Death Penalties
A simple xp penalty should do just fine. Other over the top penalties that some users suggesting is a bit overkill in my opinion. For example if you die when playing with party and receive a huge debuff which makes you completely useless for some time. It will only result in frustration and slowing progress or even kick from your party.
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1)I believe if a person dies, the penalty is the areas resets. --- so they have to clear through the cave or whatever else they were doing again. this is casual gameplay. it would make them regret dying, but really lose nothing. (not sure how this will work with players in a group, and not sure if items that were on the ground vanish?) i think the items should vanish.
2)Armor Durability --- would be another efficent way to implement a death penalty without being severe. People who play casually dont want to play for an hour then die, just to find that hour of gameplay was wasted because they were careless. If you implemented a magic item decrease, personally i would just go afk in town or get off the game untill the effects wear off. Last edited by Dakame#1960 on Sep 8, 2011, 7:28:47 PM
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Since the Thread is way longer than i am willing to read. (Yes dam'it im as lazy as hell!) Here is my idea, i apologize in advance if i copied someone else, without even getting to the page where i shouldve read it.
Firstly, im all for giving survivors a present, or more like a advancing buff. Lets say you kill a normal (weak) monster, you get +0,01% drop chance. By no means i mean MAGICAL, i mean the drop chance overall, which includes magical/rare/good (put your name for it here xD) items too. You cap the buff to a total 100% which means, you have to kill 10000 weak monsters to get that 100%. Its a permanent buff, which accumulates till it reaches max. On the other hand, you reset this the moment someone dies. Ofcourse, im somewhat against a simplistic way of death penality that only implys that you lose something quite meaningless, like a drop-chance bonus, instead id like to go through a massacre to get a key back to the "World of the Living". This key should hold for a while, i would even put charges on it. So, no matter how often you die at the hands of the same Monster/Horde of mobs, you can revive where you died, atleast till the charges reach 0, at which point you need to get through the "World of the Dead" again to recharge the "Key". Ofcourse, id put an option there (even if the Key has still charges on it!) if you want to use the Key/go to the "World of the Dead" to recharge it, or run from town. On a sidenote, i hate Corpserunning. With that said im against leaving a corpse with stuff, loosing xp, loosing currency... to hell with the listing, i hate everything that lets me loose anything "Material" (even if its digital, or only for a trivial amount of time. xD) which i got my fingers on, no matter if it was easy or hard to get! I can overcome some timeloss, in which i can have some fun killing hordes of Monsters to get a Key, even if they dont give me anything else, besides the fun of smashing their dead bodies under my feet! With this, both sides are served (In my opinion atleast.) the "good" or "lucky" players get something for being alive, even after being through some minor or bigger ordeals. While the "not so lucky" player gets no buff till he learns that dieing is A DAMN BAD THING! to have happen to you and should be avoided. :D Oh yeah, id put some differences on the buff gain, as how hard a monster is to kill. Im aware that the difficulty of a Monster differs quite a bit between classes, or for this game, between skills used/leveled. But for the most part, can be somewhat standard made for the majority of players/builds used. To be honest, id put even an harder punishment for death, which consumes some more Time than just killing a horde of Monsters... like i said original, make it a massacre. Give them an unending amount of health and mana/energy for the time they are in the Underworld, much like Godmode. Than let them cut through hordes of enemys (it should be twice as time consuming as running from town, since the key has charges to spawn more than once on the point of death.), which neither drop or give xp. Timeloss is always a good penality for being to hasty, or to make risky bets. Atleast for the mainstream players that is. For players in a group, put a barrier around the others. So that they cannot advance any further. Either they all start again from Town, or they can "help" their comerede by clicking his Corpse, entering the Underworld aswell and help killing the hordes somewhat faster. This gives the others the option to lessen the wait, while it gives the dead player the hope that he can still have the oppurtunity to get a rare item too. Id even include that no item that has dropped, can be picked up or wont vanish while there is a dead player in the Group on that particuliar instance. I assume in this, that there are no other players BESIDE the ones in this one group. Now i think it got to a pretty lenghty and complicated post for my idea, but i still hope that some people got the (atleast i still think that it is) pretty simple meaning. |
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"Basically you're presenting what PatBu80 suggested 2 pages ago and mix it with the afterlife challenge idea, that is quite common. Of course everyone has different ideas on how to implement it, but those are mere technicalities. There are many ways to die, but only one way to live!
