's a real challenge to revive.

Just please not loss of EXP, that totaly kills it. try loss of gold, or put some options upon a place u can choose to respawn, n if its liek closer to the death spot it gets more expensive, n for example to respawn on current position u have a penalty that weakens ur stats for an certian percentage.I know its not a solution but pls dont touch the exp xD.
Btw i like CheeseBurger's idea :) 2 .
There is no gold, and the currency items don't have standard values. Can't really make a pay-on-death system in this game. I'm sure higher-level characters would me much more upset about losing a super-rare currency item than they would about losing 15% xp. It takes longer to get the currency than it does to get the xp back.

Anything that takes you away from your party is a bad thing. If someone dies, the party shouldn't have to wait 5 minutes for him to get back to fighting.

XP loss is quick and easy. It doesn't take your nice gear or currency, it doesn't keep you from progressing, and it doesn't annoy your party members by making them wait for you. What it does do is put a severe penalty on death, which is exactly what death should have.
Closed Beta/Alpha Tester back after a 10-year hiatus.
First in the credits!
Becouse the last post of GGG (from Chris) is on page 18 of this thread, I wonder if GGG doesn't have a answer for us :-) becouse I have seen so much good death penalties on this thread. GGG did you choose a death penalty already?

Nederlands? Voeg me toe: Tiems
Last edited by Tiems#3165 on Nov 21, 2011, 7:43:26 PM
CheeseBurger wrote:
Not sure if you guys need any suggestions still but, it would be awesome to spawn on "hell" or something, and need to fight your way back. The more you die and the higher your level, the longer the Path to Life becomes. You could be like a spirit, or just the same one but with really crappy weapons, so it's a real challenge to revive.

this idea is really nice! its innovative and IMO fits with the style of Path of Exile, also if you fail(there'd be a set timer) on this path you would get a debuff for say 7mins30secs? the debuff could be a weakened state in which you have very low HP & MP, and your physical & spell dmg would be very weak as well
Also the debuff will give the player a breather, a time to think things throughout their day or go get a quick- bite, make some calls, personal things! Functionally also gives the player a decision to keep playing or not(dont want people to lose their health over a game because this game is too addicting haha)
and also, doesn't make the player be irritated by loss of exp or gold.

Possible to expand cheesburgers idea, whilst in hell you could fight with crappy gear and reduced stats, or you could be a roaming spirit trying to solve a puzzle to open the door back to life or even better a roaming spirit fighting your way back whilst solving a puzzle to open the door to life, then you revive back in town(or waypoint in the area which you died, or the closet waypoint) with the above mentioned debuff or no debuff if you succeed
Beta-Ing since - November 25, 2011 5:43 AM
Last edited by sacktizzle#3541 on Nov 26, 2011, 11:50:50 PM
CheeseBurger wrote:
Not sure if you guys need any suggestions still but, it would be awesome to spawn on "hell" or something, and need to fight your way back. The more you die and the higher your level, the longer the Path to Life becomes. You could be like a spirit, or just the same one but with really crapy weapons, so it's a real challenge to revive.

reminds me of ultima online :p

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