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Some ideas:
-Loss of XP(cannot lose levels) -Diablo style, where you have to run back naked to your corpse, recovering your items. -Short-term debuff on resurrection(rez sickness in WoW, not that long of a duration tho) -Partial loss of inventory items -Durability degradation You can combine the above in many different ways, some being more nasty than others. These variations encompass every type of penalty possible: Xp loss, time loss, monetary loss. Also giving the player a choice would be a very nice feature, for example: -Respawn at the place of death, but lose items/ XP -Rspawn at town but have to run back(lose time) Some of the more extreme combinations could add a lot of challenge and excitement to more difficult leagues, but for default, the above two variants would be the most balanced i think. |
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Kind of a goofy idea but I´ll post it anyways.
When you die you meet one of 5 gods and depending on which god you meet you´ll get a debuff for 5 minutes. The debuffs could be reduced xp gain, or reduced maximum life or something of the likes. Imo some kind of event would be cool rather than just a "release button" and then a respawn. As someone said earlier the punishment really depends on the circumstances like if players often dies or get ganked by a higher leveled character in PvP. |
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I saw one idea earlier in this thread that would be interesting and is worth mentioning again. Players should lose XP once they die, but a chunk of that lost experience turns into the equivalent of Rested XP from WoW.
Maybe even combine that with a debuff idea, where the player is weakened while they have Rested XP. This could give the player a few options--fight while they're weak and recover some of that lost XP, or forfeit the Rested XP and fight at full power. |
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I believe in a game with second chances. If you're in battle and you get struck down, you get to fight death for your life back.
When players die, they'll be teleported to an arena of the dead. In the area, they'll have to fight the minions of the God of Death. (it will be challenging and will last 5 minutes). Culminating in an epic battle with a doppelganger. (A mob with the same skills and equipment as the player) If they triumph, they respawn at the area they left. If they lose in the arena, they respawn in town with death penalties that differ in severity based on the league. This will make it extremely fun to play especially in leagues like HC. The adrenaline rush you get in knowing that that is the last chance you get in saving your character will be phenomenal. Youtube: Twitch: Last edited by Sareth#5930 on Sep 9, 2011, 7:14:34 PM
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Like many have said before, death itself is a penalty already. Making player weaker only makes the encounter harder, further increase the chance of dying again. To most player who just playing casually, this is simply not fun at all (Since in hardcore death penalty is, well, death).
I think a fair death penalty would be choose either respawn instantly on spot, and lose exp or choose to resurrect in town with less penalty. It's essentially trading near term time loss with long term time loss. To prevent people from abusing system when they have no exp in current level, a negative exp system can be implement. Where the character retains the level and stats, but gets a debuff that essentially lower his level. The player will have to gain enough exp back to return to level. This also ensure that you won't suddenly not able to use items if your level is actually reduced. With town portal scroll in play, we can set it so that town portal cannot be used without receiving penalty if the player has just died. This prevent players from bypassing instant respawn penalty. We can even add some feature where if a town portal is opened by another player after the player dies. The portal owner gains some exp when the respawn player uses the portal to get back into combat. Just my two cents. |
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Something simple that doesn't distract from the flow of the rest of the game or suddenly bring it to an awkward stop, but something that still carries enough of a penalty to encourage smart play. Experience penalty is a simple and effective concept.
Nobody really wants to wait 10 minutes for a resurrection sickness to wear off, or jump twenty extra hoops of afterlife puzzles just so they can get back into the game proper. While the latter could be fun, it's not really in the spirit of the genre, and the former is just outright silly. |
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